I wanted to share with you guys the argument I had today with my mother. I've been away last week in a far away city for my college exams. I've been staying at a friend, a JW who, just like me, is actually an atheist and doesn't believe a word the WT says and knows it's a bullshit cult but because of his family and friends he still stays in. He hasn't been to the KH for about three months now. So, of course we didn't go to the Sunday meeting. Instead we went to have fun with a Polish and a Hong Kong chick from our college and got drunk,lol.
Today my mother asked if we went to the hall on Sunday. Knowing she has many friends at that Hall and she would immediately find out if I was lying I admitted that I wasnt'. She seemed a little upset about it and asked me why. I said I didn't have a suit with me and I don't like going in jeans and casual clothes at the hall because everyone would look funny at me. She asked why I haven't found a way to go, and just kept insisting. I got a little angry and said I didn't go because I don't like any of the brothers at the hall and I actually despise most for being back-stabbing snakes.
Anyway, she makes a lot of claims about how Jokehova won't give me any blessings now, won't listen to my prayers and a lot of other illogical stuff. I said there's no proof Jokehovah currently intereferes in the world with blessings and answering prayers. That the world wouldn't make sense if he did. I asked her about all the JW's that had very bad things happen to them in field circus, coming from conventions, etc. She gets a little angry and says I have no faith and I'll get killed at Armagheddon and cites me some verses about Jah killing those who don't obey and question him.
I then said, he must be a big dictator (we live in an ex-communist country so she understands this analogy all too well). He doesn't really give me or others a choice, he just says, do as I command or die. Of course she now gets even more angry and threatens me with physical harm if I keep talking about Jah that way(lololol). She says Jah let's us all chose whether to follow and love him or not. I told her it's about as much of a choice as putting a gun to a man's head and saying do exactly as I tell you or die. That stirred things up but as we we're arguing I could see her hesistate and actually think about what I said.
However, she didn't give up and proceeded saying Jah is great and awesome for giving us this perfect world and that the only alternative is heading to the imoral, degraded world filled with wicked people. That the world he created originally was filled with peace and everything on Earth lived to serve and benefit humans, that it was a world without violence. Then I ask, how come there are predators? What about the animals that are absolute killing machines? Creatures that have huge claws, jaws, canines, poison, vision that tracks prey, feel blood from way away, all with the purpose of being better at killing. How can that be explained? Those creatures have their entire existence centered around hunting and killing.
She said Jokehova didn't make them that way. He made them perfect, peaceful companions for humans. But then I asked how did they get this way? She blurted our mumbling: "Well... I don't know... Maybe they evolved or something". What? Evolved? Coming from a person who was a witness since the early 70's? I didn't continue the argument because she was hesistant to say anything and appeared to be thinking. To be honest, I never, ever questioned "the truth" in front of her before, I was just showing apathy. That's why I expected a harsh reaction. Calling the elders or something, but no. An hour later she was talking like we didn't even argue. In a good mood even.