@Bob_NC Hahah, exactly! How can this be? This invalides the WT utopia of a paradise were we cuddle with tigers and lions. Did Jehovah create animals whose entire existence is centered around violence? That doesn't seem very loving of him. Did they change on their own? If they evolved this way then what's to say that not every creature has evolved and the theory of evolution is correct? The questions go on and on and either way you take it, the WT utopian propaganda doesn't seem to make sense, even to dubs.
JoinedPosts by cookiemaster
I got my mother to say animals evolved !
by cookiemaster ini wanted to share with you guys the argument i had today with my mother.
i've been away last week in a far away city for my college exams.
i've been staying at a friend, a jw who, just like me, is actually an atheist and doesn't believe a word the wt says and knows it's a bullshit cult but because of his family and friends he still stays in.
Getting really for three days in hell
by cookiemaster inhey guys, there's another thing i wanted to share with you.
i know this topic has been discussed over and over again, but it's just so fun to complain about it.
we're going to the district convention this weekend.
Hey guys, there's another thing I wanted to share with you. I know this topic has been discussed over and over again, but it's just so fun to complain about it. We're going to the district convention this weekend. It's three days in absolute hell (to be pronounced at the site: "blessing from Jehovah"). A convention hall placed in a field in the middle of nowhere (gives of all huge cult compound vibe). Located in the absolute hottest region of the country. At this time often registering temperatures of around 40 degrees Celsius in the shade. But there is no shade, as during the summer is being held on the outside, so more would fit at one event. Event though the circumscription raised more than 10 million euros for the recently built assembly hall, they weren't able to install a sort of roof on the outside for some peculiar reason.
You feel your blood boiling in your head. Old people are fainting. The ambulance has come almost every time these last two years since the damn thing was built. You get sun burns. The benches are small and made of metal. They are terribly uncomfotable to sit in for hours on end without moving, plus without shade they get so warm you could fry eggs on them. The convention hall (or what the hell you call this pit of hell) is far, far away from any large congregation. Most have to travel hundreds of miles and are having a hard time to find accomodations in the small town relatively nearby.
There's only one commercial stand you can buy stuff from, coincidentally owned by a JW. Cars get deadly hot in the shadeless parking lot. There aren't any trees. Some sick and elderly are allowed to enter the hall but the entrace is guarded fiercely by individuals tasked with keeping the order(not sure what's they're called in English speaking countries). They don't start the AC system in the hall because that would cost money. They just open all windows and door but that doesn't do anything in a building filled with hundreds of people when outside it's deadly hot. The speakers are the same boring dubs every year. I regularly sleep at conventions sitting on my ass on that hard metal bench, even though everyone is giving me dirty looks. The only upside of last year was the presence of a few incredibly hot young women. Other than that, uncomfortable, endangering, boring, cult propaganda, filled with old people, smelly, time wasting, not to mention incredibly expensive, three day hell. Is it the same for you?
I got my mother to say animals evolved !
by cookiemaster ini wanted to share with you guys the argument i had today with my mother.
i've been away last week in a far away city for my college exams.
i've been staying at a friend, a jw who, just like me, is actually an atheist and doesn't believe a word the wt says and knows it's a bullshit cult but because of his family and friends he still stays in.
I wanted to share with you guys the argument I had today with my mother. I've been away last week in a far away city for my college exams. I've been staying at a friend, a JW who, just like me, is actually an atheist and doesn't believe a word the WT says and knows it's a bullshit cult but because of his family and friends he still stays in. He hasn't been to the KH for about three months now. So, of course we didn't go to the Sunday meeting. Instead we went to have fun with a Polish and a Hong Kong chick from our college and got drunk,lol.
Today my mother asked if we went to the hall on Sunday. Knowing she has many friends at that Hall and she would immediately find out if I was lying I admitted that I wasnt'. She seemed a little upset about it and asked me why. I said I didn't have a suit with me and I don't like going in jeans and casual clothes at the hall because everyone would look funny at me. She asked why I haven't found a way to go, and just kept insisting. I got a little angry and said I didn't go because I don't like any of the brothers at the hall and I actually despise most for being back-stabbing snakes.
Anyway, she makes a lot of claims about how Jokehova won't give me any blessings now, won't listen to my prayers and a lot of other illogical stuff. I said there's no proof Jokehovah currently intereferes in the world with blessings and answering prayers. That the world wouldn't make sense if he did. I asked her about all the JW's that had very bad things happen to them in field circus, coming from conventions, etc. She gets a little angry and says I have no faith and I'll get killed at Armagheddon and cites me some verses about Jah killing those who don't obey and question him.
I then said, he must be a big dictator (we live in an ex-communist country so she understands this analogy all too well). He doesn't really give me or others a choice, he just says, do as I command or die. Of course she now gets even more angry and threatens me with physical harm if I keep talking about Jah that way(lololol). She says Jah let's us all chose whether to follow and love him or not. I told her it's about as much of a choice as putting a gun to a man's head and saying do exactly as I tell you or die. That stirred things up but as we we're arguing I could see her hesistate and actually think about what I said.
However, she didn't give up and proceeded saying Jah is great and awesome for giving us this perfect world and that the only alternative is heading to the imoral, degraded world filled with wicked people. That the world he created originally was filled with peace and everything on Earth lived to serve and benefit humans, that it was a world without violence. Then I ask, how come there are predators? What about the animals that are absolute killing machines? Creatures that have huge claws, jaws, canines, poison, vision that tracks prey, feel blood from way away, all with the purpose of being better at killing. How can that be explained? Those creatures have their entire existence centered around hunting and killing.
She said Jokehova didn't make them that way. He made them perfect, peaceful companions for humans. But then I asked how did they get this way? She blurted our mumbling: "Well... I don't know... Maybe they evolved or something". What? Evolved? Coming from a person who was a witness since the early 70's? I didn't continue the argument because she was hesistant to say anything and appeared to be thinking. To be honest, I never, ever questioned "the truth" in front of her before, I was just showing apathy. That's why I expected a harsh reaction. Calling the elders or something, but no. An hour later she was talking like we didn't even argue. In a good mood even.
The end of Watchtower in the western world ?
by cookiemaster inhey guys!
i was just thinking, with all the new promising stem cell research and trials, many scientists predict that in a decade or two, advanced biotech will make possible to extend human lifespan considerably and soon after indefinitely.
also, access to vast amounts of information is becoming ubiquotous throughout the world and it seems that it's increasingly harder to keep people ignorant and in the dark.
Hey guys! I was just thinking, with all the new promising stem cell research and trials, many scientists predict that in a decade or two, advanced biotech will make possible to extend human lifespan considerably and soon after indefinitely. Also, access to vast amounts of information is becoming ubiquotous throughout the world and it seems that it's increasingly harder to keep people ignorant and in the dark. As the world is becoming more connected and informed it's also harder to maintain the us vs. them mentality active.
Will this mean the end of WT in the western world? Let's face it. One of the biggest selling points of religion in general, and JW's in particular, is having a way to circumvent death (generally by embracing a fantasy of a paradise, heaven, etc) . I have a scientist friend who works for one of the biggest pharmaceutical companies in the world. He can't disclose specific details about his work, but he claims his company will be able, by the mid 2020's, to add another year of life expectancy for every year that passes with the help of targeted stem cell treatments, as well as to regrow limbs, organs and cure countless diseases. His claims are supported by numerous scientific reports.
If aging will no longer be an issue in first world countries, I think the WT will lose a lot of followers. Plus, from what I can see, most children that grow in JW families do not become JW's themselves, or if they do, they leave in their youth. So in the western world things are becoming increasingly hard for them. As old generations die, and very few embrace the "truth", their ranks will fall. Just in my cong, from the late 90' until now the number dropped from 70 members to around 25. Most of them were old and died, and a considerable number have been abused by the elders and left.
The only places were the borg can see growth are developing countries which are generally very dogmatic and inclined toward Christianity. Places like Brazil and other poor countries in South America, maybe some countries of Africa, SE Asia (Philippines). But even so, it don't see a bright future for the borg as information comes to all people, more and more and becoming educated and less religious. What do you guys think?
PS: Please forgive any grammar or spelling mistakes. English is my second language.
WT response to artificial blood
by cookiemaster inhey guys !
here's an interesting piece of news.
apparently there's an israeli company out there that has managed to produce universally accepted artificial blood with the help of stem cells.
Hey guys ! Here's an interesting piece of news. Apparently there's an Israeli company out there that has managed to produce universally accepted artificial blood with the help of stem cells. They still need to do a little refining on the manufacturing process to make it more profitable, but they're hoping they'll be able to manufacture blood on an industrial scale sometimes soon.
What do you think will be WT's position on this one. Will they allow JW to receive artificial blood ? This is still blood, but does not come from a living being, so using it wouldn't show disrespect to life, or some other shit reason they invoke. What do you guys think ?
Hypnosis and control of JW's
by cookiemaster inhey guys, what do you think about this: http://christianpeper.wordpress.com/2010/10/10/hypnotism-in-the-jehovah%e2%80%99s-witness-watchtower-2/.
plese make abstraction of the rest of the crap on the website.
this theory sounds pretty intriguing and it might have some degree of validity.
WT Wizard Thank you dear wizard ! Hahah, you're so right ! So much crap in the life of a JW. Hypnosis might be a small component, but there's a huge amout of things that make you more and more a mental slave of the Filthful and Disgraceful Slavebugger. I kinda manipulated my parents not to go to the meetings for a few months now. No field circus, no family study, no conventions, no nothing. But man, those disgusting leeches hold a tight grip.
My mother is crying all day and is almost in a depression for longing to be with the brothers and sisters and sclaving to jokehova properly, but she still doesn't do it becase she knows deep down that nobody from the borg gives a crap about us. Oh, you should have seen the dirty looks our family got at the memorial. We chose not to spend all our money on the 200 miles away arsembly and actually pay our bills. Apparently that makes you a paria among this loving bunch.
Hypnosis and control of JW's
by cookiemaster inhey guys, what do you think about this: http://christianpeper.wordpress.com/2010/10/10/hypnotism-in-the-jehovah%e2%80%99s-witness-watchtower-2/.
plese make abstraction of the rest of the crap on the website.
this theory sounds pretty intriguing and it might have some degree of validity.
Hey guys, what do you think about this: http://christianpeper.wordpress.com/2010/10/10/hypnotism-in-the-jehovah%E2%80%99s-witness-watchtower-2/
Plese make abstraction of the rest of the crap on the website. This theory sounds pretty intriguing and it might have some degree of validity.
Jehovah is evil
by cookiemaster ingoing to the meetings and hearing them say how loving is our god disgusts me.
jehovah is actually a mass murdered.
there's an interesting website called evilbible.com, were all god's murders are listed.
Thanks Cofty ! That's an awesome exercise when it comes to understanding the atrocities in the bible. I wonder why they don't this sort of thing at convention as BU2B said. And yes, Jesus did worship Jehobler or whatever his name is.
Redvip - I think the disconnect comes from the difference in culture. The OT was written mainly by ancient Middle Eastern tribesmen and thus reflects their thinking. The NT was however written by people in a different culture in the first century AD. They were now a mix of jews and romans, culturally speaking. This different culture, had different values, thinking, social structure, etc and the NT reflects that. That's were the disconnect lies in my opinion.
Jehovah is evil
by cookiemaster ingoing to the meetings and hearing them say how loving is our god disgusts me.
jehovah is actually a mass murdered.
there's an interesting website called evilbible.com, were all god's murders are listed.
Kate, you have every right to believe that. Everyone should be allowed to make their own choices and form their own beliefs. Nevertheless, in my mind, these two go together. I want to make clear that when I'm talking about god, I'm talking about christianity's idea of god, not necessarily some unknown force or entity that might have created our universe. However, as long as there's no scientific evidence that proves the existance of such a being, I remain skeptical. Since such an entity would not meddle in Earth's affairs, I don't see why I should care about it's existence either.
Jehovah is evil
by cookiemaster ingoing to the meetings and hearing them say how loving is our god disgusts me.
jehovah is actually a mass murdered.
there's an interesting website called evilbible.com, were all god's murders are listed.
LillyC - Hi Lilly ! Welcome ! About god being the source of pure love. Well, it depends which god you are referring to. If you're talking about the god from the bible, then I have to respectfully disagree. The bible clearly states his actions, and he is without a doubt evil. I don't see how a murderer could be the source of love.