Of course, she's still weakened and needs time to recover. But how did the bloody elders respond to this situation? Without any regard or consideration, they called her the day after she got out of the hospital and absolutely insisted to meet her. She said she still feels bad and needs some time to recover. But no, they absolutely insisted that they will come on Saturday to talk to her. Without showing any consideration for her health, these bastards told her directly that by receiving a blood transfusion she disassociated from the borg and that they will announce at the KH at the next meeting at she's no longer a JW.
This is just after she measured her BP in front of them and it was 180/90. The miserable bastards could have killed her. Of course, she was upset and cried for a few minutes. But, later in the day she seemed to not be that upset anymore. I think she's just happy to be alive. The elders said they wanted to talk to me too, as they believe I was the one to convince my mother to receive a transfusion. I refused to talk to them because honestly it would make me so mad that I would probably just yell and curse at the bastards and I'd get disfellowshipped too, which would only upset my mother even more. I'd like to avoid that, considering her current state. The last thing she needs is more sorrow.
The funny thing is, they didn't give a shit about her after they initially bullied her into signing the papers refusing blood. They just went on with their lives, not caring that she was about to die. They refused to help us raise money to buy her the expensive alternative treatments, saying it's the family responsibility. Honestly, I can't even begin to express how perversely they behaved. They pressured her into choosing death, and when that didn't work they were dissapointed and came to punish her. What a morally filthy death cult.
After the elders left, I read to both my parents all the reasons why the JW blood doctrine is illogical and false from JW Facts. They both admitted to have never understood the reasoning behind it, saying that "the brothers who came up with this doctrine probably have good intentions but it doesn't make sense that God would punish you for saving your life. The verses talking about blood clearly didn't refer to transfusions".
With my mother being effectively excommunicated, I don't know if it's a good thing or not. I've always dreamed of getting my parents out of this cult. But I hate how much pain it causes to my mother and I'm afraid that in a few months/years she'll be back in. I was thinking of calling the elders and threatening them with suing them if they announce that my mother is no longer a JW. I thought about creating a media campaign against JWs. I don't want to see my mother following their orders. Why follow their terms. But doing any of these things would probably just upset my mother, and she doesn't need that in her state. So, I don't know what to do for now. But I surely despise this death cult like never before.