JoinedPosts by cookiemaster
My mother has nervous breakdown because we missed the memorial.
by cookiemaster inmy parents insisted that i'd take them to the memorial.
my cousin said he'd come too and another brother who doesn't have a car begged to join.
i was dreading having to go through exactly the same thing again.
dbq407 - So sorry for your loss. It was indeed the right decision to make. Today I've learned that multiple semi trucks went off the road due to the weather conditions and blocked the entire mountain pass for the rest of the night. So, if we would have went, we would've risked not only a huge fine from the police, injury or death from a possible accident but also remaining stuck for the entire night on top of a mountain pass. At least at home we had comfort and security and today my mother managed to got over her "loss" of not being there for the memorial. So, yes, she had a terrible tantrum because of it, but overall we've all been much better off this way.Link +5 / -0 -
My mother has nervous breakdown because we missed the memorial.
by cookiemaster inmy parents insisted that i'd take them to the memorial.
my cousin said he'd come too and another brother who doesn't have a car begged to join.
i was dreading having to go through exactly the same thing again.
Brandnew - If I had done that she would've had her nervous breakdown right at the news of my refusal. I explained to them all the problems with this cult but they still wanted to go. Had no other way to get there other than with me, so I thought I shouldn't be and asshole and force them not to go. They would've hated me for it. Now they can hate Jehovah for giving us crappy weather.Link +7 / -1 -
My mother has nervous breakdown because we missed the memorial.
by cookiemaster inmy parents insisted that i'd take them to the memorial.
my cousin said he'd come too and another brother who doesn't have a car begged to join.
i was dreading having to go through exactly the same thing again.
TakeOffTheCrown - English is my second language, so probably I wasn't too clear. Yes, I was the one supposed to provide transportation for them. This is a rather remote mountain area with few people. There's no public transport. I'm the only one among them with a car because all of them wasted their time pioneering instead of working. The only way to the KH is through a 20 mile winding mountain pass that is very dangerous during blizzards.
Everyone else - Thank you for the encouragement! She wasn't only crying. She started screaming insanely. Her blood pressure went up. Tried to calm her down but she was getting even more hysterical. Gave her a Xanax and some blood pressure medication. It was like a crazy, full-on mental breakdown. She's more calm now but still acts like she just attended a funeral. This brainwashing stuff leads to crazy things, I'll tell ya!
And yes, extremely funny how there wasn't a single day with snow in the past month but today. It literally hasn't snowed for months except today when we're having a huge blizzard like the Snowmagheddon is coming. I hope at least some JWs will see the irony in that. Is this Jah showing his disappointment? Where's his blessing? Surely many in the congregation had to miss the memorial this year because of the blizzard. Or is this Satan messing with the weather? I'm sure they'll find some excuse...Link +16 / -0 -
My mother has nervous breakdown because we missed the memorial.
by cookiemaster inmy parents insisted that i'd take them to the memorial.
my cousin said he'd come too and another brother who doesn't have a car begged to join.
i was dreading having to go through exactly the same thing again.
My parents insisted that I'd take them to the memorial. My cousin said he'd come too and another brother who doesn't have a car begged to join. I was dreading having to go through exactly the same thing again. Every memorial talk is exactly the same and manages to be even more boring than regular talks. I've even downloaded on my tablet some books to read while attending to alleviate the boredom.
Funny thing is, a huge blizzard started just two hours before the memorial. The road to the KH is on a steep mountain with extremely curvy roads. And I've only had snow tires on the front of my car and without snow tires on all the wheels I would've risked a huge fine from the police. So, I made it clear that we can't take my car. I'm pretty happy about not having to go. Only a bit embarrassed that the brother that relied on me was left without transportation.
My mother on the other hand cried hysterically and almost had a nervous breakdown. It's kinda funny in a sad way. She was almost killed by the JW blood ban. Disfellowshipped for taking blood. Every JW treats her like dirt. Yet, she's still extremely brainwashed by them, despite my best efforts to show her TTAT. Sad.Link +19 / -0 -
Blood Transfusion and Eating
by dugout ini get highly irritated when this subject comes up.
this idiot gave a talk in my hall recently and said that transfusion of blood and eating blood was the same thing.
my wife accepts this reasoning.
Doubtfully Yours - No offense but MY MOTHER NEARLY DIED BECAUSE OF THE BLOOD DOCTRINE YOU ASSHOLE! There are countless situations when a blood transfusion is the only way to save someone's life. My mother had undiagnosed pernicious anemia. She also had a stomach ulcer which was bleeding. She arrived at the hospital with a hemoglobin of 3.8. A healthy person has between 12-16 hemoglobin. The doctors did not know why she had so little blood left (they didn't know about the long-term undiagnosed pernicious anemia).
So, they had no way of making her better. She had so little blood even tests were dangerous to her. She could've died at any second. Had days left at most. A JW "assistance" committee came and basically told her doctors that they're stupid and all she needs is a substitute like erythropoietin. Only NONE of them had any medical training and were talking out of their ass because erythropoietin was completely USELESS in her condition. There was no other life-saving treatment other than a blood transfusion.
I've begged and cried for her to save her life. Explained her all the flaws of the blood doctrine. Eventually, she accepted the transfusion. Immediately she was a whole new person with a normal hemoglobin. The doctors fixed the ulcer. Found out about her pernicious anemia. Gave her B12 shots. Now she's an relatively healthy person with a normal hemoglobin level, living a normal life.
Had she taken the advice of the JWs (which BTW was delivered in a very aggressive and bullying manner), she would have died. Believe me, I have no words to describe how repulsive I find these scumfucks and their doctrines. Not long ago a 20 year old JW girl from my country died after a car crash because her parents didn't allow the doctors to give her a transfusion.
This cult and this doctrine is as repulsive has the Nazi doctrine or any other filthy, despicable thing that has caused unnecessary loss of human life. Thousands upon thousands of people are loosing their life every year because of this. The JW holocaust is an ongoing one. Hundreds of thousands (if not millions adding the vaccine and organ bans) have been lost and continue to be lost because of this wretched ideology. There is no justification for this nonsense.Link +2 / -0 -
Am l the only one.?The older l become the more hostile l become towards god.
by atomant inthey say you mellow out with age.maybe so but not in my case.l feel its an insult and degrading to us humans to have to live the way we do if there is a god.deep down l guess l do believe theres a god but lm having great difficulty trying to understand why things are the way they are.l dont need a bible bashing from anyone l just feel frustrated and helpless.l just battle on like everyone else but l get the feeling theres a whole lot more to our existence.
I don't believe God exists, but if he were to exist, he would be the most evil and cruel being to have ever existed. The biggest asshole in the universe.Link +2 / -0 -
The Modern Exodus: Perception or Reality?
by Hadriel ini'm completely new at this however just in my joining this forum and of course interacting with others i can't help but notice what appears to be a significant exodus from the organization.. for those of you that have long been in this game have you seen this before?
i'm really curious and we should refrain from the sensational, but is what we're seeing different than in years past?.
it sure seems like so so many are waking and leaving.
First of all, welcome Hadriel! Nice username choice. I think the number of JWs leaving has seen steady increase for some time now. Especially since the internet has reached the mainstream. The more people are out, the more there are to help others see the organization for the cult that it is and encourage them to leave. I think what we're seeing is a domino effect of an exponential nature. The effect will gain more momentum and accelerate over time. And let's not forget they're on a timer. The more time passes without Armageddon coming, the sillier their beliefs seem. -
Estimating future growth or decline of Watchtower
by shepherdless ini have seen a few posts here, in various guises, in relation to whether watchtower is in decline.
plenty of people respond, but it is all fairly anecdotal, or "gut feel".
some of it has been wishful thinking.. as of late 2015, watchtower's numbers suggest it is still growing marginally, but there are various anecdotes on this site of publishers typically being older, and younger ones disappearing.
I'm from Romania. Our congregation used to have around 60 members when I was a child. A decade and a half later and it barely has around 25-30 members counting the pioneers sent here from other places. The median age is somewhere between 45 and 50. I think 47 would be the best estimate. There are no JWs in my town. The neighboring towns have a total of 5 JWs. The congregation covers a 30 mile radius. -
No more reporting time for field service!!!
by Khaleesi inso at last i am in my next step of my fade, this month is the first month i did not turned in any hours.
i received a text from our group leader an ms & i told him i didn't have any to report, then of course it got bumped up to the elder & i text him back i have no hours to report for december.
i came to this decision when reading many posters here about the yearbook stats, i do not want & refused to contribute to this organization "boosting" numbers for their glorious purposes, after the rc in australia they do not deserve for me to give them a "production" report of what i do for god, no more.
That's wonderful Khaleesi. Congratulations! You are now finally starting to be free. I'm in a similar position myself. I haven't been to a meeting for about 6 months. I have refused to talk to the elders but my father keeps reporting fake time for me. For December he reported 1 hour and 3 placements for me, LOL. So, it kinda makes you wonder how many more are reporting fake hours and how real are the Yearbook statistics. Anyway, best of luck in your journey of becoming free from religious imprisonment.Link +1 / -0 -
Who has more Zeal, wt or Isis?
by prologos in would a jw shun, treat as dead, with contempt his own mother for her attempt to have him leave the wt religion?.
Prologos, the question was about zeal. You need quite a good amount of zeal to let a loved one die because of a stupid doctrine. But, it's not always that passive. Many of these are persons actively have to sign their own life or their loved one's away. Sure, might not be as vicious as jamming a knife in their throat, but the end result is the same. These numbers were a mathematical estimation made by a worldly organization from my country, based on the number of JWs and the frequency of situations that require blood (accidents, health conditions, etc). The numbers might not be totally accurate, but the real number is certainly in the thousands (if not tens of thousands), annually.Link +1 / -0