@Julia Orwell That's actually a very good question. I had to think on it. LOL.
Growing up a "golden boy" of sorts, I gained an arrogance that, to this day i feel shameful for. I was brash, would say some of the most awful things to people just to shock them because I thought I was untouchable. And I was. I considered sexuality something... fun, a past time, a minor blip on the screen of my life, and for a long time I thought I would be married, have kids, and then never have sex with my wife, and on occasion fuck around with some guy. That's how I reconciled it. And I made peace with that. That was going to be my life.
Being raised in the "truth" everything regarding function in the congregation was automatic. I would comment without thinking, I could do field service in my sleep - read who the person was by the time they said "hi", give impromptu talks talks flawlessly, I was never nervous during assembly parts (Although the talk I gave at the Astrodome one time was a little overshelming), but even drafting was a no-brainer. My sexuality was the only time i had to THINK and I thought something was wrong with me... I was a deviant, but come to find out for a normal guy that age sexuality is ALWAYS on the brain... lol.
Ollie (in the story) really f'ed me over because I was moved in a way I never knew I could be, I didn't know that even existed. But by the time that happened, I already had the Bethel mechanism in play. To think about sex AND the be overpowered with emotion is (as any guy will tell you) somewhat frightening lol. I can say honestly that with bethel, it wasn't reconciled at all. I honestly did not know what I was going to do.