There seems to be a gaping hole [another one] in the WTS teaching on the two classes. Could someone correct me if I am wrong. They teach there are only two classes, the 144,000 who are going to heaven and the great crowd who will live on earth. *** Rbi8 Revelation 7:14 *** says of the great crowd These are the ones that come out of the great tribulation.
Now the latest light, I believe is that the great tribulation is yet future
So what about the billions who are not included in the 144,00 but have died before the great tribulation?
This would include my parents and every witness, not claiming to be of the anointed, who has died. They did not, and will not, go through the great tribulation. Yet they and all "non-anointed" Witnesses living now are referred to as the great crowd. How can we say one is of the great crowd until after the great tribulation? And if one is not of the anointed or of the great crowd, could you please give me the proper name of the third class.
This is a question I would like to ask a loyal intelligent, well-read Witness friend. So could anyone help me with what I may expect as a reply.
Edited by - yesidid on 3 January 2003 5:12:39
Edited by - yesidid on 3 January 2003 5:13:58
Edited by - yesidid on 3 January 2003 5:16:8