I was wondering how many cases involving kids end in the courts, and how does it usualy turn out ?
In Poland is this small percentage. Doctors usually pass blood children in secret. However such cases happen. And judges usually are against WTS.
i was wondering how many cases involving kids end in the courts, and how does it usualy turn out ?.
how many families run when the court orders come down ?.
how do the kids and families fare afterwards in both cases ?.
I was wondering how many cases involving kids end in the courts, and how does it usualy turn out ?
In Poland is this small percentage. Doctors usually pass blood children in secret. However such cases happen. And judges usually are against WTS.
do the witnesses in (sorry i forget what country) know that the rest of the 'witness world' is not allowed to have blood transfusions?
or does the society keep that secret?
Look at this:
esspecialy following information:
As regards the alleged involvement of children the applicant association [The Watchtower Society] submits that children cannot become members of the association but only participate, together with their parents, in the religious activities of the community. In respect of the refusal of blood transfusion, the applicant association submits that there are no religious sanctions for a Jehovah's Witness who chooses to accept blood transfusion and that, therefore, the fact that the religious doctrine of Jehovah's Witnesses is against blood transfusion cannot amount to a threat to "public health".
"the watchtower" magazine, march 1, 1992, page 6:.
"the watchtower" magazine, march 15, 1991, page 22: .
"the watchtower" magazine, march 15, 1986, page 18:.
*** w60 6/1 pp. 351-352 Questions From Readers *** Questions From Readers ? From time to time letters are received asking whether a certain circumstance would justify making an exception to the Christian’s obligation to tell the truth. In reply to these the following is given: God’s Word commands: “Speak truth each of you with his neighbor.” (Eph. 4:25) This command, however, does not mean that we should tell everyone who asks us all he wants to know. We must tell the truth to one who is entitled to know, but if one is not so entitled we may be evasive. But we may not tell a falsehood. Thus a sister should tell the truth about her age for the purpose of having correct information on her publisher’s record card, as that comes under the purvue of right to know. Fear to do so is a sign of vanity and immaturity. Nor may this particular information be kept from a prospective mate if that one thinks it important enough to ask. Such a one would also have a right to know. So it would depend upon the circumstances whether one may be evasive about one’s age or not. The same principle applies in the case of a patient suffering from some incurable disease. He has the right to know the verdict of a medical examination as to his life prospects. He may not be denied the knowledge that is so vital to him—just how precious his days are to him by reason of their being so few. It does not make for trust, understanding and love to deceive such a one, and the one practicing the deception will be continually plagued by a guilty conscience. If the patient is dedicated to Jehovah he certainly will appreciate that his times are in God’s hands and therefore will not have a morbid fear of dying but will strengthen himself in the resurrection hope. Some who withheld such information, intending kindness, afterward found that it had been a mistaken kindness. There is, of course, a right time and manner for divulging such information. The time should be opportune and the manner sympathetic yet not unduly sorrowful. It may not be amiss to observe that one may be hopeful about his condition in spite of such a prognosis, since medical knowledge is not infallible today. Love, wisdom and self-control will enable one to broach the subject properly and the result can be a far greater bond of affection than existed previously. At such a time the resurrection hope, the blessings already enjoyed as a member of the What about telling a prospective mate the unfavorable truth about one’s past, such as before one became one of Jehovah’s witnesses? If the subject comes up and one is asked, the rule would apply that the truth should be told as the other has a right to know. If one is not asked, then it would be up to one’s discretion and conscience. However, if it appeared that the information was vital to the other, and the other did not ask simply because he did not think such a thing likely, then the information should be volunteered, trusting in love and understanding to cover over the matter. If there is to be any disillusionment, certainly it is far better that it take place before marriage than afterward. Here the well-known principle stated by Jesus would apply: “All things, therefore, that you want men to do to you, you also must likewise do to them; this, in fact, is what the Law and the Prophets mean.”—Matt. 7:12. There is one exception, however, that the Christian must ever bear in mind. As a soldier of Christ he is in theocratic warfare and he must exercise added caution when dealing with God’s foes. Thus the Scriptures show that for the purpose of protecting the interests of God’s cause, it is proper to hide the truth from God’s enemies. A Scriptural example of this is that of Rahab the harlot. She hid the Israelite spies because of her faith in their God Jehovah. This she did both by her actions and by her lips. That she had Jehovah’s approval in doing so is seen from James’ commendation of her faith.—Josh. 2:4, 5; Jas. 2:25.This would come under the term “war strategy,” as explained in The Watchtower, February 1, 1956, and is in keeping with Jesus’ counsel that when among wolves we must be as “cautious as serpents.” Should circumstances require a Christian to take the witness stand and swear to tell the truth, then, if he speaks at all, he must utter the truth. When faced with the alternative of speaking and betraying his brothers or not speaking and being held in contempt of court, the mature Christian will put the welfare of his brothers ahead of his own, remembering Jesus’ words: “No one has greater love than this, that someone should surrender his [life] in behalf of his friends.”—Matt. 10:16; John 15:13.
*** w57 5/1 pp. 285-286 Use Theocratic War Strategy ***Use Theocratic War Strategy
A WITNESS of Jehovah was going from house to house in Eastern Germany when she met a violent opposer. Knowing at once what to expect she changed her red blouse for a green one in the very next hallway. No sooner had she appeared on the street than a Communist officer asked her if she had seen a woman with a red blouse. No, she replied, and went on her way. Did she tell a lie? No, she did not. She was not a liar. Rather, she was using theocratic war strategy, hiding the truth by action and word for the sake of the ministry.
In this she had good Scriptural precedent. Did not Rahab hide the Israelite spies by both action and word? Did not Abraham, Isaac, David and others likewise hide the truth at times when faced with a hostile enemy? They certainly did, and never do we read a word of censure for their doing so. Rather, we read of their being termed exemplary servants of Jehovah. Their actions were in line with Jesus’ wise counsel: “Look! I am sending you forth as sheep amidst wolves; therefore prove yourselves cautious as serpents and yet innocent as doves.”—Matt. 10:16, NW.
Perhaps some will wonder as to where the line is to be drawn between use of theocratic war strategy in hiding the truth and the telling of lies. First of all, let it be noted that whenever one takes an oath to tell the truth he is obligated to do so. By dedicating himself to do God’s will each Christian has taken a vow or made an oath to do God’s will and to be faithful to him. To this oath he certainly must be true. Likewise, when a Christian is placed on a witness stand he is obligated to speak the truth if he speaks at all. At times he may prefer to refuse to speak and suffer the consequences rather than betray his brothers or the interests of God’s work. And, of course, there is no occasion for use of war strategy when dealing with our Christian brothers. In dealing with them we tell the truth or tactfully remind them that what they seek to know does not concern them.
Lies are untruths told for selfish reasons and which work injury to others. Satan told a lie to Eve that worked great harm to her and all the human race. Ananias and Sapphira told lies for selfish reasons. But hiding the truth, which he is not entitled to know, from an enemy does not harm him, especially when he would use such information to harm others who are innocent.
A great work is being done by the witnesses even in lands where their activity is banned. The only way they can fulfill the command to preach the good news of God’s kingdom is by use of theocratic war strategy. By underground methods the literature is brought into the country and distributed. Would it make sense to hide this literature by one’s actions and then reveal its whereabouts by one’s words when queried? Of course not! So in time of spiritual warfare it is proper to misdirect the enemy by hiding the truth. It is done unselfishly; it does not harm anyone; on the contrary, it does much good.
Today God’s servants are engaged in a warfare, a spiritual, theocratic warfare, a warfare ordered by God against wicked spirit forces and against false teachings. God’s servants are sent forth as sheep among wolves and therefore need to exercise the extreme caution of serpents so as to protect properly the interests of God’s kingdom committed to them. At all times they must be very careful not to divulge any information to the enemy that he could use to hamper the preaching work.
the december canadian kingdom ministry has an article "could your child make a mature decision.
" it instructs parents to indoctrinate their kids to refuse blood and make themselves a martyr.
this, to me, was one of the most chilling sentences in the article (paragraph 3):
I don't know that in suitable way I translated this text. My knowledge of English language is... :-))
Legal viewpoint. Under age patient who be able to undertake independent decisions and reason essence as well as results proposed treatment it was it been possible was to name "mature minor". Well-known authority in field Polish right he wrote in his book: "Closely formal moments about binding agreements or lack power should not decide, as on example completion 18 years, but this or given person is able fully consciously to undertake decision". Therefore in one of numbers of "Polski Przeglad Chirurgiczny" we read: "It should not so wake the doubt, with lack of agreement on treatment the blood both from the legal representative's side [the most often the parents] how and more important what mature himself to sensible decision juvenile, owing induce the doctor to her respect and undertaking of test of saving him in different way". Thus, in assessing whether a child is mature enough to make his own decision, doctors or officials may interview the patient to hear him express his personal objection to taking blood. The youth would need to understand reasonably the gravity of his medical condition and the consequences of his options for treatment and clearly and firmly express his own religious belief about God's law on abstain from blood.
the december canadian kingdom ministry has an article "could your child make a mature decision.
" it instructs parents to indoctrinate their kids to refuse blood and make themselves a martyr.
this, to me, was one of the most chilling sentences in the article (paragraph 3):
The article appears in the polish edition Our Kingdom Ministry December 2005, page 6, however became modified a bit.
Czy twoje dziecko potrafi podjac dojrzala decyzje?2 Prawny punkt widzenia. Pacjenta niepelnoletniego, który potrafi podejmowac samodzielne decyzje i rozumie istote oraz skutki proponowanego leczenia, mozna nazwac "dojrzalym maloletnim". Znany autorytet w dziedzinie polskiego prawa napisal w swej ksiazce: "O mocy wiazacej zgody lub jej braku nie powinny decydowac momenty scisle formalne, jak np. ukonczenie 18 lat, lecz to, czy dana osoba jest wstanie w pelni swiadomie podjac decyzje". Totez w jednym z numerów Polskiego Przegladu Chirurgicznego czytamy: "Nie powinno wiec budzic watpliwosci, ze brak zgody na leczenie krwia zarówno ze strony przedstawiciela ustawowego [najczesciej rodziców] jak i co wazniejsze samego dojrzalego do swiadomej decyzji maloletniego, winien sklonic lekarza do jej uszanowania i podjecia próby ratowania go winny sposób". Aby ocenic, czy dziecko jest wystarczajaco dojrzale, by podejmowac samodzielne decyzje, lekarze lub urzednicy moga starac sie ustalic w rozmowie, co ono osobiscie mysli o transfuzji. Mloda osoba w takiej sytuacji musi zdawac sobie sprawe ze swojego stanu zdrowia, znac nastepstwa proponowanych metod leczenia oraz wyraznie i stanowczo przedstawiac swoje poglady w sprawie Bozego nakazu powstrzymywania sie od krwi.
3 Co powiedzialyby twoje dzieci? Czy potrafilyby przedstawic swoje stanowisko w tej sprawie? Czy z calego serca wierza, ze to Bóg nakazuje nam ‘powstrzymywac sie od krwi’? (Dzieje 15:29; 21:25). Czy umieja biblijnie uzasadnic swoje poglady? Czy zdolalyby pod nieobecnosc rodziców odwaznie bronic swej decyzji w kwestii krwi, nawet gdyby lekarze uznali, ze zagrozone jest ich zycie? Kazdego z nas dosiega „czas i nieprzewidziane zdarzenie”, jak zatem mozemy przygotowac dzieci na niespodziewane próby wiary? (Kazn. 9:11; Efez. 6:4).
4 Rodzice, co mozecie zrobic? Spoczywa na was odpowiedzialnosc za przekazanie dzieciom Bozego pogladu na krew (2 Tym. 3:14,15). Przejrzyscie wyjasniono te sprawe na przyklad w ksiazce Prowadzenie rozmów, strony 139 do 142. Uwaznie przeanalizujcie te mysli w gronie rodziny. przecwiczcie z dziecmi kilka rozmów na podstawie materialu pod naglówkiem „Gdy ktos mówi” ze stron 142 do 144, by nabraly wprawy w wyjasnianiu i uzasadnianiu swoich wierzen (1 Piotra 3:15). Pomocne moga sie przy tym okazac równiez materialy z broszury Jak krew moze ocalic twoje zycie? oraz ze Straznicy z 15 czerwca 2004, strony 14 do 24. Cenne informacje o skutecznosci i oplacalnosci bezkrwawej medycyny mozna znalezc w poswieconym tej tematyce filmie wideo wydanym przez Swiadków Jehowy, zatytulowanym Zadnej krwi - medycyna podejmuje wyzwanie. Czy udalo sie wam go obejrzec i omówic w gronie rodziny?
5 Pomóz swym dzieciom „rozróznic, co jest wola Boza, co jest dobre, mile i doskonale” w kwestii krwi. To umozliwi im podejmowanie dojrzalych decyzji, które beda sie cieszyc blogoslawienstwem Jehowy (Rzym. 12:2, Biblia warszawska).
1. Jakie stanowisko zajmuja nieletni Swiadkowie Jehowy w sprawie transfuzji krwi? Podaj przyklad.
2. (a) Jakie stanowisko wobec decyzji nieletnich w sprawie transfuzji krwi zajmuja niektóre autorytety w dziedzinie prawa? ( B ) Czego moga sie z tego nauczyc chrzescijanscy rodzice oraz ich nieletnie dzieci?
3. Jakie pytania koniecznie powinni rozwazyc rodzice i dlaczego?
4,5. (a) Jaka odpowiedzialnosc spoczywa na rodzicach i jak moga jej sprostac? (b) Z jakich pomocy rodzice moga przy tym skorzystac?
We read, that "Each elder should make several copies of this letter (including the information on the reverse side)."
You have second side of this letter?
when memorial is?
it the watchtower claims, that 24 march.
but jewish calendars pass date 24 april.. one month of error.
Is the Date for Celebrating Passover Important to Christians?
JESUS CHRIST, the founder of Christianity, instituted the memorial of his death (the Lord?s Evening Meal) on a day marked by an annual observance, the Jewish Passover. This being the case, reasonably the Lord?s Evening Meal would also be an annual celebration. Hence the date on which the Passover was held would determine when the memorial of Jesus? death should be commemorated. Christians therefore find it of more than passing interest to ascertain when Passover was observed. It is important, for they are under command to keep the memorial of Jesus? death.?Luke 22:19.
According to the Jewish calendar, the anniversary date for the celebration of Passover falls in the month of Nisan. (...)
Viewing the Biblical evidence as a whole, we can see that the Passover victim was slaughtered at sunset, at the start of Nisan 14, and the meal itself was eaten later that evening. Whereas the Jews of today, in keeping with tradition, eat the Passover meal on Nisan 15, their practice is not supported by the Holy Scriptures. The correct anniversary date is Nisan 14.
Thus Jesus Christ must have eaten the Passover with his disciples on Nisan 14 ?after evening had fallen? and thereafter instituted the Lord?s Evening Meal. (Mark 14:17; Matt. 26:20-28) Jehovah?s Christian witnesses therefore observe the memorial of Christ?s death on its anniversary date after sundown on Nisan 14.
(The Watchtower 1973 3/15, p.175)
Yet in current year Passover falls on day 24 April, not in March.
when memorial is?
it the watchtower claims, that 24 march.
but jewish calendars pass date 24 april.. one month of error.
When Memorial is? It The Watchtower claims, that 24 March. But Jewish calendars pass date 24 April.
One month of error. Do this some mistake?
What happened with english website AJWRB? Someone canceled it?
what happened with former governing body jw's members - ewart chitty and leo greenless?.
please answer me.. haelcer.
What happened with former Governing Body JW's members - Ewart Chitty and Leo Greenless?
Please answer me.