@Half banana
It would be stunning if the GB were to ever become that warmly responsive to the low level JW membership masses, but that seems highly unlikely because it suggests the GB would even scrap prohibitive doctrines such as blood refusal and same sex marriage for the simple reason of increasing membership numbers.
The GB has repeatedly taken a stance that their God Jehovah is not primarily concerned with the "numbers", as seen in the account of Noah... only eight persons being saved. Whereas if God were to have been primarily concerned with numbers and subsequently lowered the qualifications for salvation, greater numbers would have been saved from the flood of Noah's day. M. Stephen Lett has been a front man for that JW logic.
The GB has always been crafty, and will rarely depart from the JW status quo unless caught in a corner forcing their hand, as seen in their recent modifications to the 1914 generation doctrine, their acceptance of younger emblem partakers, and allowing women to be involved with consoling victims of sexual abuse.
There must be some other motivation for their shift to more Jesus and more water dunking. As suggested by you @Halfbanana and @Alanv, one possible motivation may be to compensate for embarringly sluggish statistics in other categories by ramping up the baptism numbers among children and niche under-educated populations.
Another motivation of the GB could be to appear as a more mainstream denomination of Christendom for legal advantages.
Or it may be just another WT attempt to rebrand itself while keeping within it's own tight doctrinal parameters, with the hope that dangling Jesus out there alittle more than usual may appeal to a wider demographic of potential converts.