They always managed to make a two-part question last about three times as long. I still remember that depressing feeling of getting to the halfway point in the study, then looking at the rest of the questions and realizing they ALL have a, b and c parts to them. Damn, we're still only about a quarter of the way through!
Posts by Ed
the B part
by ChrisVance inlooking back it seems hysterical that during the watchtower and bookstudy one had to be careful not to answer the b part until after the conductor asked the question.
just another example of how structured everything is in that cult.
"let everything take place by arrangement" to the nth degree.
What Television Show Was Your All-Time Favorite?
by minimus ina couple of my favorites are taxi and now the soprano's.
The Goodies - this British comedy series reached a level of silliness and surrealism that has never quite been matched.
Jesus Resurection, Voodoo trick or for real?
by seedy3 ini just watched a program about voodoo magic, one point they discussed was the zombies.
the voodoo witchdoctors have the ability to give a person a poison that slows down the bodies system funtions so slow that even modern medical equipment can not pick it up, then a little later when no one is looking they go out dig up the "body" and resurect them.
now given this point is it at all possible?
Doesn't the toxin that turns people into zombies also cause permanent brain damage? Although, with a lot of preachers these days, it would be difficult to tell the difference, so the idea does have some merit.
As for Jesus' death being hoaxed in this way - the Romans had a very reliable piece of medical equipment for testing death, and that was called a "spear".
Did You Like The Iraqi Minister 4 'Information'!?
by ISP ini thought he was a real character!
he may have killed himself but i was hoping that he survived.
i don't think he is on the us card deck.
I thought he was great. He reminded me of the Black Knight from Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
God Save Our Gracious Fluff.
by Englishman ina bunch of us (in the pub) were recently discussing the need to change our national anthem.
seeing as how it's a song - well dirge really - just about a little old lady, many of us reckon we need something better.
here it is with the lyrics also:
I like Billy Connolly's idea of replacing it with "Barwick Green".
... police media spokeswoman, Laura Norda ...
Yeah, right
New funny WT covers # 2
by greven inby popular demand a new batch of wt covers.
funny wt covers # 1. funny wt covers # 2:.
My Memorial Experience-not so good
by wednesday inwell i just got back form the memorial, and well it was not all loving and warm like scobbysnax had.
two or three couples spoke to us, not one elder.
an elder came up to some people who had apparently just showed up for the first time, and they were all over them.
jesus did talk about "the other sheep". does that not indicate 2 different hopes?
Note that his next words were "those also I must bring", and not "those will be staying right here while we go off somewhere else".
The Watchtower's Yearly Rejection of Jesus Christ
by metatron init's that time again - that special time of the year when 6 million jehovah's witnesses meet together to reject the.
symbols of christian salvation.. never mind that jesus clearly said "he that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and i shall resurrect.
him on the last day" (john 6:54) - in a plain reference to those who hoped in the general resurrection.. never mind that jesus is called the "one mediator between god and man" ( 1 tim.2:5).
"What the Heck am I doing?"
I read somewhere that "Saying No to the Body of Christ" is actually an ancient Satanic ritual. Reverse symbolism.
Watchtower blueprint for the world
by JH in.
is it normal that the watchtower treats people the same way throughout the world even though there are different cultures and ways of living?.
since the watchtower says it represents god, why should everything be based upon us standards?
They haven't even bothered to translate the Watchtower into other English languages other than American-English
They do translations in one or two varieties of Pidgin English I believe.