It's that time again - that special time of the year when 6 million Jehovah's Witnesses meet together to reject the
symbols of Christian salvation.
Never mind that Jesus clearly said "He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I shall resurrect
him on the last day" (John 6:54) - in a plain reference to those who hoped in the GENERAL RESURRECTION.
Never mind that Jesus is called the "one mediator between God and man" ( 1 Tim.2:5). Nearly ALL 6 MILLION Jehovah's Witnesses
have no mediator because their leaders tell them they are not part of the "new covenant" - and cannot partake.
But this yearly insult is not enough
JW's carefully avoid the sort of personal references that early Christians made freely, in demonstrating their faith (Col. 3:17,
Ro. 1:1,4,7,8). They avoid calling Jesus "Lord" in common conversation , as early Christians did, out of fear of being labeled
as 'apostates'. Isn't it bizarre that a religion claiming to be the only true Christians actually reject such expressions of Christian
lordship? Isn't it ironic that a religion that makes such boasts about 'preaching' carefully avoids the kind of public expressions
of faith associated with salvation in the Bible? ( Ro.10:9).
Is it merely coincidence that Life Stories in the Watchtower almost NEVER contain any expression of thanks to - or EVEN
So, tonight, YOU LURKERS
on this most special night of the year
give this matter some thought, as you pass the bread and wine, UN-USED, to the next person
"What the Heck am I doing?" Why am I going along with this charade?"