The Watchtower's Yearly Rejection of Jesus Christ

by metatron 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • metatron

    It's that time again - that special time of the year when 6 million Jehovah's Witnesses meet together to reject the

    symbols of Christian salvation.

    Never mind that Jesus clearly said "He that feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has everlasting life, and I shall resurrect

    him on the last day" (John 6:54) - in a plain reference to those who hoped in the GENERAL RESURRECTION.

    Never mind that Jesus is called the "one mediator between God and man" ( 1 Tim.2:5). Nearly ALL 6 MILLION Jehovah's Witnesses

    have no mediator because their leaders tell them they are not part of the "new covenant" - and cannot partake.

    But this yearly insult is not enough

    JW's carefully avoid the sort of personal references that early Christians made freely, in demonstrating their faith (Col. 3:17,

    Ro. 1:1,4,7,8). They avoid calling Jesus "Lord" in common conversation , as early Christians did, out of fear of being labeled

    as 'apostates'. Isn't it bizarre that a religion claiming to be the only true Christians actually reject such expressions of Christian

    lordship? Isn't it ironic that a religion that makes such boasts about 'preaching' carefully avoids the kind of public expressions

    of faith associated with salvation in the Bible? ( Ro.10:9).

    Is it merely coincidence that Life Stories in the Watchtower almost NEVER contain any expression of thanks to - or EVEN

    SIMPLE RECOGNITION of - Jesus Christ?

    So, tonight, YOU LURKERS

    on this most special night of the year

    give this matter some thought, as you pass the bread and wine, UN-USED, to the next person

    "What the Heck am I doing?" Why am I going along with this charade?"


  • DJ


  • goofy

    I still haven't made my mind up as to what I exactly believe, but somehow it sure isn't going to feel right tonight. the whole situation doesn't feel right for me anymore. I am going for my family but will go home and say my own prayers tonight.

  • gumby


    I told someone once that if you asked 20 people who had never read the bible before, to read the NT and then ask them when they were through..... ..."who are going to be with Jesus someday, who today should drink and eat the bread and wine that Jesus ate and drank with his diciples",.. that you would NEVER get one person who would see Two Folds, Two Groups, A heavenly Class/Earthly Class.....NEVER!

    There isn't a doubt in my mind that only such a comment and idea could come from a ruthless alcoholic. ( oh did! )


  • ashitaka

    Great post, Met.


  • Pleasuredome


    i always had this on my mind, and was never confident in what JWs were doing. thankfully i've used my own conscience and done it my way as i see it in the bible. this evening for the first time i partook, with thanks to God and my Lord.

  • DIM

    Excellent post.

    I'm still confused...if the bible says do this until Jesus returns and the WTS says he returned in 1914, why exactly do they have the memorial?

    confused in seattle

  • gold_morning

    Consider these scriptures. They were the first ones
    that got me thinking.

    1John 5:12
    "He who HAS the son Has life."

    Notice the present tense here. It does not say that he
    who has the son will have life someday in the future.
    You know as a witness they teach that when you die,
    you are dead. You are not conscience of anything at
    all. You turn to dust. You are in God's memory to be
    ressurected someday. Yet, it says here..... we have
    this gift of life now as long as we have the Son. We
    (HAVE) LIFE.

    John 5:24,25
    "I tell you the truth, whoever hears my word and
    believes him who sent me HAS eternal life and WILL NOT
    BE CONDEMNED: he has passed over from death to life. I
    tell you the truth, a time is coming and has now come
    when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God
    and those who hear WILL live."

    Prior to Jesus coming the dead could not go to
    heaven and be with God because they were sinners and
    imperfect. A debt had to be paid. The debt was death.
    Jesus paid the debt for us. He did the penalty that we
    should have paid. When he died, he said.."It is
    We now became righteous before God becasue of him.
    Nothing we can do will make us righteous. No amount of
    good deeds or works. Jesus did it. WE just need to
    really believe in Him. That is why the above scripture
    says if we believe in Him we have eternal life and
    will not be condemned (which was death). When we
    believe in him we cross over from death to life. We no
    longer have to pay that penalty.
    When Jesus says a time is coming and it is now when
    the dead would hear his voice and live he wasn't
    kidding. He had arrived to pay our price and he bought
    us. He bought Jew and gentile alike. The dead were
    now able to live in heaven and those after him are now
    allowed to go to heaven because we are now righteous
    thru the blood of Jesus. He bought us....we now are
    owned by him. We are now protected by Him. It was a
    gift as I will show you later.

    Remember, He came not to condemn the world, but to
    SAVE THE WORLD. Save us from what? It was to save us
    from death. He was successful. If we really still die
    when we pass on, then his death is in vain. He really
    did not save us from death if we still continue to
    die. That is why 1Corinthians 15:13 says...: If there
    is no ressurection of the dead, then not even Christ
    has been raised. Then our preaching is in vain.

    It is impossible to touch on all the scriptures but I
    am giving you some of my favorite. Remember, I am
    quoting Jesus words. This is not my interpetation. The
    witnesses use their interpetation. I want to show you
    these things from the bible only. Lets consider
    another of Jesus own words at John 8:51 where he
    clears this up further.

    John 8:51
    "I tell you the truth, if anyone keeps my word, he

    NEVER means NEVER. He did not say maybe you won't
    see death....or you will see death until I ressurect
    you lster. He said you will NEVER see death.

    John 11:25
    "Jesus said to her, "I am the resurrection and the
    life. He who believes in me WILL LIVE, even though he
    dies, and whoever lives and believes in me will NEVER

    Hence, we WILL LIVE and we WILL NEVER DIE.

    It is evident the apostles felt the same way.
    Including the beloved apostle Paul. Note Pauls words

    2Corinthians 5:8
    "We are confident. I say, and would prefer to be AWAY
    from the body and at home with the Lord.

    Philippians 1:23
    "I am torn between the two: I desire to depart and be
    with Chirst, which is better by far. But it is more
    necessary for you that I remain in the body."

    This brings up the topic of spirit, soul and body. See
    how he wants to give up the body and be home with
    Jesus? The body is just needed to live here on earth
    It is not needed in heaven. But the spirit resides in
    the body!! The spirit lives on. The spirit is the
    real you. Wow..... consider this scripture. It will
    knock your socks off.

    Acts 7:59 tells us where Stephen is being stoned to
    death. It says...
    "While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord
    Jesus, receive my spirit."

    How about the famous Matthew 10:28 scripture that says
    to fear those that can kill the body.... but NOT KILL
    THE SOUL!!!!

    1Thessalonians 5:23..
    "May your WHOLE SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY be kept

    Ephsians 2:4
    "Because of HIs great LOVE for us, God, who is rich in
    mercy, made us ALIVE WITH CHRIST even when we were
    dead in our transgressions... it is by GRACE YOU HAVE

    Isn't it funny we preached in the door to door work
    challenging people to examine their religions to see
    if it was the truth, but we were not allowed to
    examine our own!!! If we did we were labled
    apostates!!... and disfellowshiped!!

    Goffy and DIM feel free to e-mail me. [email protected]


  • ThiChi

    Wow, very powerful points!

  • Pleasuredome

    thanks gold. food for thought hey?

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