Can't get enough of Farkels Mad Face! I think the borg would sell heaps more magazines if they only used it.
Posts by Ed
Though most archaeologists agree the devices were batteries, there is much conjecture as to how they could have been discovered, and what they were used for.
How could ancient Arabic science have grasped the principles of electricity and arrived at this knowledge?
Yes, how could someone who is not white and has no expensive university degree possibly understand anything?
OMFG, historians & archaeologists can be arrogant.
Guys: What is your ideal girl like?
by greven inwhat should be included in your ideal-girl-kit?.
for me these things are most important:.
she is: intelligent, insightful, unpredictable, strongwilled, keen, interesting, nice looking, confident, a bit proud, equal, neither submissive nor dominant.
- single
That'll do for a start. Anyone in the Brisbane area able to match the above requirements?
**sigh** I haven't found her yet...
Something just occurred to me... maybe it would help if we step AWAY from the COMPUTER first.
Michael Jackson.....again!
by ScoobySnax inwell now i can't make my mind up...!!
(whats new) over her in the uk, skyone has just aired the michael jackson side of the documentary from martin know the one where mj is filming bashir interviewing him, a kind of a me watching you watching me thing.
while i've always thought mj has lost the plot a bit, i do like his music, and this new film totally contradicted the original bashir documentary.
To someone that's had even relatively little experience in journalism, what was going on there should have been obvious...
I have absolutely no experience with journalism whatsoever, and even I could see what the guy was up to, even before seeing the “Take 2” version. A lot of so-called journalism is like that. I very rarely watch “current affairs” type shows these days… it’s all snipped and twisted around to suit someone’s agenda. No thanks, if I wanted brainwashing I could have just stayed with the JWs.
Thoughts on The Apostle Paul
by El Kabong init's early on a saturday morning and i really couldn't sleep.
so, i'm just rambling on right now.
i got to thinking, are many of the divisions in christianity caused by the writings of the apostle paul?
I didn't know about the bad eye-sight thing (or if i did I'd forgetten), just wondering if maybe he had hairy palms too!! This would explain his attitude towards women.
In 2 Corinthians 12:7, Paul speaks of a "thorn in the flesh" that was tormenting him, that he had pleaded with God to be removed from him. But he didn't say exactly what the problem was. The WTS has suggested that maybe his problem was bad eyesight. There's also another theory that this thing tormenting him was homosexual tendencies. That's not to say he ever acted on those urges though, but it would seem to make sense of a few other things he wrote.
funny math problem
by Nowhere intwo old friends meet each other on the street:
- how are you and the kids?
you have three sons don't you?
My question is...what are their names?
Dennis, Nigel, and Giuseppe. Go on, prove I'm wrong.
What the heck is Marmite.
by El Kabong ini saw a reply by francois on another thread asking what the heck is marmite.
we americans with our (a-hem) "refined tastes" really don't eat this stuff.
most americans really never heard of the stuff.
To those who say Vegemite/Marmite is vile and disgusting, consider this: coffee is equally vile if consumed straight out of the jar with a spoon. The trick is to use it the right way, and in the right amounts.
(_8(1) mmmm..... vegemite....
Caption Time!
by SYN inwhere stephanus finds these things, i dunno.
but they are frikking funny!
this one was stolen from tower two...go wild.... .
"So... once we've conquered Poland, what are we supposed to do with it?"
When householders take the mags
by Sadie5 inthere is a homemaking type board that i visit and some of the ladies there were complaining about jws that just keep coming back.
being nice, they had accepted the mags and then threw them in the trash.
one ladies noticed that the same jw showed up every few weeks with a different person and gave her the new magazines.
Does anyone know whether the WTBTS uses recycled paper in their mags, and do they mention it all, if they do ?
I saw something about that in one of the magazines a few years ago, I think it was in the "Questions From Readers" section. The answer was no, the magazines are not printed on recycled paper. I think the explanation had something to do with the the paper needing to be the best possible quality to be worthy of conveying God's message, and why would we worry about the forests anyway since God is going to fix all that up soon.
You think JWs are pushy?
by Ed injust be glad they're not usually like this -.
i was walking home from shopping one day when i saw a guy standing casually at the side of the footpath with his hands behind his back, watching the passers-by.
he didnt look like he was about to do anything weird.
The pushy look for pushovers.
Yep. I must have been looking particularly gullible that day, or desperately in need of spiritual guidance. One or the other...probably amounts to the same thing anyway.