This is completely anecdotal. Based on similar type organisations. The JWs PIMI rate would be at a minimum of 3-4 million members. I suspect it is a lot higher than that. Also bear in mind no one knows for sure what the POMI rate is either, which could boost numbers . I have this feeling that those that fit the definition of PIMO would be no higher than 15%, and that’s been very optimistic. The trouble is that 15% get on the internet and cause watchtower 90% of its problems. I think if it got into the realms, like some have suggested, of 30-40% the org would just claps.
I know everyone likes to quote the “pew,2/3” thing. But as has been demonstrated this falls woefully short of the mark. There are certainly other organisations that are taking bigger hits. It could be that they are better at hiding it. How bad / good are they doing. I could argue both ways.