I think basically it began to flourish through people
(a) Having a me first attitude and to Hell with everyone else. If I want to do it I’m going to do it and no one is going to stop me.
(B) People just not listening.
I live in a country where people did listen. The threat was taken seriously with immediate shut down. None compliance was meet with public naming and shaming on national TV, and court appearances. I think the results speak for themselves really. Covid is almost a thing of the past. I’ve kept my job, house prices are booming with very low interest rates, and the local economy is in good shape compared to other western countries. The present government that handled the covid situation, steam rolled the opposition in the elections a few weeks back, and it has been stated that the election was won on the handling of Covid. I don’t think it was a case of the opposition doing badly but rather the present government doing well. I must admit this was a major factor in my voting decision. I think for a relatively small country, of only a couple of million people, we are the envy of the world.
I’m my opinion this “to hell with anyone else attitude” can be seen with gun laws in the USA. Right to bear arms, first amendment, and absolutely no one is going to tell me anything else. Now, like covid, they have got a problem that is almost out of control. https://www.jehovahs-witness.com/topic/5657575071678464/walmart-pulling-guns-ammo
Telling indeed.