It will be interesting to see how things will pan out. Also bear in mind they lost a similar type case in Belgium. Let’s hope for watchtower sakes that the Belgium and Norwegian governments don’t start talking to each other.
JoinedPosts by joe134cd
Jehovah Witnesses lost in Court. Disfellowshipped Sister Reinstated by Court Order?
by pistolpete inimagine the "faithful" jws who are now having to talk to this person by court order or face the consequences----legally.. exjws are spreading the news and now some exjws who have been disfellowshipped for years are starting to research to see if this is an option in their country.
here are the articles, you need to translate in google.
Well at least this time around they didn’t get beaten by Iceland.
Why Is Nothing Being Done About Looters?
by minimus inlooting is happening everywhere like never before.
brazen thieves walk into stores and bring a bag with them and simply throw whatever they choose in the bag.
popular chain stores have closed in certain neighborhoods because it’s just not worth it.
Sorry don’t have that problem here. Thank God I don’t live in the USA.
What would happen if the Watchtower decided no more meeting at Kingdom Halls, only Zoom?
by pistolpete ini’m seeing my hard core believing relatives slowly losing faith that the watchtower is the organization that “god” is using to represent him on earth.. just about all the churches in their area have opened up.. but not the watchtower.. this is having an affect on the faith of even the old timers.
now the only ones who are still holding the faith are the female jws and only those past 70 years of age.
even my old male jw relative past 70 are starting to say that it can’t be jehovah’s organization because the other churches are all open and god supposed organization who is supposed to preach the warning message is still closed with no open in sight.
Going totally online would solve a lot of their problems regarding liability, and cash flow. That been said I think the negatives far out weigh the positives in that ultimately they loose control. I think it was only 12-13 months into zoom meetings and there was a elders letter about people holding private discussion groups. Ultimately there is nothing like face to face contact. I feel if they go on line, and run with the money, this will ultimately be the end of them,
What are your personal reasons for hating the Jehovah's Witnesses religion ?
by Rocketman123 infirst thing comes to mind is that this organization through its leaders are not witnessing the true and honest version of the gospel teachings of jesus christ .. they are subjectively teaching/preaching a tainted version made up by the top controlling men of the organization, which i'm sure is connected to the proliferation and distribution of literature which these men publish themselves.
when jesus said that no one knows of the time not even he, he didn't say a select few will know .. the other thing that bothers me is this organization promotes human ignorance on many levels, admonishing education or knowledge that mankind needs for its very survival... there are many other religious organizations that do this as well but the jws is just one of these organizations.
Just to think that what I was striving for, was just a total east of time
"Not Bringing Reproach on Jehovah's Name" is a Non-Sensical Excuse for Shunning
by truth_b_known infor whatever reason i was thinking on the topic of jehovah's witnesses' practice of disfellowshipping its members based on the concept of preventing "bringing reproach on jehovah's name".
follow me if you will -.
over 20 years ago a friend of mine did something rather crazy; he committed a major crime.
The other area they fall down on is their woeful lack of any real Pastoral work, so many problems become Big problems, which if they had skilled Pastors actually caring for the flock, would have been dealt with before they grew to the point where someone has to be DF'd.
Sadly I have to agree with this comment. With other churches,that I have visited, they have facilities that care for their youth. If you have problems with alcohol they may run a program dealing on it. At least, with Babylon the great, they also try to form a community for their youth, with various social occasions. Today at the church I attend they had a cup of tea and biscuits. It was a great time chatting for about 3/4 of an hour. Watchtower chooses the cheaper option of providing no support, to have the situation spiral out of control and then turn call him unrepentant and kick him out. Then they wonder why they have such a lousy retention rate, where 2/3 of born in leave.
"Not Bringing Reproach on Jehovah's Name" is a Non-Sensical Excuse for Shunning
by truth_b_known infor whatever reason i was thinking on the topic of jehovah's witnesses' practice of disfellowshipping its members based on the concept of preventing "bringing reproach on jehovah's name".
follow me if you will -.
over 20 years ago a friend of mine did something rather crazy; he committed a major crime.
ex mormon learning a little about JW
by curious777 inhello friends.
i am an ex mormon who got a little bit obsessed with cults and how they work, after leaving the church.. recently i have been very interested in learning about the structure of jw because i find it very similar in some ways to how the mormon church is organized, except with different names for everything.. i have some questions:.
does the love bomb stop the moment you get baptized?
Interestingly after I left the JWs. I attended the Mormon church for a couple of weeks, just to settle my curiosity. I found the lds to be like how you described the JWs. I attended in my street clothes. So it was obvious I wasn’t a member and virtually no one come up and said hello. To be fair, however, it was quite a big ward. I’ve done quite a bit of research into the lds. Basically the lds doctrinally wise is more fanciful, and more disprovable e.g book of Abraham and people who lived on the moon that looked like quakers. But the JWs are more harmful and destructive e.g blood transfusions and shunning. That been said if it was a life style choice. I would choose to be lds, and I’m sure many would agree with me here. The lds view on higher education and secular advancement would certainly be making my life easier now.
Basically the bonnets may be different but the engines, in how they work, are the same. The tactics they employ and methods they use are very similar. When I left the JWs I honestly believed that no one could be more bat shit crazy in their beliefs than the JWs. That was until I discovered Mormonism. Lol
Are the JWs any more likely to keep their pants up than the Lds , or for that matter the general population. From what I personally saw I doubt it.
"Young people ask" book claims 97% youth masturbatory or seen porn...not J.W youth??
by Witness 007 inas a youg man this stunned me when i studied the original "youth" book 97% had done it so i thought soo that's pretty much everyone i guess the 3% were witness youth!
also "awake" claimed 90% of students had accessed porn at some time.
everyone is doing it i guess 10% are the witness dumb was i?.
I think to many JW youth leave the religion in the belief that they can go out into secular society that has a more liberal approach. To a point this is correct. However, this freedom comes at a cost, and there are still consequences for our actions e.g procreation and the best care for that life. Sadly, many in the above example soon come back to reality and find themselves in some very sorry states. I even personally knew of one ex jw who become a prostitute.
That been said I have often wondered, what the incidences of substance abuse, premarital sex, masterbation, domestic violence would be amongst the JWs. If it is higher than secular society then they surly do a good job of hiding it.