For those interested I wil e-mail the excerpt to them at whatever e-mail address they would like, It may need downloaded but I will use my other account that has a different name and I will write something so you know it's me since I guess there are people that send virusesWhen I started writing on the other board I got one my second post but I FOILED the (bleeeeeeep) LOL Thanks for responding I think if you like Tolkien you will love this.(of the proud of her hubby who was brainwashed by the Dub's that he couldn't do anything class)
JoinedPosts by SheilaM
Who likes to read fanstasy genre (dragons etc.)
by SheilaM in.
to all:.
my hubby and i are getting ready to self publish his book was wondering if any avid readers would like an excerpt that would be willing to give us feedback on it.
Who likes to read fanstasy genre (dragons etc.)
by SheilaM in.
to all:.
my hubby and i are getting ready to self publish his book was wondering if any avid readers would like an excerpt that would be willing to give us feedback on it.
To all:
My hubby and I are getting ready to self publish his book was wondering if any avid readers would like an excerpt that would be willing to give us feedback on it.I read and really like it and BELIEVE me I would tell him if it wasn't good LOL Just wondering if anyone interested we would be grateful and would give a reduced price if you wish to buy it once it's in print (should be by February 15 at the latest)
New to JW and looking for the right associations.
by sunflwergirl420 ini have been studying to become a witness for about 1yr now and am doing what i can to become clean to be baptised.
unfortunately almost all of my friends were bad associations and i don't deal with them anymore.
i am looking for people to chat with who have the same goals in mind that i do.
I am enclosing a poem my hubby wrote maybe you can see the pain of being a witness in it. He grew up in the "truth" and is still battling the emotional toll it's reeked on his life and Sun he is A MORAL person (it make me urp LOL) I was baptized in 1984 I was the saint Sheila who studied and studied and went in service despite having a little girl then I was baptized and POOOOOOF it was over, I was virtually ignored and emotionally abused to know end. When my husband and I married although we were chaste rumours flew.
Please look to the "world" their ARE GOOD people there I worry that they will cause more harm than good and if you think they will be understanding your wrong they love to have ammunition to hurt and destroy the people they clainm to love. Please Please think and be grateful for them opening your eyesbut listen to the ones that have been hurt. We left WILLINGLY after many threats of retaliation we left for our sanity.
A youthful soul with eyes trained forward to a false promise. Biblical blinders.
For one with such a promising and bright future, good times were few. Holy halter.
Innocent flesh covered with the scars of self inflicted sin. Witnesses whip.
A back bent under the burden of bearing witness to lies. Evangelical arthritis.
Tuesday, Thursday, Sunday, five meetings a week. Approved association.
Circuit and district conventions. Myriad on myriad of brothers. So alone in the crowd.
Our years are only 70 or 80 if we have special mightiness. I wasted 20.
I remained apart from the world while. No longer. The dog to its vomit?
I delved into the word and found discrepancies. I wanted to make the Truth my own.
I asked questions. They went unanswered. Accept on faith = comply or else.
From delivering talks from the platform and working the literature counter. Servant.
To bad association publicly reproved. All because I wanted to hear the Truth.
Cast aside, no longer wanted by those representing a loving God. Marked.
God hates a liar, I was that. Millions now living will never die. Bullshit.
I was a liar because I believed and witnessed to the lie. Field service fallacies.
I dont blame God for hating me. I hate myself for my part in the lie. Door to door dupe.
I wonder how many lives my preaching ruined. My wifes.
I will live the rest of my years on this world doubting everything. Color me Thomas.
I will never be taken again. Once bitten twice shy.
I traded Truth for light. Faith for fact. Living for hope is now hoping to live.
70 or 80? Maybe, but not if I have anything to say about it.. I want my 20 back.
I will however shine a light on the darkness that is the organization. Fact, not truth.
Fact doesnt need faith, it stands alone. Right is right.
My flesh is healed, my eyes wander the wonders of life, I stand tall not stooped.
Author: Christopher Madonia -
by Jesika inno i am not going to turn into a pumpkin----------lol.. the two towers first showing will be at midnight and we will be there!!
i have been waiting for a yr for the next lord of the rings to come out!!
i can't wait to see it!!
I've read them all. We haven't seen the Two Towers yet but my son went to the 12:01 showing here last night he dressed as strider boots/leather jacket and cape (darn I should have taken a pic) he got home at 4:00 A. M and had FINALS today LOL!!! Here though if you have perfect attendance your exempt from finals so he slept LOL</P>
<P>Thought you like that story LOL</P> -
Watchtower says "BEAT your CHILDREN!"
by UnDisfellowshipped inthe watchtower february 1st 1956 issue, page 95:.
the watchtower february 1st 1960 issue, page 80:.
the watchtower august 1st 1962 issue, page 460:.
TO All:
My husband was a product of "after the meeting beatings" No they weren't disciplined at the hall but they got the hell beat out of them at home because they didn't sit still for 2 hours.
I came into the dubs in 1984 the beatings and slapping I saw would make your hair stand on end. Yes, I spanked my children but not for not being able to sit for an ungodly amount of time, hell even I got bored. LOL
My husband was witness to the violence against his mother and when we were married and he thought that was the way to act, the elders blamed ME of course. He realized that he was wrong and we recovered but YES children are abused every day by the witnesses it's much more than a mere spanking and WHO IN GODS NAME expects a TWO year old to listen except for a brainwashed BORG~
Did U hurt someone because of JW rules?
by LyinEyes ini know we all make mistakes but did you ever really hurt someone while you were a jw, because of sticking to their darn rules?
did you ever, even as it was happening, feel selfrighteous?.
it is something that i have been thru over and over in my head and i have forgiven myself for it, but i can never make it right with the person i hurt.. my dad was an elder , very self righteous, he taught me well, i did what ever he said and acted the way he told me too.
Dede: First forgive yourself and BLAME them. My Mother has alzheimers now and will never realize that I am out of their clutches. She adored my daughter and didn't see her for over 10 years or more because she wasn't a witness. I wasn't there for my oldest sister while she was going through HELL with an abuser because ..she wasn't a witness. My daughter is in so much pain because now that she has her own daughter she see's how much I love her and knows how much her mi mo loved her. People that never hurt me were replaced by witnesses that ripped my soul out and left nothing to replace it. They have made me not trust ANYONE at ANYTIME so I guess the person hurt the most is me, I feel like a fool for believing them and raising my children in the bullshit.
What Double Standards Do JW's Practice?
by minimus inone double standard that always got to me was how a body of elders would talk about how a brother needed to "qualify" for some privilege by being a good example for weekend service and yet a number of elders would hardly ever go out in field service at all!
or how they would use 2 hours to literally gossip about everyone in the congregation, and then give a local needs talk on the need of not talking about the brothers and minding our own business.........what double standards got to you?
One more in detail: You are supposed to love your brother but my brother in law who has cerebral palsy/brain tumour and bi polar disorder abides by all their doctrine crap. They will not put in a phone hook up so he can hear the meetings, they haven't been to visit him in OVER 10 years and when he was involved in a real estate problem with a ministerial servant that was sooooo dishonest and trying to screw him. He and his wife were the ones threatened with disfellowshipping if they took this crook to court NICE arent they
What Double Standards Do JW's Practice?
by minimus inone double standard that always got to me was how a body of elders would talk about how a brother needed to "qualify" for some privilege by being a good example for weekend service and yet a number of elders would hardly ever go out in field service at all!
or how they would use 2 hours to literally gossip about everyone in the congregation, and then give a local needs talk on the need of not talking about the brothers and minding our own business.........what double standards got to you?
Where do I start: As a woman you are supposed to be intelligent enough to have found the "truth" but once there if you are you are concidered a pain in the rear if your intelligent enough to not be force fed everything they say.
If your husband is suicidal (from the pain of being raised by two monsters) you can't get him help because that's frowned on but they will be happy to give a nice eulogy once he kills himself
If your husband who has been beyond reproach is injured (no fault of his own/drunk driver smash pow) they will not visit call or send a card but when you ask them why the lack of love the will site the one time you didn't send a card to the person you didn't know hmmmm ( and I was speaking to an elder) HMMMM
When they do shepard you after a wreck and you tell them your not attending meetings they will say oh, we understand come anyway sit stand whatever just be there then when you do you will be admonished for causing a disruption for sitting awhile, standing hmmm
When your children decide this religion is BS and decide to participate in OHMYGOD Sports you will be shunned by the elders and members that have children that are pregnant,had abortions,drink and sleep with everything in sight but BY GOLLY they don't PLAY SOCCER
When your husband is told by and elder to "take her home and beat her" and you take him aside and tell him how horrible his comment is YOU are the one that is not abiding by Jehovah's will ..OF COURSE
Hmmmm venting is soooooooooooooo nice
Is Warning re Possible Lawsuit Required?
by Scully inthis is just a general question for anyone who might have some legal background on the matter.. if (and i expect there will be) an announcement is made to our former congregation that we are "disassociated", can i just go ahead and sue them (individual elders in the congregation) for slander and defamation of character?
the decision to make the announcement is one that has to go through the body of elders, right??.
is it necessary, when the elders come calling, to say "i will sue the shirt off your back and the bloomers off your @$$ if you make any announcement that slanders my name or defames my character to anyone"??
I do know that threatening DOES work, I told the elders here that if they dared to smudge our character that I would do EVERYTHING in my power to make them regret it, including devulging the elder that has mega porn on his computer. the elder that sat in my home after we had fed him dinner (his wife was out of town) and told us he wished he had married a harlot! GEESH... So we have see hide nor hair of them even on the street LOL I told them they needed to pretend we are on a desert island and they can't get to us or know anything about us. It has been a few years since I have seen them so if you are one that can play hard ball then go for it. I do think that at some point there will be an attorney that will take them on pro bono just for the challenge it's just finding one that will fight the old farts ya know
Educate me on JW dating!
by Delicious_Daniel ini really like this girl who ive been told is a jw.
im not sure about jw's and their beleifs of dating so i have a few questions.. 1) are jw's allowed to date outside their religion?.
2) what are jw's beleifs on pre-marital sex?.
Run....don't look back it will ruin your life. I wasn't even allowed to "date" my husband before we married because I had just became a witness. It's unbelievable the crap they will do I repeat
RUNNNNNNNNNNN as fast and as far away from them as you can. IF and only if she loves you she will make that decision to leave the JW'S