Thank you again for your help. You are correct, some of these questions and answers depend on what I am remembering. I think the preist was making a connection between the Holy Communion and meals. That makes more sense. I need to attend another Catholic funeral now and take some notes!
Thank you for you and your husbands thoughts on this topic. The idea of linking the Kingdom with God's grace no doubt fits. He is further correct in saying JW's cannot grasp the abstract sense of it as they are too literal. 25 years of the Watchtower has messed up my view of things quite a bit. Just when you think you are over the JWism, then something truely spiritual and touching comes along and it gets you to thinking again however, probably in an incorrect sense.
Thanks to you both! Can either of you recommend a good book for me to read to help me understand some of this? This evening I am going to read in the links to Old Light House as well.