It seems many of you have always been in the flesh .Being a member of an orginasation has nothing to do with being in the presence of God. DId anyone of you enter into the Hoy of Holies in the spirit when you were JW or wahtever church you went to. Probably not.Because you were kept form entering in what the saviour had opened up for all to enter into.
Many of you are stil bitter which i can understand but that does not change anytihng. YOur Messiah still loves you and waits for you to enter in. You all thought you could earn your way into the KIngodm well you cant. But what you do have ot do is seek CHrist not by works but by love and you will find him.Then your eyes will be opened.FOr many it is a life long thing because of the indoctrination since chilkdhood not onyl of WTS but by all of mans teachings. The Messiah is the way and truth and life in him and he IN you will set oyu on the path to eternity. NO church, no dogma just a love you never got or ecperieced in your past and cannot get from an organisation or other humsn