This really makes my blood boil!!! I am the primary carer for my mum (she is in a wheelchair) and have managed to keep a full time job and a pretty active personal & social life which hasn't been easy. My super-dub elder brother does nothing And hasn't for years. His wife works only 1 day a week so she could 'pioneer' - she now sits on her ass all day instead. No help with the endless doctors and specialists appointments or anything else. He's never even offered to take his own mum to the meeting - another elder comes and takes her instead. When they made him an elder I was so pissed off, it was what stopped my going to meetings. I bumped into our CO not long after they made my brother an elder and I said 'my brother treats his own mum like crap, and what do you guys do? You reward him. Even the wordly people I work with think his treatment of his mum is disgraceful, but I guess you guys don't really care what wordly people think'. he looked a little dumb-founded and lost for words....
rant over....