JoinedTopics Started by jasnowidz
Another WTdouble standards
by Stan Conroy ini had the misfortune of looking through the june 8 2002 awake, and stumbled across an article on hawaiian luahas (pardon my spelling as i don't have it here in front of me).
the footnote said something along the lines of it originating with false religion, but now it's just considered a banquet, so many christians participate with a clean conscience.. wait a minute!.
what ever happened to "if it had pagan origins it's bad"?
Bible is God's word?
by Moxy inid like to hear some *reasoned* explanations for why you believe the bible is gods word.
ive been so fascinated by the study of *real* biblical scholarship since i began educating myself, i now find it incredulous that i used to take the bible as divine, along with all jws and tons of christians, including a good number here.
so id like to entertain your very best lines of evidence that this is the real deal.. mox
Judge Bans Shunning
by Farkel intoday i spoke with a former jw i've been in touch with for several years and discovered what i think could be a major bombshell for the wts.
as we all know, shunning is the most powerful weapon the wt cult has over its members and for decades the wts has been able to get away with practicing it at their whim.
the us and other courts have permitted them to to use it, even though it destroys families and has ruined countless lives.
by blondie incomments you will not hear at the 12-22-02 wt study.
november 1, 2002 watchtower page 14. christians neutrals in the last days .
john 17:16: "they are no part of the world, just as i am no part of the world.".
Would some of us be better off as Witnesses?
by Jerry Bergman ini have often wondered if many people would be better off if they stayed witnesses.
some people i have known have really gone off the deep end after they left the watchtower.
most all of my family have left now (not due to me as i was cut off from them for years) and many others i know who have left are now bitter atheists or have become pagans and worship stones or new ageers playing with crystals.
Jehovah does not forget His servants !
by spectromize ini realize a lot of you here have lost faith in one form or another but i'll i want to say is jehovah god never forgets those who belong to him.
all the righteous blood spill from abel till this modern day will be accounted for.. .
there is not a terrorist on this earth that can hide because if you spill righteous blood there will be judgment rendered by jehovah god.