Could you elaborate, if it's not too much that I am asking of you, how you have come to know that it was a "Glorious intelligence" That brought the entire universe into being? Thanks.
Good question.
I didn't come to know in the way that one intellectually gathers information and then coalesces that information into a conclusion. It was not a mental process. Rather a moment came when -- without effort -- it was clearly seen that the universe of phenominal existence is not separate from, or different than, the conscious beingness and Life which views it. Where the mind interprets fragmentation, there is actually Unity, a Oneness. When you see it, it's as if you always knew, because it's what you truly are. You are the Oneness. All is the Oneness.
There are no words or thoughts I can offer to convince you or anyone of this. I can not give you what you already are. It has to be seen first hand.
I suggest being present and silently watch the mind's thoughts and the connected emotional responses. Clearly see what is mental illusion. Also be aware of what it really feels like to breath and exist. In other words: shift your precious conscious attention out of the story generated by the mind, and more into the actual reality of the present moment. Become more conscious and aware of the actuality and reality of being. You are simply seeking what IS already true; so diving into reality is the door. A moment will arise when what is seeing everything, sees itself, and then, you know....and not until.
Honestly and sincerely question everything the mind believes about "self", God, and universe. Let the desire to know what is true, be your light. Trust that the glorious and wondrous Source and Sustenance of all life and things is not separate from what you truly are.