I started a thread after I finished the first chapter of this book entitled something like, I'm an atheist. I finished chapter three and I have to backtrack a bit, but I also feel the need to explain why since I was so vocal.
First, let me say that I think everyon should read the first two chapters of The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. He brings up some very important points about religion and about science's place in our world.
That said, I disagree on the primary thesis of the book. I don't think that the most logical conclusion is atheism. I am totally opposed to theism based on my experiences with the handful of religions I've personally investigated, but I'm in love with what Hawkins refers to as Einsteinian Deism. That's the idea that there was a god who designed the entire universe, but that he isn't a prayer-answering, smiting, bible-writing, and religion-endorsing god that is so prevalent among "spiritual" people today. He is the ultimate scientist (and I use "he" out of force of habit and not out of any preference or belief into the creator having a sex) and he is fascinating based on what he's done from a building standpoint.
I don't know where my beliefs will end up as to why the being so capable when it came to creating the myriad variety of life we see around us doesn't seem to have an opinion one way or the other on morals, but I'm guessing I'll come to see him as a moral entity too. The reason I say this is because I have always believed in and still believe in Karma. I've seen people go so high and get knocked to the ground and even though I've gone through a bunch of crap in my life, I've seen many of the perpetrators pay eventually.
So, to summarize. I am not an atheist. I am also not a theist but, rather, an Einsteinian Deist in the sense outlined in Richard Dawkins's book The God Delusion.