When I was a religionist it offered me a very diminutive and encapsulated "reality" and identity in which a bastardized sense of comfort, "knowing" and self righteousness was derived. Void of the walls created by beliefs in tiny gods, there is an opportunity to step out and meet with the infinite vastness of raw reality and investigate into our own immediate and bottomless sense of existence. However, more often than not such boundlessness is too threatening and scary -- and there are thought-patterns already set -- and so we find ourselves once again imprisoned within our mind; only this time our warm capsule being some other belief system perhaps political or even scientific in nature. What have we really done, other than change the pictures on our jail cell walls?
What is life, what is real when no religious, social or scientific beliefs, definitions and assumptions are applied? What exists outside the mind? Who/what, am I, really? Perhaps, the most significant scientific breakthroughs are found in questioning and investigating into our own true identity, first.