Milky Way solar system? Perhaps some of us could use a refresher course in astronomy as desperately as I need to learn how to spell.
What I continually find intriguing, is how people can so unquestionably and tenaciously attribute the Bible-deity for all existence. How pray-tell, does what is INFINITELY vast, originate from some thing so moronically human-like and small? and what is it in us that creates the illusion that it is actually honourable and wise to shrink and belittle it to such?
If we are incapable of pondering the blatant obviousness of this absurdity through, then it's little wonder we so easily come to cherish fairy-tails and myths.
Certainly the true source and sustenance of all universes (there may be countless universes) must be greater still than all existence and not so severely diminutive as an anthropomorphic tribal deity. If there ever was a glass-darkly we can place before our eyes, it a book we have come to know as The Holy Bible.