"Thy Kingdom Come..."

by AGuest 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • AGuest

    To the Household of God, Israel, and all who go with, may you have peace! I am compelled by the spirit of our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, Son and Christ of the Most Holy One of Israel, whose name is JAH of Armies, to share the following truth with you.

    When recently speaking with someone formerly associated with the WTBTS who was lamenting the “state” of the world, as we were once taught to do, I was directed by the Spirit to explain the Way of the Truth more accurately to him. This person is very dear to me and asked me whether I was “tired” and wished the “end” of “this system of things” would come. The Spirit reminded me of the heinous practice of “the Society” in teaching its followers to “crave the day of [Jehovah]” and directed me to share the following:

    Amos 5:18

    Dear ones, I must remind you that we are admonished NOT to crave that day! True, there are events occurring in this world that may trouble us; however, truly, there IS “nothing new under the sun,” and such things have been occurring almost since the beginning of mankind.

    What then are we asking for when we pray for God’s kingdom to “come”? Did our Lord truly teach us to pray for a destruction of the wicked? Nothing could be further from the truth! While he certainly did lament over mankind’s hard-heartedness and resultant calamity, he never wished such calamity upon any human being! Indeed, he wanted all of mankind to come to God through him and literally invited all to do so, no matter their station in life… or their sin. The “righteous” AND the “unrighteous.”

    Matthew 23:37, 38
    Matthew 11:20-24
    Matthew 11:28-30
    Luke 15:2
    Luke 19:2-5
    John 4:16-18
    John 8:1, 7-11

    To believe, therefore, and actually teach, that God takes ANY delight in destroying anyone, even His enemies, is to believe… and teach… a lie: God does not want ANY to die or be destroyed and this was born out by how His Son, our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH, not only lived his life and taught his followers, but even asked mercy for those who put his flesh to death! To wish for such a thing, therefore, is evident almost more than anything else that the “children of the Devil” are in fact alive and well. For wishing such a thing is tantamount to hate, an identifier of such wicked children.

    1 John 3:10

    When he taught us to pray for God’s kingdom to come, then, what truly did our Lord mean? He meant for us to pray for a time when God’s will, as borne out in the mercy, love, compassion, and forgiveness shown by His Son during his life in the flesh, is done by ALL… those on the earth as well as those in heaven… just as His Son, our Lord taught… and still teaches… both those in the heavens and those on earth! That One went… and still goes… subduing those who belong to him… teaching them love, mercy and forgiveness… and not inflaming or teaching them to hate or seek vengeance!

    Psalm 110:2
    1 Corinthians 15:25
    Matthew 5:44

    Truly, this is not the case today with a great many of mankind. But is it true of ALL mankind? It is not! And so long as this is not true, destruction of the wicked will continue to be put at bay. Why is this? There are two (2) very significant reasons:

    First and foremost, we must know that God is not capable of an unrighteous act: He cannot be “good”… He cannot be “love”… and be hateful and wicked at the same time. And, thus, so long as there is ONE righteous person in the earth, destruction of the wicked, in any form, will be delayed! We have several events to help us see the truth of this, including the flood during Noah’s day, and the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah. It was not until there was only ONE true sheep of God left that the “unrighteous” were dealt with in a calamitous way. And it will be the same in the future: so long as there is ONE righteous person left in the earth, God will NOT act in detriment to mankind, for to do so would be an unrighteous act.

    Genesis 18:23-33
    Matthew 13:28-30

    Although our Lord stated that should he only call them legions of angels would have come to his rescue, the fact that he did not make such call, but allowed those who hated him to persecuted him, even kill him, should show us the “long-suffering” of God: if His Son, who is His “exact image,” who did nothing of his own initiative, but only as the Father taught him, did not act rashly and brutally against his enemies, we have NO basis to portray the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, as someone who would do so. Indeed, the “false stylus of the secretaries” has “worked in sheer falsehood.” Praise JAH that we have a SON… who came to “bear witness to the TRUTH” and actually did so!

    Second, God does not bring destruction upon His enemies, Gog and Magog, at Armageddon. Rather, He only strikes out against those in an act of protection for His Holy Ones… and the “Holy City” that they represent. It is an act of LOVE, not revenge, much as a man would take action to protect his own wife and children. Most men would view this as an obligation, his family being entrusted to him and failure to do so being an act of cowardice. But like most men, it would take something truly reprehensible to provoke a man into taking out all of his enemies in one fell swoop, versus dealing with each one as individuals.

    Our Heavenly Father is not unrighteous, dear ones. He does not want any to be destroyed, nor does His Son and Christ, our Lord, JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH. And if they do not, we certainly have no rightful or righteous justification for wanting such. True, we hate suffering and pain, but all of mankind does, whether they belong to the Christ or not, whether they are righteous or unrighteous. Losing a loved one hurts an unrighteous individual in the same way it causes pain for a righteous individual.

    Mark 5:22-24
    Luke 7:1-10
    Luke 8:41, 42, 49-56

    True, God will not remain inactive forever. But vengeance belongs to Him and only He is righteous in wanting it as well as implementing it; even our Lord did not take on such authority nor did he teach us to do so. Rather, he “left a pattern for us to follow in his footsteps, closely,” so rather than “crave” calamity for our enemies or God’s enemies, we are admonished to pray for such ones and prove ourselves sons of our heavenly Father. Both Abraham and Moses, who knew the Christ, did this, pleading on behalf of the unrighteous as well as the righteous.

    Genesis 18:23
    Exodus 32:10-12
    Matthew 5:44, 45

    In the meantime, just how are we to proceed through this life? Certainly not with sighing and bemoaning of our lot in life, but with JOY, which is a fruit of God’s spirit, which spirit we should not be grieving. If, then, you are lacking joy in your life, if you are so consumed with the tragedies of this world that you cannot seem to find joy, you need only ASK for it, and it will be given you.

    Luke 11:13
    Galatians 5:22
    Ephesians 4:30
    Jude 16

    This does not mean that the atrocities of this world should be ignored or disregarded as insignificant: in truth, if one of mankind suffers, all of mankind suffers, and so the love, mercy, and compassion taught us by Christ should move us to do what we can, when we can, for whom we can. But such doing should be with joy, and not with heaving of sighs. For anything that we do to assist a fellow human being is truly a gift given to God… and God … WILL repay you. If you are growing tired, therefore, may you also ask for the fruit of God’s spirit that is patience and long-suffering.

    May you have ears to hear what the Spirit says, and may the one who has such ears hear what the Spirit and the Bride keep saying:

    “Come! Take life’s water… the holy spirit of God… poured out by the One from whose inmost parts streams of living water flow… FREE!”

    Revelation 22:17

    Servant to the Household of God, Israel, and all those who go with, and a slave of Christ, to time indefinite,


  • The Lone Ranger
    The Lone Ranger

    Your post is too long I got tired after the third line. Can you cut to the chase and give me the abridged version.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    We attract a lot of prophets here lately.

    I like prophets who sit quietly and watch over us from the mountains. That's just me I think.

    I'm with the Lone Ranger here - a short capsule would be enough - kinda like the 'written review'.


  • educ8self

    It might be nice to update the language used for the sake of clear communication, but I guess people have this romantic attraction with old-timey bible verbiage, and the story of the bible itself as they perceive it. I won't even get into how the symbolic structure of one's mind might get seriously screwed up...

  • TopHat

    Are you one of the 144,000?

  • Gopher

    Hi Shelby,

    Nice to see you're still doing well.

    I'm not a believer these days, but I wholeheartedly agree with you on this: The WT Society deliberately uses a phoney sense of urgency to instill loyalty. That sense that "the end is near" before and after 1975 kept me back from reaching my full potential. After all, why work for a good future in this life that we NOW live, if we're convinced the end is so near? It becomes an easy way out and bites you in the rear-end later.

    The Watchtower Society laughs at its gullible followers. They take what they want from the Bible, mix it with their tradition, add some fear and call it "truth".

  • AGuest

    May you have peace!

    I am sorry, truly, but I had to state what I did just as I heard it. May I suggest that perhaps you could read a sentence or two at a time, perhaps per day, until you have read the entirety? If I were to summarize, I would risk leaving something out... or putting something in... that shouldn't be. Even better, you can simply go to the Source and ask him directly to reveal the truth of what was stated to you... through holy spirit. If you ask, you will received, I assure you: it will not be withheld from you.

    Again, my apologies and I bid you the greatest of peace.

    Your servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Anti-Christ

    May the force be with you.

  • educ8self

    Man, Star Wars is way overdone at this point. How about "Incoming transmission from the Big Giant Head!" from 3rd Rock From The Sun?

  • SirNose586

    Beriously...is this a joke?


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