Whatever. It just wouldn't be noise-sound unless there was the organs present to hear it. If you listen to a tape-recording six years after the fact, and yours where the first ears to be presented with the recorded vibrations then noise-sound would happen six years after the event. This is subtracting all the other little animals and criders, of course.
JoinedPosts by JamesThomas
tree awnd forest
by comforter inif tree fall in forest with no one around to hear it, it make a sound?
dont it deepend on howe you denote sound?
if sound dependent on human perkeption, the tree make no sound.
tree awnd forest
by comforter inif tree fall in forest with no one around to hear it, it make a sound?
dont it deepend on howe you denote sound?
if sound dependent on human perkeption, the tree make no sound.
Didn't you bring this up just awhile back? Perhaps this will help put it to rest for you.
It depends on what you mean by "sound".
There are mechanical vibrations transmitted through an elastic medium like air and water. These can be called sound, though they make no noise perse.
Sound, also means the sensation produced by stimulation of the organs of hearing by the "sound" vibrations previously mentioned.
So, if the question is ask "If a tree falls in the woods and there is no one there to hear it, does it make a sound. The answer, technically, can be either yes or no. Yes, it makes vibrations in the air which we call sound. But, if you are referring to "sound" as noise, then the answer is no; because there is no hearing organs present to create the noise we call "sound". Kind of a semantics knot.
Witness Wedding Gift
by LB inon the chance that the photo may load i'll try this thread.
my wife is at the wedding that i was uninvited to at this moment.
we are giving her an engraved glass photo holder that duplicates their wedding invitation.
Excellent taste in a gift LB. Must have cost a pretty penny to have a custom engraving like this. Hopefully, in years to come, it will remind the newly weds why they got hitched in the first place, as chances are -- they'll be wondering.
Nice little Navaho; and a pretty good picture too. What kind of camera did you use?
Question for Americans
by bay64me in.
i have just got the address of an old friend that moved to the states some time ago.. is the name frederick a town?
and do the letters md, in the post code mean anything?.
Frederick MD, is a general physician just down the street from here.
Another Victim lost BACK TO WT - how sad
by JT ina few days back a dfed black woman came to this site - asking for help and looking for answers, so lady "c and myself decided to offer our help, being black we understand that black jw face some issues that a white witness would not, black congo operate many times in a somewhat different fashion in my exp at any rate , we offered our help, we discussed many issues, but in the end she has decided to return back to wt despite the fact that they treat her like dirt- one of the hardest things to watch is to see a jw get so close to freedom and then return to slavery, it reminds me so much of blacks during slavery who were just afraid to run for freedom , even many times when they only needed to cross the river -as a single black mature woman she is facing an uphill battle, if she approaches an elder more than 2 times the elders wife will think she is after her man, if she wants to marry her selection is reduced to some guy with a plaid suit on, instead of the regional director of her company who notices how intelligent she is, but since he don't sell books on the weekend she must let him slide- well here is just a glisp of what we dealt with and how sadly it ended with the jw doing what they have been trained and indoctrinated to do run and deny below are just 3 different sets of dialog .
---- dfed person--sorry, but i don't really think that it is a black and white issue.
jt- o i fully agree it is not a black and white issue, i was merely commenting on what my observation have been, when i was an elder, white bro in meetings would always challenged the co and do if they made some off the wall comment, while black elders would consistently just go along,
You did what you could James.
A farmer plants the seeds. He doesn't make them grow.
The Grand Drama (another neurotic post)
by DanTheMan inok, y'all know i'm a head case, and this is one of my typical head-case posts, so you've been warned.
i'm sure the bethel monitors love my neurotic posts.
("see what happens when they leave?").
A wonderful heart-felt post. How to find peace?
Moments like these, when things are crashing down (or at least we come to noticing what has been crashing down all along), are opportunities to look deeper into the only thing we know for certain -- our own existence, our own being.
Deep and personal heart-felt questions deserve equally intimate heart-felt answers. Answers, which only you can supply. Point your attention within yourself. Be open and trust -- that what you seek is there.
You may find this helpful. I did.
Interesting phenomena regarding Witnesses
by JamesThomas infirst, and most important: thanks to all those who read my introduction-post last saturday, and especial thanks to those who replied.
like many who have been disfellowshipped (and especially those raised in the org) i've been dragged through icy waves of agonizing hurt and anger; often followed by times of peace and letting go; only to be hit by another turbulent and bitter bout of animosity and grief.
the tides do run deep, don't they.
It may not always be the case that I can respond and thank you all individually for your replies, but the time and opportunity is here now. Sentinel, Oh how I can identify with your sense of losing God. When I was first disfellowshipped that's what hurt the most too. Not that losing friends and family didn't matter, it's just that losing God was a wounding to the core. And like you my direction of attention has now turned within my heart rather than religion. Thank you for your comments. Jeff,
Your post really made it clear that the "breaking up of families" is just the "tip of a very large iceberg". It is that tip or point that wounds the deepest though, don't you think? Thank you for responding. Scully, All I can say is I agree totally. Make that 100%. Thanks for your comments. Sara,
"Stockholm Syndrome". I was hopping someone would know. Thank you for that, and your warm comments. Elsewhere, Thank you, for your thoughtful reply, but are our conclusion so very different? What you say is indeed the way a Witness would look at it. I am just saying that the punishment for doing "bad" or not doing "good" -- in a JW's eyes -- is death; and that the fear of eternal death -- from a god more than happy to smite your ass -- is the key motivator. I feel we agree. William, Not sure if this would jive with the definition of a "cult", but I feel that any teaching that takes us away from being present and attentive to our fellow human-beings by placing our attention on some future reward or punishment, is bastardizing the entire sense of being human. Like you, these are not my idea's of a loving God either. No matter how hard I tried, or how many knots I tied my mind in, my heart said this can not be true. It was a painful experience for me being a Witness. Had I not had the intense programming from childhood, I don't think I ever would have chosen it. But who can say for sure. Blues, Like you when my heart was aching and breaking at the thoughts of a murdering God, I blamed myself. Feeling something must have been wrong with me. Thankfully the penny dropped for you. perhaps those like yourself who are most sensitive finally get to a place where the pain is too much to bare and the penny drops. I have hopes that certain beloved members of my family who are still sand-dwellers, may one day hurt enough too. Thank you for your reply. -
Interesting phenomena regarding Witnesses
by JamesThomas infirst, and most important: thanks to all those who read my introduction-post last saturday, and especial thanks to those who replied.
like many who have been disfellowshipped (and especially those raised in the org) i've been dragged through icy waves of agonizing hurt and anger; often followed by times of peace and letting go; only to be hit by another turbulent and bitter bout of animosity and grief.
the tides do run deep, don't they.
First, and most important: thanks to all those who read my introduction-post last Saturday, and especial thanks to those who replied. Like many who have been disfellowshipped (and especially those raised in the Org) I've been dragged through icy waves of agonizing hurt and anger; often followed by times of peace and letting go; only to be hit by another turbulent and bitter bout of animosity and grief. The tides do run deep, don't they. Often I ponder, trying to figure it all out; and have noticed an interesting phenomena regarding the Witnesses. It seems that many dedicated Jehovah's Witnesses abandon -- what may be -- a hard wired and fundamentally instinctive urge. This often manifests and becomes apparent during family disfellowshipping situations. Normally, we find people protecting and placing their families lives and well-being over their own . However, in many disfellowshipping situations we find parents that abandon, shun and ignore the lives of their own children and grandchildren. Or children, that snub and neglect the lives of their own parents and siblings. (My heart goes out to all you who know way too well of what I am speaking). It seems that this forsaking of instinctive impulses -- of family over self -- is motivated by, or is a result of severe self-centeredness; a deep and wide rift from the rest of humanity; a cutting off of what -- I feel -- are our deeper and truer spiritual aspects or existence. Often we hear of people in "the world" sacrificing their life for friends, family and strangers, without giving it a thought (instinctively). I feel that this is just the natural way of things. It's something fundamental within us all. Yet, out of fear and concern for their own hides, many (not all) Jehovah's Witnesses do just the opposite. Disregard the lives of their friends and family -- that they may protect and save their own life -- (in their minds) from death at Armageddon. Is this spooky or what? I don't even want to get into how UN-Christian it seems; because it doesn't even seem human. Why does this happen? I feel that the root of the problems stem from the an extreme, unshaking and unquestioned belief in a vengeful God/Creator, that will destroy you if you do not comply with It's "will"; and will reward you if you do. Anything dealing in punishments and rewards, breeds fear and greed -- the two things most destructive of spirituality and love. For me, a life of brokenheartedness, confusion and sadness festered from being poisoned from a very young and innocent age. Being force fed -- by well meaning parents -- an understanding and belief in a God that would certainly kill me if I did not love Him..... THE ULTIMATE CATCH-22!!! No matter how hard we may try. No way! No how! Is it possible to TRULY LOVE something that threatens you with death and destruction if you don't! And when that is your Creator and Source...YOUR TOTALLY SCREWED! The only way to continue (without waking up) is to stick your head deeeeep in the sand. Stay in your mind and out of your heart, and die spiritually. There is a syndrome of which I know not the name, where people who have been over-powered, kidnapped, confined and threatened with death begin to identify with and even "love" their captors and tormentors. This is not genuine love of course; not even a little. It's self-preservational insanity brought on by intense fear. Seem familiar? Have we been held spiritually hostage by religion? Afraid of enjoying life and embracing our fellow human beings without looking over our shoulder to see if "God" is offended? An anthropomorphic deity
Has your life been stolen from you?What
by nightwarrior inwhat would you do if you woke up to morrow morning and found that your life had been stolen from you???.
that your mother had constantly lied to you concerning how to attain a relationship with god.. that your mother had fed you poison.. that your mother disowned you because you were asking thought provoking questions.. that your mother abandoned you and left you for dead.. that your mother altered her will cutting you off because you kept asking questions so as to free your mind.. who is mother????.
how did mother affect you?.
I wrote a post last month on another site entitled Spiritually Raped .
I feel this link will give you my answers to all of your questions.
Some Light Chopin
by Farkel inlegend has it that this waltz was inspired when chopin saw a cat chasing its tail.
waltz in d-flat major opus 64 no.
1 (minute waltz).
I've chased some tail in my day.