Thank you again SJ for your thoughtful response. There is a deep and wide rift, a fundamental difference in our views, that seems to have us dancing in circles, light years apart. I feel it comes down to this one statement:
"James, evil itself is very real."
The entirety of your last post was based on your belief in the power of evil. Probably 99.9% of all people would agree with you....and would probably see me as a raving mad man to say otherwise. I would agree that what we call "evil" exists on a level of carnal consciousness, but ultimately, it is false. When (within our minds) we create a god less than Infinite, we make room for evil. We now have God over here, and not-God (evil) over there; and we have a god with an enemy that needs destroying and the human emotions and anger of "vengeance" to attack. We have stepped into the carnal-mind; we have eaten from the tree of good and evil; and the carnal, phenomenal, time and space drama of the war between good and evil begins......and never ends until we step out of the mind and back into our True-home, the spiritual heart within. Evil will be "destroyed" when we see it as untrue; and we will see it as untrue when we discover the Christ, the Truth, within us; when we discover and awaken to the True-essence of Being and realize all seeming separation from God/Truth is mind generated illusion. This is not a belief system or teaching. Not an intellectual exercise. It is an unspeakable sense that is here, now, within for those willing and open to know it. What the word "God" points to, is not absent from anyone, or anywhere. Only in our minds is God/Truth too tiny to be here. Only in our minds, does the battle rage. We are free to dwell there. Or not. JamesT