Can JWs learn from the Latter-Day Saints mistakes? Sure we can! I recently ran across a forum for Mormons ( that brings back memories of the JW forum Hourglass2 Outpost (H2O) when it started in the year 1996 (and believe it or not still exists at This new Mormon forum is named appropriately "New Order Mormons" ( and is on the same ISP forum site as the H2O forums. It really is worth checking out and lurking there if you want a blast from the past. I find the LDS and JWs similar in many subtle ways. I think the Watchtower Society can learn from them, and would do well to develop a choir from brothers and sisters whose talents are in musical instruments and vocals. Hey, I even recall -- and I'm sure a few of you 'old timers' remember this well -- an x-file conspiracy theorist on who once posted on H2O that the Mormon church actually owns and controls the Watchtower corporations of Pennsylvania and New York! Now isn't that funny at least in an oddball sort of a way? ;) Check it out: New Order Mormons forum - Derrick
New Order Mormons Forum - JWs Can Learn From LDS Mistakes!
by Derrick 29 Replies latest jw friends
I'm not sure if we can really learn anything from the LDS, as they are just as fanatical, sneaky and adept at covering up their history, failed prophecies and the true origins of the Book of Morons as what the Watchtower is.
Some of the Mormons beliefs are just as wacky as ours, just in a different way. There is more than enough evidence that Joseph Smith was no Prophet, he was a liar and was involved in Folk Magic when he supposedly had his "visions" and many Mormons have come to see the truth about their religion, just like many Witnesses have come to see the truth about "the Truth".
Mormon leaders are control freaks just like the Governing Body members, who refuse to ever accept responsibility for mistakes they've made, no matter how serious and they demand and expect total submission and devotion from their flock.
What exactly could we possibly learn from them? -
Can JWs learn from the Latter-Day Saints mistakes? Sure we can!
No they can't....because they won't. They haven't learned a damn thing from their mistakes for over a hundred years. Why do you think they would admit from learning anything from Christendom, or change their ways now? Dream on pal.
I think the Watchtower Society can learn from them, and would do well to develop a choir from brothers and sisters whose talents are in musical instruments and vocals.
i don't mean to dog you and i'm sure you meant well with this post, but I almost wanted to laugh.
here we have a large US Corp that rakes in over a Billion dollars a year by printing publications like Time Life Magazine does
It claims to speak for god like moses did, it sets up rules that impact the lives of millions, proclaims that if you don't share thier view you and i along with 6 billion folks will die at the very hands of god himself and you are suggesting they "Set up a Choir"
The mormons and Jw's are so alike because they were both started by freemasons and have evolved mind control to a new level.
Charles russels father was the founder of the skull and bones society at Yale university that has produced most of the elite of politics and religion over the last 150 yrs including G.W.Bush.
Its no coincidence when you look at parallels of the histories of the two organisations and what they preach
JT, you crack me up.
: Can JWs learn from the Latter-Day Saints mistakes? Sure we can!
From that comment, it's obvious you are still a dub. You haven't learned nothin'. All those years on your own board, all those facts on your own board, all those horror stories of a web of lying, deceiving, false history, arrogance, manipulation and using up human lives by the Watchtower Organization and FOR the Watchtower Organization, and you still think the WTS and dupes like you STILL need to "learn something?"
Doh! Yeah, there is something to learn: get the hell out of that Cult and cut your losses!
Geeez, Rick. Are you STUPID or something?
All those years on your own board, all those facts on your own board, all those horror stories of a web of lying
So this Rick....had his own board and knows all the history behind the borg and still doubts?
I would reeeeeeeeeally like to hear from you rick and HOW a person can do this. I'm really serious.....I want to know. I've seen joelbear long for family and friends to the point of wanting to return ....but you. You actually were serious in your comment? Please explain.
: So this Rick....had his own board and knows all the history behind the borg and still doubts?
Rick owned and operated H20 which was THE place to be before most of us jumped ship and came here.
Most of the MAJOR debates and greatest posts in my experience were there, not here.
Rick is still clueless, even after all of those years of reading the great stuff on his own damn board.
I am not sure if most JWs can learn from LDS mistakes, but the WT can sure plagerize and use LDS mistakes to function in the same mind as the Mormon with slightly different teachings.
Did the Watchtower borrow from the Mormons?
Dead leader still active
“…though Pastor Russell has passed beyond the veil, he is still managing every feature
of the Harvest work.”
-Studies in the Scripture, Vol. 7, p.144Earlier Mormon Teaching
Dead leader still active
“Joseph Smith holds the keys of this last dispensation, and is now engaged behind the
vail in the great work of the last days.”
-B. Young, Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, p. 289Watchtower Teaching
God’s throne at star Alcyone “Alcyone, the central one of the renowned Pleiadic stars…from which the Almighty
governs his universe.”
-Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 3, p.327
“…the group Pleiades. And the reasonable suggestion has been made that that center
may be the heaven of heavens, the highest heaven, the throne of God.”
-The Watchtower, May 15, 1895, p. 1814
(Society’s reprints)Mormon Teaching
God’s throne at star Kolob “And I saw the stars… that one of them was nearest unto the throne of God…the
name of the great one is Kolob…Kolob is set nigh unto the throne of God, to govern
all those planets….”
-Abraham 3:2, 3, Pearl of Great Price (1842)Watchtower Teaching
Men will become Gods “Now we appear like men, and all die naturally like men, but in the resurrection we will
rise in our true character as Gods.”
-The Watch Tower, December, 1881, page 301Mormon Teaching
Men will become Gods “God himself was once as we are now, and is an exalted man…and you have got to
learn how to be gods yourselves…the same as all gods have done before you…until
you attain to the resurrection”
-Joseph Smith, History of the Church, Vol. 6, pp. 305-306Watchtower Teaching
GREAT PYAMID IN EGYPT…Call to mind that the full end of Gentile power in the
world and the time of trouble which brings its overthrow, will be in the end of A.D.
1914…If the inches of the floor-lines of these passages represent a year, each…
-Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. III, 1891 (1903 edition), pages 313 (title), 362-363Mormon Teaching
Pyramid prophecies
“…a new witness that the Lord seems to have brought to light, by the opening of the
Great Pyramid of Egypt… There seems to be a prophetic spirit running through the
construction of all that cast superstructure, pointing forward to the very end…Allowing
one year to a cubit inch… the generation that will close up the times of the Gentiles.”
-Orson Pratt, Fiftieth Annual Conference Report of the Mormon Church, 1880, pages
God’s channel
“Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will
not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do.”
-The Watchtower, December 1, 1981, pg.27Earlier Mormon teaching
God’s channel “Do we realize that this is the channel through which the mind and will of God our
Father is made known to us?…and it is among the privileges of every man and every
woman to approach the Lord through this channel and learn his mind and will
concerning them.”
-Journal of Discourses, Vol. 18, 1875, p.98Watchtower Teaching
Generation prophecies “Most important, this magazine build confidence in the Creator’s promise of a peaceful
and secure new world before the generation that saw the events of 1914 passes
away.”Earlier Mormon teaching
Generation prophecies “We believe in these promises as much as we believe in any promise ever uttered by
the mouth of Jehovah. The Latter-day Saints just as much expect to receive a
fulfillment of that promise during the generation that was in existence in 1832 as they
expect that the sun will rise and set to-morrow. Why? Because God cannot lie.”
-Journal of Discourses, Vol. 13, May 5, 1870, p. 362Taken from David Reeds 1991 Spring edition of Comments from the Friends