Actually I think we can comprehend infinity, which is why we scratch our heads when logical contradictions like something from nothing gets postulated as being a viable/comprehensible view, as is being done here. Infinity is comprehensible but the non-comprehensible part comes in when one tries to press the finite with the infinite. It’s like oil and water, the two don’t mix which is what happens with physics which normally deals with finite things. Put these two together then, and only then, does compressibility go out of the window.
Quantum foam or whatever else it gets called still exists even if you take time away, which leaves you with no explanation for why there should be quantum foam of which the universe arose from before time began. Why and how does quantum foam cause time to begin? To say there is no answer is the same as saying there is an infinite God. To say we don’t yet know is the same as a theist saying God exists in a way we don’t yet know.
Both atheists and theists have a problem here because logic has literally run out, yet valid questions remain and they really are valid. With a theist it is how can we be here at all when God must still be waiting to create us because infinity is forever. It would take forever to get to this point in time. With the atheist it is calling something science that goes way beyond anything even remotely comprehensible or logical, as with saying nothing or a quantum form requires no explanation and then it can start time through some occurrence that must have happened before time. All this just to avoid the something from nothing paradox, however is it really word games to avoid the fact that atheists are at this point forced to do what they criticise theists for doing, namely using magic to get something poofing out of nothing. Both camps are in trouble with logic here which leaves what? A logical contradiction just like infinity does when it gets forced up against feeble human attempts to explain all things. Even though I am a theist I don’t hold with fundamentalists of the theist or atheist persuasion. Logic and reason fails you both ultimately and infinity looks at you and laughs.