Here's the problem with infinity ... we can't comprehend it.
It's bad enough when it's space, but when it's time as well and then we throw in some all powerful creature supposedly existing forever ... well, it just doesn't make sense and raises questions.
Such as why wait? Why didn't god create the universe the day before he did? Or the day before that? Why *that* day? Why not the day after? What was he actually doing for all that infinite time? Was he building up his strength?
Do you see the problem with infinity and god ... it just creates rediculous questions that cannot be answered.
All because there cannot be a 'before'.
Here is where science rocks - you may not like the answer but at least it has one. We know that time and space are linked ... gravity 'causes' time. When you are on or near a big mass in the universe then time is faster that if you're in the middle of nothing. Time isn't a constant.
Now, what if there was no gravity? Nothing. No universe.
There wouldn't be any time either.
Without time then there couldn't be a 'before' the universe because time wasn't on the agenda until there was some matter exploding away and gravity in the mix.
So the universe began precisely when the universe began. Not the day before or the day before that. We got rid of the 'day before' paradox.
Granted, it takes some getting your head round but at least we have an explanation that I think is better than the "god twiddling his thumbs for infinity" one.