Unless they have changed their belief from when I went, they teach that sexuality of any type will be a thing for the past for the resurrected.
JoinedPosts by Seraphim23
Will reserrected Gays and Lesbians have to give up homosexuality in order to stay in the new system?
by booker-t indo jws believe that if a gay or lesbian is reserrected after the great trib he or she will have to give up homosexuality in order to live..
Where Do Visions,Dreams and Prophecy Come From
by givemejustalittlemoretime inif these things come true and many people have them whether believers or non beleivers, where do they come from.
Sometimes such dreams when they happen come from at least two sources. They either come from the person themselves or another person who is alive or dead. The reason is because part of us does not exist in time.
Is their a new holocaust in the making ? Are jews being made the scapegoats again ?
by smiddy inmass immigration in the world "seems" to have led to a rise in anti -semitism in the west.
france now has more than six million muslims.. germany now has four million muslims.
the netherlands has almost one million muslims .
I’m not on the side of Hamas nor the present Israeli government cofty.
Is their a new holocaust in the making ? Are jews being made the scapegoats again ?
by smiddy inmass immigration in the world "seems" to have led to a rise in anti -semitism in the west.
france now has more than six million muslims.. germany now has four million muslims.
the netherlands has almost one million muslims .
Speaking as a gay man in another liberal city on earth, London, I can say that I am very glad that when the IRA were sending bombs over to London and other places in the United Kingdom killing innocent civilians, that London didn’t send rockets over to get members of the IRA in the Republic of Ireland where they were in civilian areas. In the end both sides made compromises and peace became a reality. Forgiveness was a necessary part of this process on both sides. We have gay pride parades as well and rockets were not included.
Hamas and the Israeli government are as bad as each other. One cannot take one side or the other if one wants to see peace. Gay pride parades do not bring back dead children. Get peace sorted, then perhaps the Palestinians can focus on being liberal but they can’t if they are dead. Certainly I welcome Israel’s liberal attitude towards gay people they have now days, unlike the past, but that doesn’t mean they get everything correct. Others need a chance to progress as well. War tends to impede progress and it takes two to tango.
Is their a new holocaust in the making ? Are jews being made the scapegoats again ?
by smiddy inmass immigration in the world "seems" to have led to a rise in anti -semitism in the west.
france now has more than six million muslims.. germany now has four million muslims.
the netherlands has almost one million muslims .
Technically factfinder Caucasian is not a race either, as there is only one race, the human race or species. Race, as a term generally used when it comes to human speech, is an arbitrary distinction based on certain physical characteristics. Thus Jews in this type of way can be said to be a race if as you say they are natural Jews and have genes in common with Jews. Hence Mongolians have certain eyes sometimes and Jews are known to have a certain type of nose sometimes. In reality such characteristics mean absolutely nothing in terms of racial distinction or scientific value. However the word race is readily used to denote large human groups based on genetic traits that are often only skin deep. So we either use the word in a non racist way, or we throw the word out altogether as it has no scientific value for human beings. The fact is that Jews can be said to be race when it comes to natural ones in exactly the same way as Caucasian, Negroes, and Mongolians can be, despite the lack of real meaning other than minor physical differences in appearance. Just as a child can have similar physical characteristics to a parent, this doesn’t mean a different race, however the word race is used for large human groupings, the Jews being but one.
Is their a new holocaust in the making ? Are jews being made the scapegoats again ?
by smiddy inmass immigration in the world "seems" to have led to a rise in anti -semitism in the west.
france now has more than six million muslims.. germany now has four million muslims.
the netherlands has almost one million muslims .
Tiktaalik, your right about your point that Islam is a religion! Racism is as you say about race not religion; however racism is really a sub category or a deeper malaise. This malaise is namely judging people by surface criteria, generalisations ect, as opposed to an individual’s heart and character.
Religion is also deeper than simply a set of generalised supernatural beliefs. It is also about organisation of groups, power dynamics and cultural attributes and traditions. In many respects is it very similar to politics. Because geography affects both skin colour and cultural religious and political framing, it is true that sometimes the definitions of religion, race and culture have interconnected aspects. Hence the word Jew can mean a race or a religion, and sometimes both at the same time. Simple definitions are a hindrance to understanding in this controversial area, hence I appreciate your pointing out my partial error.
Is their a new holocaust in the making ? Are jews being made the scapegoats again ?
by smiddy inmass immigration in the world "seems" to have led to a rise in anti -semitism in the west.
france now has more than six million muslims.. germany now has four million muslims.
the netherlands has almost one million muslims .
I don’t think your analysis is correct. Racism has risen because of the worldwide recession as it always does due to scapegoating. Such racism is not just against Jews but Muslims also. It is vital to make a distinction between race and individuals and fundamentalists and non-fundamentalists and also religion and the human desire for power and domination over a perceived and constructed enemy, as well as propaganda and facts.
Theists, why does God allow suffering..
by The Quiet One in..specifically, the suffering of animals.
you can talk about free will/sin/people choosing to not listen to god etc to explain human suffering being allowed.. but how can you love a god that allows animals, that haven't sinned or chosen to not have anything to do with god, to have their short lives ended in often long, drawn out, painful ways.
i could list stories i've read that would probably make you feel ill, but i'm not looking to shock anyone or start an emotional debate.
Theists, why does God allow suffering..
by The Quiet One in..specifically, the suffering of animals.
you can talk about free will/sin/people choosing to not listen to god etc to explain human suffering being allowed.. but how can you love a god that allows animals, that haven't sinned or chosen to not have anything to do with god, to have their short lives ended in often long, drawn out, painful ways.
i could list stories i've read that would probably make you feel ill, but i'm not looking to shock anyone or start an emotional debate.
The way it phrased and the random part.
If there no activity on earth in the interplay between order and chaos, there would be nothing to choose because there would be nothing.
Theists, why does God allow suffering..
by The Quiet One in..specifically, the suffering of animals.
you can talk about free will/sin/people choosing to not listen to god etc to explain human suffering being allowed.. but how can you love a god that allows animals, that haven't sinned or chosen to not have anything to do with god, to have their short lives ended in often long, drawn out, painful ways.
i could list stories i've read that would probably make you feel ill, but i'm not looking to shock anyone or start an emotional debate.
I’m not trying to say that it will make a difference in comparison to the sun Caedes. Just that the interplay between order and chaos defines all activity on earth in terms of energy.