Hi Dakota,
I am glad you are on this site as well. I could not get back to the other site I met you on please remind me how to get there.? Thankyou Stacey
i have been reading everyones comments, this is all pretty new to me, but i posted on the topic related to family and being shunned.
i was raised a jw but left at age 15, i am the only one in my family to reject the "family" religion.
so, as you probably already guessed i am not the favorite daughter!.
Hi Dakota,
I am glad you are on this site as well. I could not get back to the other site I met you on please remind me how to get there.? Thankyou Stacey
I just realized I've done this ass backwards, please excuse, I started reading posts in friends and personal experiences and replied to posts there without starting a new topic to introduce myself. So this post is to try to rectify that error. I have spent the last couple of days reading and posting to this site and another, to help get me through the death of my father a couple of days ago. You can read my posts about that if you want I won't go over it all again for those of you have already responded, you have been a source of great encouragement, and the, I am not alone thing has done wonders to calm my jagged nerves over the coming funeral tomorrow. I am not very familiar with chat rooms as this is my very first experience but I am really digging it. I guess this is a topic I can relate to and even though I have delt with this since I was 15 by myself, (that was 25 years ago) do to being the only rebel in a Big! family of jw's, I feel better then I have by just putting distance between us and them, that was the first smart move since leaving the org, and this is the second brillant thing I 've done in connecton with healing myself. So again Thank you to the all wise creator of this site, You are the king!
i have been reading everyones comments, this is all pretty new to me, but i posted on the topic related to family and being shunned.
i was raised a jw but left at age 15, i am the only one in my family to reject the "family" religion.
so, as you probably already guessed i am not the favorite daughter!.
Thanks to everyone for the advice. You all make perfect sense. I guess great minds think alike I felt the same before I talked to you all, but you confirmed that I am not the the crazy one here and after you have been made to feel that for so long it's not so easy once you are thrown back into having to deal with it again. I hope that made sense? Anyway the best way I have found to deal with the situaton is to take us out of the mix, out of harms way so to speak. When I lived in the same state,town it was hell, but the best thing I have found is to put distance between you and them. I have a lot of pride in the fact that I was able to see through all the lies and brainwashing techniques they use to suck you dry, kind of like the military but for no purpose if you know what I mean? This is something we can all be proud of, and I do feel bad for the rest of my family because the jw's rules make life unliveable and such a burden. Does anyone ever think how different their life would be if they were not raised a jw or had not had to deal with them? I am 39 and trying to finish school, I graduate from business school this May. If they did not teach my parents that further education was wrong I would have been much better off than now . I hate the way this cult has hurt my life while growing up and the emotional hits I still deal with. But all that aside I am one of the lucky ones. Contrary to what they all think, God has definately looked after me to help me survive the jw's. Thanks again for the support look forward to many interesting conversations
remember the watchtower that asked "are jws a cult?
" and then listed things that cleared it of the accusations of being such?
cant remember the date.. anyway one of the things it said was that "cults" usually have a lot of ex members testifying against it and the damage it has caused to their family lives.
Hi, I found you and the thread you were talking about. Ya! I have never been to the UK. But your friend and I have a lot in common, my dad was also an elder,and everyone from my past nitemares will be at the funeral. My parents stayed with the same KH since I was 5. I would like to meet everyone and hear thier advise. This is the greatest site. I thank the genious who started it! I left you a message on the first posting. Just ignore the, what thread part. ok? I went to the page were everyone was posting pictures but I don't have a clue at this time how that works, but in time I will figure that out also. Thanks again!
i have been reading everyones comments, this is all pretty new to me, but i posted on the topic related to family and being shunned.
i was raised a jw but left at age 15, i am the only one in my family to reject the "family" religion.
so, as you probably already guessed i am not the favorite daughter!.
Thanks to everyone for the welcome. Has anyone ever dealt with a death in the family of j-dubs? My father died a couple of days ago and that is how I found this site I was looking for advice. I found another site that was very helpful also, [email protected]. This site will give you places in your area that ex jw's meet informally. I have two girls ages 12 and 20 we are going to the funeral Monday. I had help making this decision from other ex jw's, much thanks to them!. I am not df'd but I disassociated myself and they let me know up front that I would not be treated as a member of the family. I should be use to this by now but it still stinks!!! So any thoughts on how to behave/cope would be helpful.
i have been reading everyones comments, this is all pretty new to me, but i posted on the topic related to family and being shunned.
i was raised a jw but left at age 15, i am the only one in my family to reject the "family" religion.
so, as you probably already guessed i am not the favorite daughter!.
Hi Brummie
Remind me, what thread? I am still figureing how this works I have never chatted before ever! So I will learn. Thanks for the reply and I am looking forward to the conversations!
i have been reading everyones comments, this is all pretty new to me, but i posted on the topic related to family and being shunned.
i was raised a jw but left at age 15, i am the only one in my family to reject the "family" religion.
so, as you probably already guessed i am not the favorite daughter!.
Hi LyinEyes
I live in MO. But I lived in Metarie in 1986 fo about a year. Loved it!
i have been reading everyones comments, this is all pretty new to me, but i posted on the topic related to family and being shunned.
i was raised a jw but left at age 15, i am the only one in my family to reject the "family" religion.
so, as you probably already guessed i am not the favorite daughter!.
I have been reading everyones comments, this is all pretty new to me, but I posted on the topic related to family and being shunned. I was raised a jw but left at age 15, I am the only one in my family to reject the "family" religion. So, as you probably already guessed I am not the favorite daughter! Anyhow I just wanted to say hi and it's great to know I am not alone as they (the Society) would have me believe!
Bye for now
remember the watchtower that asked "are jws a cult?
" and then listed things that cleared it of the accusations of being such?
cant remember the date.. anyway one of the things it said was that "cults" usually have a lot of ex members testifying against it and the damage it has caused to their family lives.
Hi I am new to the site But I just posted my first time a few mnutes ago, and I was reading everyone elses thoughts on the subject and I wanted to applaud your attitude. It would be so funny the way they over react if it was'nt so sad!!!
remember the watchtower that asked "are jws a cult?
" and then listed things that cleared it of the accusations of being such?
cant remember the date.. anyway one of the things it said was that "cults" usually have a lot of ex members testifying against it and the damage it has caused to their family lives.
I am responding to this topic, because my family are all jw's and being the only one in a very big family that can think for herself is not considered an advantage or apprieciated. My dad died a couple of days ago and the rest of my family let me know that even though I am not disfellowshipped I will be treated as if I am. Can you believe that even at a time like this they had a family meeting to decide how they all would treat us? How twisted is that?? I will never understand how they can actually believe that God condones the ripping apart of families. I was baptised at 14 and had no idea that my trying to make my parents proud and happy would be a burden and source of pain for the rest of my life. But here I am reliving the nitemare that is the jw religion as I plan to go to the funeral I pray to the God I know loves me and forgives me to give me strength to face the meaness of a family gone mad with self rightousnes. I thought I had put all this behind me but it all came back when I talked to them again. I have not seen anyone in my family for 6 years. My mom would e-mail me once in a great while. I have two girls that they ignore just because they had the bad luck to be related to me. It is terrible what people do in the name of God! Don't you think???