how many people are you hurting by not sharing what you have learned here?
Are you really willing to share the blood guilt of the WT org by continuing your support by your silence?
I am not silent; garbage doen't come out of my mouth.
how much harm did you cause to the people in your congregation?
everybody complains how the witnesses did this and that and in the process caused so much harm.
but what you don't say is how much pain you caused others while you were in.
how many people are you hurting by not sharing what you have learned here?
Are you really willing to share the blood guilt of the WT org by continuing your support by your silence?
I am not silent; garbage doen't come out of my mouth.
how much harm did you cause to the people in your congregation?
everybody complains how the witnesses did this and that and in the process caused so much harm.
but what you don't say is how much pain you caused others while you were in.
How much harm did you cause to the people in your congregation?
Oh, sure. Everybody complains how the Witnesses did this and that and in the process caused so much harm. But what you don't say is how much pain you caused others while you were in. Nobody wants to blame themselves. No. Everybody is innocent. The Watch Tower made us do this and that.
How many people did you hurt? For a moment, let's stop talking about them.. Let's talk how bitchy we were and how we didn't have a heart. Just this time. Shall we?
well the title of my subject seems a bit pathetic, but i truly am in need of friendship.
my whole life and marriage have been turned upside down with my husband "studying" with a jehovah's witness.
he hasnt done a lot of meeting with this man, but he does believe all their doctrine.
Sirona, she didn't want advice.
Snb, your husband will not go mad. He is liking what he is learning.
This is a real threat to absolutely everything I love and hold dear to me
Your husband will remain your husband. He is not going to go mad
I feel like I"ve been totally abandoned by God and I know that's wrong to feel that way
God is not punishing you. He wants to please God; and this is why he is exploring other beliefs.
us criticises religious .
discrimination in belgium
source: expatica (belgium)
where are you from meggidon?
your not keeping up with the birth rate of 2.3 percent
You are incorrect. The birth rate right now is of 1.14%
hi, i?m a catholic and i?ve been dating a girl that is jw for two years.
why do the jw have to marry a person from there own religion.
i think that it is very wrong.
Please tell her about your discussions here. You will be doing her and yourself a favor. And about you criticising JWs: Catholics are not the finest people.
i was reading some comments on randy's site, and lately i've been noticing a trend - a majority of jws can't spell.
i've seen them come on here and their spelling is very poor.
here's an example: what a nut case!
Runningman, you wish I'm making this up. One would think a person who reads a lot would spell better than one who doesn't.
i was reading some comments on randy's site, and lately i've been noticing a trend - a majority of jws can't spell.
i've seen them come on here and their spelling is very poor.
here's an example: what a nut case!
The average Witness with only high school education is probably better educated than others with similar amounts of schooling. The General Social Surveys says active Witnesses score, on the 10-word vocabulary test, as well as members of the general population who have attended college and almost as well as those who have graduated-- inactive Witnesses do not perform nearly as well.
what you thought your elders would do if they knew you came here and posted.
talking to me this much you've endangered your relationship with Jehovah right?
Not at all.
See you around.
Let's exchange information.
How do you justify to yourself
I do what I want.
What do you think would happen if you went to tell the elders in your hall about your activities here? Do you think that you're being honest to the congregation, having spent time with the 'dirty things of the world' and bringing that dirt into the congregation via your association?
Some things are definitely dirt. Other things I don't mind sharing.
I'm sure confession would make you feel better...I have nothing to confess.