How much harm have you caused your congregation?

by Joker10 76 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joker10

    How much harm did you cause to the people in your congregation?

    Oh, sure. Everybody complains how the Witnesses did this and that and in the process caused so much harm. But what you don't say is how much pain you caused others while you were in. Nobody wants to blame themselves. No. Everybody is innocent. The Watch Tower made us do this and that.

    How many people did you hurt? For a moment, let's stop talking about them.. Let's talk how bitchy we were and how we didn't have a heart. Just this time. Shall we?

  • logansrun

    I didn't harm anyone in my congo. I would go so far as to say I was one of the most liked people in all three congregations I was part of as an adult. I did make one young sister cry in the bathroom once due to a comment I made about her intelligence, but I later apologized.

    Of course, some could say I harmed people by leaving, but that's just damn silly.


  • Elsewhere
    How many people did you hurt? For a moment, let's stop talking about them.. Let's talk how bitchy we were and how we didn't have a heart. Just this time. Shall we?

    I don't know why you assume that everyone here was a mean person. I was a classic "Fine Upstanding Brother" in a prominent JW family (Many elders, two anointed, many pioneers, etc...) on the fast-track up the ranks of JWism. I was always used as a "Fine Example" for the other young JWs. (I hated the way they always compared others failings to my following the rules).

    When I DAed it left everyone stunned.

  • Narkissos
    Let's talk how bitchy we were and how we didn't have a heart. Just this time. Shall we?

    Please do. You said we, which implies you have something to confess, doesn't it?

  • FlyingHighNow

    Well, hey Joker, I don't know if it was my fault but one day after I left the meeting early, fire and brimstone rained down from heaven and now there's nothing left of that congo but a burnt greasy spot and nothing will grow there anymore.

  • Gopher

    Nice try to create an inflammatory thread, Joker.

    Everybody complains how the Witnesses did this and that and in the process caused so much harm.

    Notice the generalizations ... "everybody", and "this and that".

    Actually most people on here go to great lengths to say that a lot of JW's are decent, kind people in spite of their religion. They have their share of jerks and psychos just like any other group with millions of members.

    The greatest harm comes from the Watchtower Society itself. They are deliberately squashing the humanity out of their members so that their people can serve their interests.

    "How much harm have we caused" is a good way to blame the victims. In every social group people are imperfect and hurt each other. This applies both to JW's and ex-JW's.

  • BluesBrother

    One cannot harm a congregation.. what is a congregation anyway? A group of people that meet to "worship" and study. Did we bring members away with us? very unlikely. Did we take any material thing away? of course not.. If they really had the Holy Spirit that they claim, then individuals like us could never threaten it.

    Our familys may regret out leaving, as does my wife who has to go alone to her Tuesday group study. But she gets to stay later and chat more then I would have done so it has compensations

  • Xandria

    Why assume that we have caused pain. Many of us were minding our own business and got our bum kicked ?


  • outoftheorg

    Describe your own harm and the pain you caused your congregation and how disturbed they all are to find you are visiting apostate sites and I might consider your question.

    Other wise get lost.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    How much harm did you cause to the people in your congregation?

    The Seagull and the Kite

    A SEAGULL having bolted down too large a fish, burst its deep
    gullet-bag and lay down on the shore to die. A Kite saw him and
    exclaimed: "You richly deserve your fate; for a bird of the air
    has no business to seek its food from the sea."

    Every man should be content to mind his own business.

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