I do not think this news is big enough to get the interest of the public. I will tell you right now it will not affect my faith or that of my parents.
JoinedPosts by Joker10
Journal of Church and State: WT NO-BLOOD EXPOSE'
by AndersonsInfo in(baylor university, waco, tx) an essay entitled, "jehovah's witnesses, blood transfusions, and the tort of misrepresentation," found in the autumn issue of baylor universitys prestigious journal of church and state, published december 13, 2005, exposes the vulnerability of jehovahs witnesses religious organization to massive claims for compensation because of the religions misrepresentation of the medical risks of blood transfusions.
this milestone essay critically examines one of the religions main publications for teaching their children and new recruits about their blood beliefs, how can blood save your life?
the peer-reviewed essay details many misrepresentations of medical facts, which the religion partly relies on to support its blood prohibition, thus denying its members from making fully informed medical decisions.
Jan 1st WT: Reaching out, Higher Education and Providing for one's needs
by truthseeker inwell, as a nice start to the new year, the jan 1st watchtower article, "how firm is your trust in god" blasts those who live comfortable lives, those who don't reach out, and those who pursue higher education.. definitely, they are taking a harsher stand, having completely painted themselves into a corner.. i highlighted the interesting comments.
i did not include all the text for each paragraph, just the main points.. .
1 a young man wanted to be more useful to the congregation.
Does the January 1 issue have the 2005 Service Year Statistics?
Do you like the attention you get from fellow posters?
by Joker10 inattention can be good or bad.
depends the way you look at it.
how much attention do you get for being a member of this board?
Attention can be good or bad. Depends the way you look at it.
How much attention do you get for being a member of this board? Have you become attached because of the treatment?
Your opinions.
Householder asks JW how much they gave to the Katrina relief effort
by truthseeker ina friend recently commented to me, that a sister in her congregation had two encounters in field service that caused her embarrassment.
first, the sister called on a man.
she was offering the awake magazine on disasters.
you have to admit that the majority of their giving is for other Jehovah's Witnesses, not for anyone who needs it.
Do people tend to help strangers more than their friends and family? Of course not? Do you?
The brothers give special attention to their own. My mother, for example, has helped brothers and sisters she didn't know well. Even when the situation was tight, she assisted them. The majority of people wouln't do that. That is unless the people in need are either friends or families. And that is exactly what Witnesses are. 'Brothers".
Householder asks JW how much they gave to the Katrina relief effort
by truthseeker ina friend recently commented to me, that a sister in her congregation had two encounters in field service that caused her embarrassment.
first, the sister called on a man.
she was offering the awake magazine on disasters.
Willy, you will not know how many Witnesses have personally helped the people of LA and MS unless you go out there and do a survey.
I have personally donated to the Red Cross and look forward for more volunteer work. Witness friends from Texas have offered their homes to Bible interested people and their families, and also to total strangers.
I know you would like to hear otherwise for some reason. Maybe to feed this negativity you've got???
Householder asks JW how much they gave to the Katrina relief effort
by truthseeker ina friend recently commented to me, that a sister in her congregation had two encounters in field service that caused her embarrassment.
first, the sister called on a man.
she was offering the awake magazine on disasters.
The Society has asked all the congregations for help. It is a lie to say they are not helping people and you know it. My congregation sent out $30,000, and another congregation that shares the same hall contributed another $40,000.
Why the Mainstream Media's reluctance to publish WTS vs Quotes battle?
by EscapedLifer1 inwe were unable to generate any interest the first go-around with the wts threatening quotes, and now it seems the mainstream media is for the most part ignoring us again.. i have also sent out numerous releases and letters to local media outlets (newspaper, tv, etc.
) prior to a number of district conventions, and never got any kind of response nor did i ever see anything anything printed or broadcast except the "fluff" pieces they do about the convention, baptism, drama, blah, blah.
after reading several local articles, from several different cities, reciting how much $$$$ the conventions bring to each city, i have a feeling that, at least these cases regarding the dc's, the media doesn't want to go after a large contributor to the local economy.. but, what about this case, the lawsuit against quotes?
Because nobody gives a s*** about Watchtower. 'Quotes' is not good material.
Silent Lambs Relief Effort
by Kenneson ini don't know if this has been posted yet or not, but i just saw an item indicating that silent lambs has joined the hurricane relief effort.
but i noticed it was headlined "silent lambs jehovah's witnesses hurricane relief effort.
" no doubt this is why the orlando based jehovah's witnesses have issued a scam alert at http://www.jw-aid.com of course, they don't think it a scam to ask for donations earmarked for their worldwide work that will benefit first and foremost jehovah's witnesses and precious few others.
These free so called "press releases" for SilentLambs would like to get get JWs money. SCAM. Why doesn't it mention the SilentLambs is mainly supported by apostates? Real JWs donate the money to the Watchtower Relief Effort.
Jehovah's Witness Nationwide Study
by Joker10 inthis is a summary of jehovah's witness and part of a nationwide study of mexico's religions.
the study indicated that jws are the fourth largest religion in mexico.
this is because many more people identified themselves as witnesses than the actual number of publishers.
Other findings:Some states reported to have 2% or more of the population claiming to be JWs, like Baja California.
There are only 5,300 Buddhists, 1,400 Muslims, and 45,000 Jews in Mexico.
The 900 Muslim males and 500 Muslim women were the more wealthy.
People who didn't belong to any religion had the lowest literacy rate and had more children.
Jehovah's Witness Nationwide Study
by Joker10 inthis is a summary of jehovah's witness and part of a nationwide study of mexico's religions.
the study indicated that jws are the fourth largest religion in mexico.
this is because many more people identified themselves as witnesses than the actual number of publishers.
This is a summary of Jehovah's Witness and part of a nationwide study of Mexico's religions.The study indicated that JWs are the fourth largest religion in Mexico. This is because many more people identified themselves as Witnesses than the actual number of publishers.
A little less than 60% of respondents were females in the religion.
Witnesses have a higher percentage of literacy than the rest of the country. Although women have an inferior percentage, in the case of Jehovah's Witness the gap is closer among both sexes than other religions.
Perhaps the greatest difference between JWs and the rest of the country is the lower percentage that live in rural areas and a greater percentage that live in cities with a population of 100,000 or more. There are 37 cities where JWs are more than 5% or more of the poulation. In Santa Maria Temaxcalapa in the state of Oaxaca more the 21% reported to belong to this religion. Some areas where more than 10,000 Witnesses live are Tijuana, Acapulco and in the Mexico City Metropolitan Area.
Female Witness have about the same number of children as other Mexicans.
Only 5% of Witnesses speak a native language. A lot lower than most religions.
50% have basic education. Although they have a lower percentage of people with superior education than other religions, they also have a lower percentage of people with no education. They are essentially a middle-class community.
Where only the head of household identified as a Witness, 22% of family members also were. Where only the spouse is a Witness, 59% of family members also practice it. And it goes up to more than 90% if both partners are.
Of people who identified themselves as being a Witness, 5% where living with their partner, unmarried. This means these people are probably inactive or are currently studying. Still this percent is one of the lowest between all religions that were part of this study. Only Mormons and Jews had a lower rate.
Of course real JW numbers should be better. Publishers were not the only ones interviewed, but also inactives and interested people who decided to identify themselves as a Witnesses.
Publishers figures would show they earn a little more, have more education, and have a lower percent of unmarried couples. This is because a higher percent of woman become inactive than men. And because females earn less and have less education than males in Mexico, they lowered the numbers in the first 2 categories. They also tend to marry or simply live with non-believers. Inactives aside, real Publisher figures should be better.