She's the reporter. If anybody reads her column, you will know. I don't know how the Press-Telegram can let her write these tales of hers. her stories only appears on Saturdays. Actually not all of them. BOO!
She's the reporter. If anybody reads her column, you will know. I don't know how the Press-Telegram can let her write these tales of hers. her stories only appears on Saturdays. Actually not all of them. BOO!
my sister called me last night and wanted me to go to an assembly with her in san francisco..she has a part on stage...i declined but she stated that her assembly mentioned the jw growth is at its greatist peak and still climbing....i asked if she really believes that and she mentioned all the new congregations in sacramento and auburn area and said the baptisim was so full they had to extend the lunch there any info to prove her wrong?..i have not gone this year..did any body attend and get this same info?
Do you know now how many attended and how many were really baptized?
is the growth rate reported by the jw's are third world countries?
is south america really listening?
is africa really wanting the jw's to come to thier huts?
5% is the growth rate there.
the recent august kingdom ministry contains instructions on deepening the ennui.
and sophorific potential of service meetings.
they are ordering that before the circuit.
Metatron, do you know how many publishers reported in Arpil?
witnesses on the move .
published: saturday | july 17, 2004
a view of the entrance to the marliemount headquarters of the jehovah's witnesses in jamaica and the cayman islands.
MBD, you are right if you when you say this is not an uplifting site.
my husband's ex-wife(a baptized jw) has been sending hateful messages with his children(a 4 and 10-year-old), whenever they come to visit us.
(i'm expecting), and she says hateful things about our unborn child to her children, and sometimes they repeat things they overhear her say about me and the baby.
What are the elders going to say? "Stop it"?
well, i'm hoping you guys have some suggestions for a pretty odd situation.
i need to find a job so i can start saving for college.
i moved back to a town i used to live in last january.
Get a good friend to lie for you.
The North Pole Kingdom Hall in Alaska.
i remember seeing 2 sisters in my congregation getting baptized at the age of 80. they then died 2 or 3 years later.
the book study was at their place so that they wouldn't have to go out.. .
82 year old woman.
my ex and i share joint custody of our 4 year old boy.
we share physical custody of him every other day.
lately, he has been regurgitating jw doctrine to me about about death, paradise and jehovah.
If you don't want to say that Jehovah's Witnesses are bad people, then don't say anything. With you as an influence your child will grow up knowing what's good and not good--hopefully.