I'll rather be in an ark with holes, than swimming with the sharks. At least the ones I'm with don't have NO TEETH.
hey guys,.
i was wondering if you have a response when you present stuff about pedo, un, rutherford, etc, and a jw says, "well they are imperfect people.. the last respons i got was, only jesus was ever the perfect channel of god - which of course i agree.. but it's like if you ever bring up anything about anything, the stock response is, "we'll it's an imperfect organization.... your response???.
I'll rather be in an ark with holes, than swimming with the sharks. At least the ones I'm with don't have NO TEETH.
hey guys,.
i was wondering if you have a response when you present stuff about pedo, un, rutherford, etc, and a jw says, "well they are imperfect people.. the last respons i got was, only jesus was ever the perfect channel of god - which of course i agree.. but it's like if you ever bring up anything about anything, the stock response is, "we'll it's an imperfect organization.... your response???.
Talk privately with her husband.. if he is in too deep and by man's traditions he is going to turn her in. Broken home!!!
The best answer is to (show me) in the bible. If they can't do that... keep reading your bible and ask questions. Don't let them throw the BIG A on you, be gentle and remember they are imperfect.... we are still waiting for the dawn to turn into a perfect day...
And if you do talk to an elder it is VERY GLASSY, VERY, VERY SLIPPERY. Tell them you are looking for questions and you are going to write the GB... they will try their very BEST to handle the matter IN HOUSE... but BE CAREFUL with the QUESTIONS!!!!. The BIG A is lurking!!!! and if they question you for asking questions give them Proverbs 19:2....
AND look very sincere.....
are you truly searching for answers... or are you like a spoil child lashing back with lies and truths.
i don't want to talk about the wts,or the governing body.
they are flaw and imperfect humans, just like you and me.
I been addicted to knowledge all my life, it didn't come with mileage, it didn't come with age... it came with a simple request... OPEN YOUR EYES.... understand the LIES... Life is no great mystery.... I need no Sleep... I will never weep... it just hurt to see so many love ones in pain....
I never have to defend my words, because they are stronger than I. And to be truthful... they are not even mine... and sometimes they even stare me down.... their NO DRUGS OR ALCHOL that can fool my mind or blur the truth from my eyes.
All in the heart and Mind
do you have faith in god?
a simple test... read judges 20-21. it's alot of reading... i ask again, "do you have faith in god?
ask yourself who could phineas represent today .
Do you have faith in GOD? A simple test... Read Judges 20-21. It's alot of reading... I ask again, "do you have faith in GOD? Ask yourself who could Phineas represent today .
Sons of Israel... Look here Phineas , you have told us too many wrong things. Words to make you think... who would you serve?
hey guys,.
i was wondering if you have a response when you present stuff about pedo, un, rutherford, etc, and a jw says, "well they are imperfect people.. the last respons i got was, only jesus was ever the perfect channel of god - which of course i agree.. but it's like if you ever bring up anything about anything, the stock response is, "we'll it's an imperfect organization.... your response???.
Can you imagine the people telling Noah, when the door was sealed and the rain start to come down. (I need to get out of here. I need to get out of here.)" Oh, my bad... they were probably saying: " let me in, let me in".
Go figure.
does god know in advance everything that people will do?
does he foresee and foreknow all future actions of all his creatures,spirit and human?.
or,is god's exercise of foreknowledge selective and discretionary,so that whatever he chooses to foresee and foreknow,he does, but what he does not choose to foresee or foreknow,he does not?.
Earthly beings, trying to get into GOD's head. Silly thoughts isn't it?
are you truly searching for answers... or are you like a spoil child lashing back with lies and truths.
i don't want to talk about the wts,or the governing body.
they are flaw and imperfect humans, just like you and me.
To my dear Know2much,
I give you praise to fight the truth of words, but I still see your stuck on earth and you only deal with earthly things... but you need to sleep and think in a spiritual way, so you can see ... the spiritual things... you are putting your faith in man, when it should be in GOD.
Why do you hold these people on pedestals? They are going to fall and you will fall right along with them. The silly part is they already know, they are going to fall... so they are able to get back up... but you will not because you didn't know or don't want to know... you should search a religion but you need to know GOD.
Do you serve GOD? Do you love GOD? If you do then what infalliable man say will not stumble you, because you know GOD.
Sometimes, the hardest fight is with one's self... and you are correct I don't know nothing at all... but know yourself....
So tell me who are you serving? Where is the truth?
are you truly searching for answers... or are you like a spoil child lashing back with lies and truths.
i don't want to talk about the wts,or the governing body.
they are flaw and imperfect humans, just like you and me.
What are these knots in my stomach. Why are these words tauting me, why are these words teasing me. Why are these words chasing me? Why are these words judging me. Why can't I face the truth...
If I believe in the bible, and why don't I believe in GOD. If, I don't accept the truth that the bible teaches @2 Tim 3:16-17, but then I say I believe in GOD twisted isn't it, but did not the Israelites have imperfect kings Ahaz, David, Solomon...
So what are you saying that you don't believe in GOD. Do I have to be part of an organzation to believe in GOD and all his works. Mark 9:38-39
Why judge me? Are you searching for truth ??? Why are you not trying to help me??? Do you have the truth??? DO you believe in the truth???? Do my words stumble you??? But you say your STILL asleep....
are you truly searching for answers... or are you like a spoil child lashing back with lies and truths.
i don't want to talk about the wts,or the governing body.
they are flaw and imperfect humans, just like you and me.
Are you truly searching for answers... or are you like a spoil child lashing back with lies and truths. I don't want to talk about the WTS,or the Governing Body. Who are they? They are flaw and imperfect humans, just like you and me.
We always looked a what ppl do to us, oh look how they turn away from me, they are not showing me no love, me, me, me. I just gave birth to depression... why couldn't I have been the little spark to start the fire back? Why couldn't I show love, even though I needed it too? Let's just face the truth... it's not the ppl, it us... we just don't want to be there and many of us are looking for an opening... an easy and quick exit!!
Face the truth... it's GOD you are suppose to be following but the truth is we want to do our own thing. Apostle Peter had the attitude to humble himself and he even made mistakes stumbled and fell on his face, but he had LOVE for GOD to get up and keep going but what about Judas? Was it the mighty dollar that had him? or was he just jealous? maybe his head was puff up with pride. Don't you know.... foolish pride will puff you up and leave you for dead. Ask yourself what religion has the apostle Peter attitude? What religion had the Judas attitude? both of them was imperfect, but the bottom line is which one got up and kept trying?
Did not GOD, use Cyrus to liberate his ppl from Babylon? Cyrus was not a servant of GOD, but GOD held his hand and gave him victory.
GOD's servants now on earth are not perfect... they are infalliable. GOD is not holding their hand... did you not hear Jesus at John 4:23... "GOD is looking for those who will worship him with spirit and truth." Don't you know if GOD was holding certain ones hands here on Earth now, they would be NO MISTAKES, in that's ones teaching.
Even if you knew that GOD was holding cetain ones hands, would you follow? Would you serve GOD? Would you be faithful? Sure... that's the same thing the Israelites thought... they had the pillar of fire over there heads... but they had to build the golden calf... they had the ark of coveant in their midst, but Korah had to challenge Moses , in other words challenge GOD and his authority.
Let's recongize, we are ALL SINNERS!!! and bad and unthinkable things happen, even with ones that have knowledge... did not Miriam challenge?
So ask yourself " DO YOU WANT THE TRUTH, KNOWLEDGE, UNDERSTANDING, AND WISDOM? If you had it want would you do with it? would you knock on doors and help others... or would you be greedy and keep it to yourself.
Is it GOD that you want to serve and worship or is it yourself? Should you obey your child or should your child obey you?
Have you stop believing in GOD to satify your selfish need... you keep saying their perfect ppl on this earth... you keep saying there a Paradise on this earth.... you keep saying there was no need for Jesus a perfect man to come to this earth.... you keep saying that GOD has no right to rule over us.... the tears has stop falling , but your still lying to yourself like a wild river....
There no tears....
hey guys,.
i am a witness that is no longer going to meetings.. but i tell you what, i'm scared to death.. i'm really "limping on two decisions.".
what would you guys say is the one "scriptural" reason why you left the truth.. thanks.. gene.
the truth is Jesus was the only perfect man that walked this earth. The truth is what you know in your heart, but do not want to face. The truth is we worship GOD not man. The truth is found at Daniel 11:35" can you be refined?" or are you joining them by a means of smoothness? Daniel 11:34.
Maybe it just that you don't believe in GOD, or maybe you feel he doesn't have the right to let things take place as he see fit. Name 1 religion that's is trying to follow GOD's words to the fullest of their imperfect and flaw being. Then you found the religion that Daniel 11:32-35 apply to then you have found the truth.
So, it all ends in who words do you trust GOD's or man's. Do you love and know GOD"S laws? Do you know PS.119:165. So why are you stumbling?
Did Israel rebel against it's kings? Was not Solomon, who worship false gods still king of Israel? Did not King David, (Solomon father) kill a man for his wife? Why, King Saul tried to kill David, but David said, " he would not touch a servant of GOD. So why are you juding imperfect men? You don't have enough faith and trust that GOD has an appointed time to settle all things.
Speak and be Silent...