I was raised in the "truth" and am 37. I quit going after the "new light" about the understanding of a generation.
This new information really served to make God look like a liar. For example, if your place of employement, where you served faithfully for years (and in our case, all voluntarily), you were promised a retirement plan, that you had paid into and your employer paid into, but when it was time to pay up, the employer said, "You must have misunderstood what I was telling you, there is no retirement plan, but you can still work here for the rest of your life." This would make your employer look like a lying scoundrel.
When all along the real promises made to us from God had nothing to do with earning salvation through endless hours in field service and constant mind numbing meetings, but was the pure and simple truth that belief in the ransom sacrifice is our only true salvation.
So for me it was the old adage, "Fool me once (1975) shame on you, fool me twice (1994) shame on me."