To a certain extent, my take is that ?S**t happens?.
Even if we are born into the WTBS (like I was) so what? People are born into worse situations every day. So my folks had some wacky believes that caused me in many ways to ?waste? most of my young adult life. So what? I was also born to a poor Idaho stump farming family. That probably affected my life more in some ways. And what affected my life the most was that I was born into a loving, caring family. Loving, caring families happen everywhere and don?t happen everywhere. That?s the luck of the draw.
While I think it can be said that there is a certain level of coercion involved in being a dub, the same thing can be said of any social construct, including society in general. Most of the time, and for most of the people, we sleepwalk within these constraints, hardly aware of them. They are as invisible to us as the air we breath. That's why there are many happy witnesses. We accept them as the natural order, that it?s just the way things work. Occasionally we look up and discover that perhaps the emperor has no clothes and can no longer sleep walk thru our previous constraints and start to push back at them.
Now, having said that, there is more coercion in dubland than say the ?average? modern day Catholic, but we are not talking Jim Jones here either. People overcome worse stuff every day. Our situation is hardly unique.