If you had info that could possibly make your jw see the inside of a jc would you let the society know? This would be a jw who does not completely understand nor believe what jc's are all about. I understand the backlash to doing so, as well as how it could make said jw become more 'spiritual' (as if that's possible).
Carla, i can't tell you the hundreds of times i have thought of doing that same thing. I have even gone as far as taking notes as far as times, dates and what the( Fake) loving so called faithful jws was doing . The reason i never have is it could blow up in my face. On the one hand yes a JC meeting would show a jw the insides of the jws true BS and lack of caring but on the other , it could push one even farther in the cult . I can see the counseled jw now watching his every move and remembering him being repremanded by the elders and now being the best jw that he can be with jahs help.
Let them hang themselves !