Thanks E-man! This article is just AWESOME! I forwarded it to all my ghost group members (including another former JW). I better start "investigating" my own house right away!
there was a time when jw's wouldn't buy anything that wasn't brand spanking new.
it might be a way for the demons to enter your home!.
this is from the wt, dec 15, 1966:.
Thanks E-man! This article is just AWESOME! I forwarded it to all my ghost group members (including another former JW). I better start "investigating" my own house right away!
i think i'm partial to wild turkey but i do like jim beam (black label).
i used to like jack daniels but they've lowered the proof so i refuse to buy it now.
one of my friends is convinced they both taste like piss...i don't quite understand that...i mean they both do what they're supposed and they don't taste bad to me....any preferences out there?
Seagram's VO is my whiskey of choice. Wild Turkey and Jim Beam are just too sweet for me. But, if I have the money, I will pick Crown Royal every time. Mmmmmmmmmm.
you may want to have a look at these pictures.
they're of that hall that is being talked about here:
when i saw this, i couldn't help but remember of that doctrine that would go like 'the waters of babylon, the great, will dry out and she will see her end', remember?
There is a park near where I work that my husband and eat lunch at during the summer. On the way, there was a KH. Just recently, we went by and the KH was not a KH anymore, but rather some kind of a Methodist Church. I thought it was interesting that they allowed another church to buy it out.
Wonder what happened to all those happy Dubs from the Caledonia, Michigan Kingdom Hall?
just wanted to let everyone know that my granddaughter has decided not to wait for her originally scheduled debut.
her debut has been rescheduled for next monday....a little early, but we're hoping all goes well.
whatever positive thoughts, prayers, etc.
From one proud grandma to another! Congrats Trail!
hi i just got a shih tzu puppy, has changed my life, so adorable, .
I own the world's fattest ShihTzu! His name is Gonzo, but we just call him Bean. The name mutated from Gonzo Garbonzo Bean. For reasons I don't quite understand, my husband and I always re-name our pets.
Bean is a snuffly little dog and we love him dearly. Your dog will bring you many years of happiness and laughter!
as a stay-at-home mom, i can occasionally find a few minutes every few days to play on the computer, but the amount of activity on this forum during us working hours is pretty surprising.
folks from other parts of the world notwithstanding, how are you american members able to post during work hours?.
You ARE spoiled!
as a stay-at-home mom, i can occasionally find a few minutes every few days to play on the computer, but the amount of activity on this forum during us working hours is pretty surprising.
folks from other parts of the world notwithstanding, how are you american members able to post during work hours?.
I AM at work. Just on my lunch break. I think a lot of people post during their work hours as well. Personal computer use at work is hard to monitor, unless you have a savvy IT department. Or a nosy boss.
I, on the other hand, have a privacy screen.
when i was a kid and on vacation in florida about 20 years ago, my dad had mentioned about an "apostate group" in florida and that it was called "jehovah's christian witnesses" supposedly they even had their own kingdom halls, how many others here are aware of this group and do they even exist still?
I live in Grand Rapids, MI and I just called that number. It is definitely an apostate "help line" discounting the messages of the Watchtower over the last hundred years. It was a recorded message that asked you to leave a name and address if you wanted more information.
i was reading some comments on randy's site, and lately i've been noticing a trend - a majority of jws can't spell.
i've seen them come on here and their spelling is very poor.
here's an example: what a nut case!
I have noticed that there are a lot of people on this board that were former JW's cannot seem to spell. However, I see the same amount of misspellings on just about every board I've visited. I think it's a general trend that schools in the recent past just don't "knock it into your head" how to spell. I, myself, am a meticulous speller but that is because it was drilled into my head from a very young age. I hate to admit it , but I was even in a couple of spelling bees in grammar school. Maybe it was the school district I attended, I don't know.
I also see a lot of college educated people that cannot spell, nor do they know how to use proper grammar. I look at resumes nearly every working day and it never ceases to amaze me what people consider proper English. I do not have a college education, BTW.
I agree that a lot of misspellings are due to typos. As I went to high school in the late 70's, early 80's, I learned to type on a manual typewriter. I developed a typing "rhythm" that allows me to be accurate and fast. People that learn to type on a keyboard do not learn that rhythm.
Anyway, my $.02 for the day.
i don't have any except work on my 68 charger.
so i want to hear yours so i can think of you having fun.,,,,,,,,,, please be safe no matter what you do.
ps , and i am nosey
Just got back from a camping trip. I'm too old for tent camping now. Decided we need a camper or rent a cabin somewhere. Too much work! Was fun when the kids were small, not so much fun now. We did have a good time, just will spend the weekend recovering from sleeping outside and not in our own bed.