"The Christ doesnt care about such matters"
He dosen't care because he doesn't exist. If he did I'm sure he'd do something about it.
so why not female governing body?
why not female anything?
i mean, i kind of know the answer.
"The Christ doesnt care about such matters"
He dosen't care because he doesn't exist. If he did I'm sure he'd do something about it.
it's only about 8 minutes long.
but he brings up the child abuse policies and cover ups and was disfellowshipped for being an 'apostate & liar'.
it's pretty good:.
I'm glad I watched that first video as it's short and straight to the point and actually taught me something I didn't know.
However you could have warned us that he quotes scripture right at the start as I initially thought "**** this, just another ex-JW who's swapped one set of lies for another", but I'm glad I stayed with it.
as a kid a remember tales of the unexpected being frowned on as it had ouija boards in the opening credits.. .
do you recall any other shows being banned?.
uun .
I loved that program, I seem to remember a couple of other things about it:
1) It very rarely actually had any supernatural content.
2) Never mind the ouija board (which thanks to horror films and the like people don't realise are actually 19th century toys and have nothing to do with true occult practices), what about the polarized image of the dancing naked lady during said opening credits? That surly would have made many a JW father aroused uneasy.
This thread actually reminds me of being out on FS with a sister and her addmiting that she stayed up late the previous night to watch the TV premier of of movie Zombie Flesh Eaters (the one with that underwater shark vrs zombie fight sequence). I think she knew I wouldn't snitch on her as my friends in the congregation knew I had a taste for non-mainstream books, music and stuff, and I admitted to her I'd concidered watching it myself but didn't as it was on too late.
Though even at my most hardcore JW ways I still believed entertainment was a matter of concious it still felt a bit naughty to admit that we both were interested in a movie that would at the very least get us a bollocking from the elders if they found out.
at the moment the usa has around 2 million people in prison.. along with that you have some crazy prison sentences.. .
thug shot at police 19 times.
hit an officer on shoulder.. 122 years.. .
Have watched the video and you appear to have mislead us. Your comment should have read something like:
Father kills man who abducted and is believed to have abused his son.
Pleads no contest to manslaughter and is found guilty.
Sentenced to 5 years probabtion.
You were making out he "got away with it", he demonstrably didn't.
bha welcomes new eu guidelines on freedom of religion and belief.
the british humanist association (bha) and the european humanist federation (ehf) have welcomed the new guidelines.. the new guidelines, adopted by the council of foreign affairs ministers of the eu, aim to help the eu to promote freedom of religion and belief in countries outside the eu, and to take action on violations of this right.
they protect the non-religious as well as the religious.
I think you people are not understanding the story.
The fact is that fundamental rights such as the opposing violence against women, children, members of religious minorities, and violence directed at people because of sexual orientation or gender identity, not to mention conscientious objection to military service and do not accept religious demands for conscientious objection in areas such as abortion and contraception are already covered by laws in individual states and also European Human Rights Legislationand as such matters were outside the boards remit of the council.
The part of the recommendations that they want to apply to all European States is the abolition of all blasphemy and religious insult laws in the member states that still have them. Until a Europe wide ruling on this matter is made these states can not be forced to remove such legislation from their books, even if said legislation has not been used in a criminal court for many decades, for example no one had faced criminal prosecution for blasphemy in the United Kingdom since 1921 but the law was not repealed until 2008.
at the moment the usa has around 2 million people in prison.. along with that you have some crazy prison sentences.. .
thug shot at police 19 times.
hit an officer on shoulder.. 122 years.. .
Father murders man accused of abusing his son.
Zero years
Sounds like obvious mitigating circumstances were taken into account and IMO sounds like a fair (none) sentence, especially if the father had spent time on remand before trial.
this is amazing, it may take a little time to load, make sure you see the whole thing.. http://cavemancircus.com/2013/06/27/putting-the-universe-in-perspective/.
That's the best 60 seconds I've wasted today. Thanks for the link.
And that last picture crude but effective and very funny.
i notice the sexist language of the watchtower a lot more these days.
is it on the increase or am i simply more tuned into to noticing it now?
for example this statement in the june kingdom ministry:.
That Harry Enfield sketch seems to have embedding itself into the subconcious of an entire generation of Brits and ex-pats. There's probably not a month goes by without something (either old or contempory) bringing the phrase "Women Know Your Limits" to mind. It's probably to us mid-30's to mid-40 year olds what "Fork handles, handles for forks" or "Don't mention the War" is to our parents.
it gives me great pleasure to announce the upcoming release of my new, (non)192-page book, deliverance at hand!
(yep, same title as the 2006 district convention, which i'm sure fulfills some sort of obscure, convoluted prophecy in revelation.
or maybe daniel.
Looks like it could be an interesting read, did you write it? If so, I wish you every success.
Is there any way to purchase it other than Amazon? I won't use Amazon as a matter of principle due to the awful way they treat their staff and the unreasonable bulk discounts they force on their suppliers.
if you want to read the definitive explanation on fossils and how life arrived its covered in darwins doubt, by s.c. meyer.
this is a game changer.
the bomb!.
@ ÁrbolesdeArabia - Where to start?
So you are saying that Stalin and Mao's expressed atheism was the reason for their actions rather than the fact they were simply evil men?
Hitler was an atheist? He was a Christian who towards the end of his life may have shifted to a deistic world view. He actually on occasion spoke up in defence of the Christian faith and was known to compare himself to Jesus.
I could ask you why any atheist would want to hear about all the millions of people who have died over the centuries at the hands of the Christian church? But you know what? Unlike you I do not tar all Christians with the same brush. Sure I believe they are deluded and I don't understand why how they could believe in something so obviously untrue but on the whole they are good people and if they want to waste their life waiting for an afterlife that will never come that is their choice not mine. For example you choose to believe in the Biblical Great Flood despite it being proven without doubt never to have happened and said story being a stock myth from every pre-Christian Babylonian religion (if their version is untrue then how comes the Christian variation is?)
Stocks and shares and the corporate business model existed centuries before public expression of atheism became socialy acceptable so I fail to see what point you are making by mentioning them.
You ask "if there is no God why not steal and take from the weakest?" I answer because in the vast majority of cases it is wrong to take something that is not yours certainly if that person has greater need for it than yourself.
I know that when I die I will not have to answer to any sort of supernatural deity but that in no way gives me any excuse to needlessly steal or lie or cheat or kill, and how dare you imply that immorality is the default atheist mindset.