Simon ...
I personally wish to thank you for all you have done. Wow, looking back on all these years ... wow.
Again, thank you and you have provided much needed help and comfort to many.
I look forward to the next part of the journey.
Rub a Dub
huge round of applause for simon (not every hero wears a cape).
this is to say a huge big thank you,tons of appreciation and gratitude from me for simon for toiling away on his own dime for 20 years or so and keeping this site up and running .
surely this site has helped tons of jdumbs n exjdumbs in their search for ttatt and freedom.
Simon ...
I personally wish to thank you for all you have done. Wow, looking back on all these years ... wow.
Again, thank you and you have provided much needed help and comfort to many.
I look forward to the next part of the journey.
Rub a Dub
good move or bad?
the dead US soldiers were killed simply because they were in the Middle East, almost as if it was their fault
L U H E ...
In an earlier post, I said we have three of the most recent presidents, of three different races, who sent the troops to the middle east (Bush:White, Obama: Black, Trump: Orange).
I'm sure the majority of those soldiers wanted no part of it but that is what can happen when you are in the military. You obey orders. There is absolutely no disrespect to those men and women, some of whom sadly returned to the US in a box or missing body parts.
Rub a Dub
i'm going to be the first and throw this out there for others but, from careful study of the scriptures i've found a loophole that even adam who was perfect at the time missed!
i'm sure everyone has heard the conundrum about ,"can god create a rock he can't lift?
" and if he can't create one he can't lift, then god cannot do everything" well that doesn't really matter since we know jehovah says himself he cannot lie right?
Another theory is that the fruit on the Tree of Knowledge was actually poisonous.
Adam and Eve ate the fruit and the snake (Satan) was laughing his butt off knowing that it would give them the shits.
Adam and Eve spent the next few days having the squirts all over the Garden and God became angry that they were stinking up the place since they had not yet installed the indoor plumbing in their new house.
They kept plenty of leaves around since they did not know where to buy toilet paper.
Anyway, they were cast out and the rest is history.
Rub a Dub
good move or bad?
that's pretty much what white supremacists say re immigrants in Western countries.
L U H E ...
I'll check back in later when I try to connect the dots regarding white supremacists and US Military forces.
Perhaps if I had just said "If you go looking for trouble you will find it" would have been a more simplistic approach.
Rub a Dub
good move or bad?
Do like having fuel for your car and for the wagons that bring food to your local store?
cofty ...
I thought the Orange Man made us energy independent? At least that's what he said.
I didn't say "all" western powers, I was referring to the US.
Have Israel join NATO and then have NATO deal with it.
There ARE countries in Europe and other places that could certainly help. Why is it always the US?
Rub a Dub
good move or bad?
You can't keep standing there being punched in the face, at some point you have to hit back.
Simon ...
If you stop putting your face into places that it doesn't belong you won't get punched.
Rub a Dub
good move or bad?
Soleimani was head of the Al-Quds force and is responsible for the deaths of US soldiers (might be about 60? Not 100% sure).
LoveUniHateExams ...
Really not taking sides here but what one views as violence on one side is viewed by the other side as freedom fighters.
Right or wrong, America feels it is the policeman of the world. The soldiers were not killed on US soil but in Iraq. I didn't see Canadian, French, British, or other European soldiers targeted.
When even the people you are trying to "help" really don't want you there, then what is the expected outcome in the long run?
I guess it could be argued that Bush, Obama and Orange Man are the ones ultimately responsible since they keep sending US soldiers to these A-Hole places.
Rub a Dub
good move or bad?
Was it because 'orange man bad'?
punkofnice ...
I think Orange Man is in way over his head.
Even Netanyahu in Israel this morning said they had nothing to do with the killing. He said it was totally an American operation.
Go and knock down the hornets' nest and see what happens.
Rub a Dub
good move or bad?
Throw Fox "News" and MSNBC into a blender and you will get something close to reality.
Rub a Dub
i don't know if this topic has been covered before - it might 've been.. i also recommend flipper's excellent music thread ('what songs have you been listening to?
', or similar).. but, i'd just like to start a thread about certain songs giving me goosebumps.
y'know, when you hear a song that profoundly effects you in some difficult-to-describe way and the hairs on your arm stand on end even though the room temperature's comfortably warm.. so, which songs give you goosebumps?.
RubaDub- 'Children' by Robert Miles is definitely a goosebump song. As soon as I saw the picture I got goosebumps. Unfortunately for me, it also makes me cry or sob rather. So I don't listen to it anymore.
caves ...
Yes, there is something about that song (Children) that gets inside you ... maybe goose bumps, maybe something deeper inside the soul ... perhaps mesmerizing is the word.
I am not sure.
Rub a Dub