If this was so necessary it would be a legal requirement for running for President.
Min ...
Then why would the Orange Man promise it? Something he could provide with a phone call?
Rub a Dub
and do you think he has a chance to win it all?
If this was so necessary it would be a legal requirement for running for President.
Min ...
Then why would the Orange Man promise it? Something he could provide with a phone call?
Rub a Dub
i recall that some wt articles talk about why people leave the “truth” like maybe they have a secret sin perhaps like masturbation, etc.. i would like to show my worldly friend the articles.
when i told him that, he looked at me like i am crazy!
i want to show him the proof!
Would love to know what happened to this bro, or the elder that commissioned it
kramer ...
From some insiders at Bethel, he is living here in South Beach, Miami Florida and doing his routine at an all-male strip club.
Word has it he looks really hot in a see-thru thong.
Rub a Dub
and do you think he has a chance to win it all?
The reason why there is interest in seeing a president's tax returns is not to see how much money they make .... Now, come on, see if you can figure out the reason why that's important.
redvip2000 ...
The point is that when you promise to do something that is extremely easy to do, make that part of your political campaign, and then don't do it, there are questions that arise.
Offer to sell a car. Tell the person buying it that you have all the maintenance receipts and records and then after the sale, say that you are not going to turn over the records.
In Orange Man or Bloomberg's case, it could be done with a phone call.
It's pretty simple.
Rub a Dub
i recall that some wt articles talk about why people leave the “truth” like maybe they have a secret sin perhaps like masturbation, etc.. i would like to show my worldly friend the articles.
when i told him that, he looked at me like i am crazy!
i want to show him the proof!
maybe they have a secret sin perhaps like masturbation, etc.. I would like to show my worldly friend the articles
lamallcool ...
Include some actual pics of the sin also.
Rub a Dub
and do you think he has a chance to win it all?
Room 215 ...
Thank you for the first-hand insightful analysis ... not just one-sided opinion as is so prevalent by ones that just read blogs or listen to the left and right news.
Rub a Dub
and do you think he has a chance to win it all?
Do you really care about seeing someone’s tax returns?
Min ...
Not at all.
But if I make a campaign promise and then keep trying to hide the information afterwards, it just makes you wonder.
The Orange Man's excuse for "I am under audit" has expired. I don't know what he is trying to hide.
But I would still like to hear Bloomberg's response if they ask him for the same thing.
Rub a Dub
and do you think he has a chance to win it all?
I hope they ask Bloomberg in the debate if he will release his tax returns.
If he has any hanging down parts left, he will.
If not, he could play the Orange Man role and say he is smooth down there.
Rub a Dub
editor's note: found this on reddit...thought the meat of the post would be a good post for discussion here as well.. consider the three choices god forced upon david for taking a census.
these three choices were forced on king david, not for murdering people, not for raping women, not for lying, stealing, or any crime we can think of in our modern world that is repugnant, but simply for taking a census or in other words, counting people.. for counting people, jehovah forced a decision on david that involved the lives of thousands upon thousands of innocent people.. the choices all dealt with the “way” jehovah would kill thousands of unsuspecting loyal worshipers.. 1 chronicles 21.
“these are the choices the lord has given you.
Imagine a different scenario when King David saw the beautiful Bathsheba naked.
If he had just watched her and "taken the matter into his own hands", the biblical records would be far different.
Rub a Dub
and do you think he has a chance to win it all?
If the Dems get Bloomberg (who could buy Trump 20 times over), the challenge will be to get the the far left wing (Sanders / Warren) under control and go to vote.
Trump, who was originally much more moderate, moved over further right and grabbed the low hanging fruit in the Tea Party.
It will be interesting to see if Bloomberg can do the save thing with Bernie Inc. on the left.
Rub a Dub
well, these stories are always fun, right?
let me share mine.. my husband and have been pimo for 2 years.
inactive for one year.
erinee ...
Of course I don't know all of the circumstances, but is there a big advantage in DA'ing instead of just fading? Do you live near them? Are you in the same congregation?
If your family can accept you being inactive, isn't that something to consider? Show up for the memorial or something and call it a day.
Maybe just telling them you need some time "off" to get your mind and thoughts together could be an option.
I realize that when children arrive it gets dicey with the birthday and christmas thing. But that is years into the future.
But is that really living a lie? You don't have to agree with all of the beliefs of anything or anyone. You can define the rules. You really don't have to get into doctrinal issues with them. Why?
Personally, from what I am reading, I don't think it has to be an all or nothing thing. Again, if you are inactive, you can simply define the rules.
Just my thoughts. I wish you the best. Please keep us informed.
Rub a Dub