You must think the Pope is a religious nut too. Because Pence has religious values, that makes him a whacko?
Min ...
The Pope, GB, Priests, etc. are in the religious business.
Pence is supposed to be a politician, not a religious zealot.
Rub a Dub
yes, it’s donald trump’s problem and he has no idea of how to take care of this!
and he gets his vp mike pence to oversee this situation.
donald trump doesn’t care about who could get this virus.
You must think the Pope is a religious nut too. Because Pence has religious values, that makes him a whacko?
Min ...
The Pope, GB, Priests, etc. are in the religious business.
Pence is supposed to be a politician, not a religious zealot.
Rub a Dub
you couldn't make this up!
the emperor's transgender's new clothes syndrome = don't dare define their problem as being psychological, otherwise you're transphobic!.
... then your preferred pronoun, such as his/hers or they, if you aren't sure ... For example, 'Bob works really hard, they deserve a raise.'
Min ...
I can see (in my twisted mind) this scenario:
- Bob's pronoun is "they".
- Bob get's a sex change operation.
- Bob now prefer's "she" as the pronoun.
- Coworkers come up to Bob, shake "her" hand and say "Congratulations Bob, nice to hear you had your dick cut off. Did everything go well"?
I'm sorry Min, your commentary just made my mind explode.
Rub a Dub
this week's meeting stresses god's justice and righteousness in destroying the "wicked" people of the above cities.
we are told how patient and just big j was in this matter.
finally with a regretful shake of his head, he dispenses justice .. gen 19:24 then jehovah made it rain sulfur and fire on sodʹom and go·morʹrah—it came from jehovah, from the heavens.+ 25 so he overthrew these cities, yes, the entire district, including all the inhabitants of the cities and the plants of the ground.+.
Who looked back to see the Pillar of Salt ?
Lot's wife.
She looked back and turned into Kosher Salt, Sea Salt, Seasoned Salt or something.
But Lot was a wonderful person although he got drunk, raped both of his young daughters and got them pregnant.
High fives to him.
Rub a Dub
i wonder if there will be panic buying of food, guns, gas ect due to the corona virus.
what do you guys think?.
I'm really not sure what guns have to do with this but I guess if someone comes to your house and you think they might have the coronavirus, you can just open your window and shoot them.
Rub a Dub
they'll write pages and pages of stuff and yet they don't have any idea.. here's a paragraph from their latest speculations on future events, bolding is mine.. a prophecy recorded by ezekiel gives some insight into what may happen during the last days of the king of the north and the king of the south.
if we view the prophecies of ezekiel 38:10-23; daniel 2:43-45; 11:44–12:1; and revelation 16:13-16, 21 as speaking about the same time period and events, it appears that we can expect the following developments.. that's an awful lot of assumptions to make.
what they've done is picked out various scriptures from different parts of the bible and now state that they may or may not be talking about the same events.
So different from years ago, when we studied types and antitypes,
Westie ..... Yes, those were the good old days.
We had types, antitypes, mistypes, type, types and a half type, and every event or group had a type.
Now we are typeless.
Don't you miss the good old days when in our minds it all somehow made sense?
Rub a Dub
i haven’t seen her posting lately, is she all right?
i miss her insight..
she would be on trips during January to March of this year.
Atlantis ...
I did not see her Out of Office message come up or who to contact in her absence.
Rub a Dub
it seems some people still maintain that trump will try to get help from the russians “again”..
I'm not sure if the Orange Man is working with the Russians or not but it seems strange that he now quotes new planned expenditures (i.e. Coronavirus) in both US Dollars and Russian Rubles.
Rub a Dub
i haven’t seen her posting lately, is she all right?
i miss her insight..
I was thinking the same thing about a week ago.
Come back Blondie!
Rub a Dub
2020-02-19 letter.
italian translation needed to verify if the coronavirus has suspended the preaching activity.
i think that is what this letter is about.. .
Putting JW "politics" aside here, this Corona thing is now into 11 cities in Italy. It only appears to be getting worse each day when you wake up and turn on the news.
If this thing creeps further north towards Germany, it could have a devastating effect on the EU and the world economy.
Time will tell.
Rub a Dub
while even non-peaceful people have been awarded the peace prize (e.g.
arafat, kissinger), i am confused as to how obama could possibly have won the award one year after being the first term junior senator from illinois with zero “peace” experience (other than his ‘well-articulated’ rhetoric)..
reading the obama-pining on a couple of posts made me reexamine my view of barry’s presidency..
Skin color.
caves ...
But you miss the point. Obama is clean. He is clean.
Rub a Dub