I am not at liberty to discuss this problem in public
Victor ...
Great to see you again. We've missed you. How have you been?
If you set up a Zoom session with us, we can discuss.
Rub a Dub
if you live in san antonio and would like to help me help randy waters please send me a pm.
I am not at liberty to discuss this problem in public
Victor ...
Great to see you again. We've missed you. How have you been?
If you set up a Zoom session with us, we can discuss.
Rub a Dub
if all you want to do it deliver a constant whine of "orange man bad" then find someplace else to do.
frankly, i can't be bothered with the bullshit anymore.. honestly, your politics and the whole virtue signalling woke brigade has actually started causing real deaths and was ruining life for many before that.. if you can't control your disease, then i'll do it for you.. it's not open for debate..
Rub, u r funny!
Min ...
Not that funny. I don't see them.
I wasn't discussing politics.
Rub a Dub
unleavened bread has no yeast in it.
and yeast is a symbol of sin, right?
not good for symbolising whatever it's supposed to symbolise, obviously.. so my beloved missus, who i believe is possibly the best cook in the world (although i do have a soft spot for chef nigella lawson with those magnificent knockers and all) is an absolute ace at baking sourdough bread.. and yes, sourdough bread - especially when toasted - is absolutely yummy.
Maybe they had wine and unleavened bread because they were out of Jewish Rye.
Rub a Dub
who needs a press secretary when the president details what is happening every day to keep us informed?
i think he’s doing a very good job considering what is happening in the usa and the world..
I think President Trump is doing a wonderful job with all of pressure upon him and those around him.
Rub a Dub
i was wondering about that half-table/half-podium thing that jw's use on the platform.
is that unique to jw's & do they build them, like shakers had their own furniture?.
I'm surprised the watchtower hasn't came out with an article saying that they invented the wooden podium
Joliette ...
I'm surprised the watchtower hasn't come out with an article saying that they invented wood.
Rub a Dub
any thoughts?
i would expect vancouver and toronto to be huge epicenters with the rate of international travel there.
with vancouver highly asian and toronto a mixture of everywhere, they are either just behind in the cycle or doing something that makes more sense than what is happening here.. rub a dub.
I am not sure what the reference to “20-25%” is in your question
shepherdless ...
I was referring to per capita infections and deaths, since you can't really compare the two countries using absolute numbers when the US has 7 times more people.
But I still find Vancouver an anomaly with a population of 700,000 and nearly one third are Asians, primarily from China and Korea.
Rub a Dub
who needs a press secretary when the president details what is happening every day to keep us informed?
i think he’s doing a very good job considering what is happening in the usa and the world..
I think that the 15 day sheet that Pence keeps holding up in press conferences expires tomorrow (Monday, 30 March 2020).
I think he should apply for an extension.
Rub a Dub
no work.
no school.
people being cooped up.
BTW: If you want something to do, I can recommend buying a home wine-making kit.
Simon, great idea.
I actually used to brew beer a lot when in lived north of New York City. It is not that difficult and you can practice with different malts, hops and yeasts and come up with some very good tasting beer. Even I do drink the watery stuff when I am thirsty (Bud, Coors, Molson), I much prefer a beer with some body and flavor. When you homebrew, you get beer comparable or better than even some of the craft brews and get it for a fraction of the price.
Regarding wine, I was friends with an old Italian brother in the next congregation near to us and he was quite the wine-maker. The only problem was that the grapes that were grown closer to us in New York State are much cheaper (Finger Lakes region) but tend to be very sweet. I'm not into sweet wine at all. I did once get a few cases of grapes from California but the shipping cost was quite high at the time. But as you say, the kits they have today are a lot easier to use.
As an aside, I once tried making a couple of cases of "Guinness Stout." It was fine and tasted great after the main fermentation. When ready to bottle, you pour the beer into each bottle and add just a pinch of sugar prior to sealing the cap on. This secondary fermentation is what creates pressure and CO2 in the bottle after a few days so that you get the nice head on the beer.
Anyway, I guess my "pinch" of sugar was more than a pinch. I went into our garage about a week later to check on it and most of the caps had blown off due to the pressure and "Guiness" was everywhere. You can only image what the cleanup was like trying get the stains off the concrete blocks on the sides and floor of the garage.
We live and learn.
Rub a Dub
who needs a press secretary when the president details what is happening every day to keep us informed?
i think he’s doing a very good job considering what is happening in the usa and the world..
Let’s be fair and say how these guys mishandled this. But it’s only Trump that gets beat up on. It’s total bs.
Yes, Trump, the Governor, the Mayor nor anyone else is to blame for this, anymore than George W, the Governor nor Mayor were responsible for 9/11.
But as President Harry Truman (I read) had a sign on his desk in the Oval Office ... "The Buck Stops Here".
But if you gloat about how well things are going, put on your MAGA hat and want to take full credit for it that's fine. But when things go south is can bite you in the ass and be blamed. You can't have it just one way.
Rub a Dub
what will the world be like once this pandemic is over?
the world has been through this before, in the form of the bubonic plague and it left changes to life still felt today, especially in regards to the economic system.
so many people dying meant a smaller working class that meant their skills and labour was suddenly more valuable which in turn raised wages.
I think in the long run the travel industry will take a huge hit and will take years if ever to recover.
Products such as Zoom have already make inroads into business travel, where many airlines and hotels make their profits. Companies will see that these products are not just conference call things but actually allow you to see all of the people in the room a mile away or on the other side of the earth, even transfer files.
Products like Go To Meeting have been around for many years but IMO not close to Zoom. You're looking at people and they are looking at you.
Once companies get used to this, it will reduce travel, especially international travel by who knows what percent. Why pay 5,000, 10,000 or more for one person on a long trip (airfare, hotel, local transportation, food, etc.) when they get used to setting up the meeting on-line and see everyone?
Just my thoughts.
Rub a Dub