He also said in years past that the SG saying smoking is dangerous was over blown and now he has stage 4 lung cancer.
At least he is not gloating anymore about how large the cigars he smokes are.
Rub a Dub
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
He also said in years past that the SG saying smoking is dangerous was over blown and now he has stage 4 lung cancer.
At least he is not gloating anymore about how large the cigars he smokes are.
Rub a Dub
i wish i had taped the snl show since it was the first one "live" since the contravirus thing began but i am sure they will play it again in a month or two.
i know a lot of people were anticipating how they could pull it off but they did, imo, a great job.
it was a real learning experience also for the entire production staff on how to pull this off with most people working from their homes and no live audience.
Over all I didn't think it was very good, in light of the circumstances maybe not surprising.
Finkelstein ...
Well, my comment was based on the "circumstances", you are correct. There is no way you can have vibe and interaction with the cast and audience when you are looking into penny-sized camera alone in a room. But again, for what they were trying to accomplish with what they had, I think they did a great job.
I also really liked one of the jokes on Weekend Update --- Michael Che --- about the Professor at some State University this week using the "N" word about some of his students in class. Che is the only one (a black guy) who could get away with it when he said, "In defense of the professor, those guys were pretty lazy."
I laughed.
Rub a Dub
it was amusing the other evening on the local news to see the increase of drinking due likely to people having to basically stay at home.. the news crew went out on recycle day in a couple of areas during the week.
they showed the general neighborhoods (but not the specific houses).
the reporter walked down the street and looked into the recycle bins.
NZ is different again. Most bottle stores selling spirits are closed
Black Sheep ...
Yes, I am sure NZ is far more civilized than here in the US.
Here, it would not be a matter of "if" they would empty your store overnight, but "when" and which method they would use (break in through a window, hijack a car and smash through the front of the building, take a pickup truck, smash the front of the building and while they're at it, take the ATM machine, whatever).
We find ways to be creative here.
Rub a Dub
i wish i had taped the snl show since it was the first one "live" since the contravirus thing began but i am sure they will play it again in a month or two.
i know a lot of people were anticipating how they could pull it off but they did, imo, a great job.
it was a real learning experience also for the entire production staff on how to pull this off with most people working from their homes and no live audience.
I wish I had taped the SNL show since it was the first one "live" since the contravirus thing began but I am sure they will play it again in a month or two. I know a lot of people were anticipating how they could pull it off but they did, IMO, a great job. It was a real learning experience also for the entire production staff on how to pull this off with most people working from their homes and no live audience. They even had Tom Hanks who is recovering from it at his home hosting the show.
One of the best parts (IMO) was Colin Jost (Weekend Update Guy) trying to train people to use Zoom. I could only think of people at the KH trying to learn! He has about a dozen people in the class on the screen each in their respective homes. If you have ever worked in IT or a call center trying to help people you would really appreciate it. Trying to tell people to push one key and they press another, etc.
And then one woman starts undressing not realizing her camera is on, Colin yelling "stop, stop, we can see you!". Another woman taking her laptop to the bathroom, putting it on the floor and starting to pull her pants down to sit on the toilet. Again, Colin yelling at her to stop and then just closing his eyes and shaking his head.
The funniest (IMO) was Kate McKinnon getting her face in the camera and holding up a sheet of toilet paper complaining that her husband only gives her one sheet when she goes to the bathroom. She screams, "I need 3 sheets to get the goop out". Then she said " I still had go outside and clean my ass with a garden hose in the driveway ........ it went viral!"
Anyway, if you do watch the show and missed this one, be sure to watch it when they show it again.
Rub a Dub
it was amusing the other evening on the local news to see the increase of drinking due likely to people having to basically stay at home.. the news crew went out on recycle day in a couple of areas during the week.
they showed the general neighborhoods (but not the specific houses).
the reporter walked down the street and looked into the recycle bins.
They are not taking into account that those people who are drinking more, are not drinking more, but are drinking at home instead of pubs, bars, and other locations.
Tameria ...
That's the reasoning you, Simon and others have mentioned.
I guess I'm cheap but I tend to drink more at home. I don't know, $5 for a bottle of beer (maybe 2x1 drafts at around $4 on happy hour) is a bit much.
At home, my wife does her Stella Artois thing and I am all over the place with Leffe, Blue Moon or IPA's. A 12 pack is around $15 here, less than $1.25 per bottle.
A decent wine for $6-$8 for a bottle is about that much for a glass away from home.
About $25 for a 1.75 liter of Stoli vodka, Bacardi Rum, Johnny Walker Scotch, etc. And that doesn't include coupons that you can get a few bucks off at some of the bigger places like Total Wine. Figure about 40 jiggers (1.5 oz) in a 1.75 liter bottle and you do the math on what that bottle is worth if you were doing mixed drinks out.
Yea, I like to go out to a pub/bar when if it involves friends. But at least in our case, it's probably like one or maybe two times a month. OK, OK, call me cheap.
Rub a Dub
some light entertainment ... there are apparently 39 beatles songs hidden in the picture, but depending on how to interpret some of them you may come up with more.. please post one each, to give everyone a go, and describe where the song is in the picture (so it's not just coming up with a list of beatles songs).
also, check for existing answers - i'll post summaries to show the ones already identified.. .
Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds
Top of picture towards the middle next to the flag with a crown/tiara on her head.
Rub a Dub
it was amusing the other evening on the local news to see the increase of drinking due likely to people having to basically stay at home.. the news crew went out on recycle day in a couple of areas during the week.
they showed the general neighborhoods (but not the specific houses).
the reporter walked down the street and looked into the recycle bins.
It was amusing the other evening on the local news to see the increase of drinking due likely to people having to basically stay at home.
The news crew went out on recycle day in a couple of areas during the week. They showed the general neighborhoods (but not the specific houses). The reporter walked down the street and looked into the recycle bins. It was very interesting to see that about half of the bins were literally full of wine bottles and beer cans and bottles. They went to a middle class type of area and then to a more upscale area (Coral Gables) and the results were pretty much the same; tons of bottles and cans. One house (the people were probably anal) had 4 or 5 12-packs of beer. They saved the containers they came in and nicely stacked all the empties back into containers. It was hilarious to see.
If you want hard liquor here, you still have to go out of your house and go to a liquor store. But the last time I went to the supermarket (about 2 weeks ago), about 3 out of 4 in line had food and one or more 12 packs of beer. But since more and more people here are using home delivery services (as my wife insists on), you can get your beer and wine along with any food when you order from the supermarkets. So there is no need to leave your house unless you need rum, scotch,vodka or something.
I bet the booze business is booming everywhere due to the covid-19.
Rub a Dub
i support local and state and federal government’s power to safeguard the public.
i wonder is it getting to a point where we will be told we can’t go out anymore, can’t use your phone or computer anymore because of the viruses that we can get, etc.
are we prolonging this virus at all ?
road to nowhere ...
If people as going crazy locked in their homes, imagine if they closed the liquor stores. Come on, there would be riots in the streets.
I am actually starting a new thread on that topic They had a news story the other evening on the local news and they were walking through several streets on recycle day and without showing the actual homes, were showing what people had in their recycle bins on collection day. You would not believe the amount of empty beer and wine bottles. It was like every other house had 80% filled with these bottles and cans. They still don't allow home delivery of hard liquor (you have to go there physically) here in Florida (at least in South Florida) but you can order whatever you want from the foods stores (beer and wine) and have it delivered.
If was quite an entertaining news report.
Rub a Dub
i say it tramples on the free market!
if a person gets botulism, e.coli or trichonosis, they'll just stop buying that brand!
let the market decide i say.
For what it's worth, I want my food inspected by someone. The FDA, USDA, CIA, NAACP or whomever.
I have no problem with it.
Rub a Dub
every single news item, on every single news channel, and the majority of threads on this site, for the past three weeks seem to be either directly or indirectly related to covid-19.
is nothing else happening in the world?
has putin stopped slaughtering syrian civilians?
Problem now is we're stuck with the crappiest (see what I did there LOL) flimsiest paper ever!
3rdgen ...
Yea, some of the stuff we bought seemed more like a slippery newspaper. I got flashbacks to the first time I went to England many years ago and they had this stuff called Medicated toilet paper. It didn't absorb anything. It was like using a sheet of wax paper.
Rub a Dub