jp1692 ...
Ok, Ok, you caught me.
I'm really not moving to the dark side. I was just trying to stick up for Trump and score some points here. I've been on the losing side lately.
Rub a Dub
recognizing that their states have one integrated regional economy, delaware governor john carney, new york governor andrew m. cuomo, new jersey governor phil murphy, connecticut governor ned lamont, pennsylvania governor tom wolf, and rhode island governor gina raimondo today announced the creation of a multi-state council to restore the economy and get people back to work.
this announcement builds on the states’ ongoing regional approach to combatting the covid-19 pandemic.. the coordinating group – comprised of one health expert, one economic development expert and the respective chief of staff from each state — will work together to develop a fully integrated regional framework to gradually lift the states’ stay at home orders while minimizing the risk of increased spread of the virus..
meanwhile on the west coast:.
jp1692 ...
Ok, Ok, you caught me.
I'm really not moving to the dark side. I was just trying to stick up for Trump and score some points here. I've been on the losing side lately.
Rub a Dub
recognizing that their states have one integrated regional economy, delaware governor john carney, new york governor andrew m. cuomo, new jersey governor phil murphy, connecticut governor ned lamont, pennsylvania governor tom wolf, and rhode island governor gina raimondo today announced the creation of a multi-state council to restore the economy and get people back to work.
this announcement builds on the states’ ongoing regional approach to combatting the covid-19 pandemic.. the coordinating group – comprised of one health expert, one economic development expert and the respective chief of staff from each state — will work together to develop a fully integrated regional framework to gradually lift the states’ stay at home orders while minimizing the risk of increased spread of the virus..
meanwhile on the west coast:.
(Here is what I put into another thread but I think it is applicable here):
I'm generally not a Trump fan but I do agree with him that things that affect the entire country should be handled in a centralized manner. Trump is stating that he will dictate when the States can open up again. Many governors, Dems and Reps, are fighting that saying that they have the power, not the President.
Of course, the Constitution puts a great deal of power in the hands of each State. But I agree with him on how these Governors want to dictate how each of their fiefdoms work. So to get anything done, you currently have to appease 50 different Governors. China would never accept that. If they want to get something done on a national level, it is dictated from the top.
The same applies to other national issues such as elections. Having 50 separate "national" elections just doesn't make sense when a President is being chosen to represent the entire country. Have one national election and that is it.
Many times I do not agree with Trump but I agree with him in that States have too much power in the national scenario and constitutionally should be limited. Let the States dictate local issues, not national ones. Trump said, "I'm the President" and that he has to right to overrule the Governors (which technically he cannot do constitutionally but should).
Rub a Dub
i'm generally not a trump fan but i do agree that things that affect the entire country should be handled in a centralized manner.
trump is stating that he will dictate when the states can open up again.
many governors, dems and reps, are fighting that saying that they have the power, not the president.
I'm generally not a Trump fan but I do agree that things that affect the entire country should be handled in a centralized manner. Trump is stating that he will dictate when the States can open up again. Many governors, Dems and Reps, are fighting that saying that they have the power, not the President.
Of course, the Constitution puts a great deal of power in the hands of each State. But I agree with him on how these Governors want to dictate how each of their fiefdoms work. So to get anything done, you currently have to appease 50 different Governors. China would never accept that. If they want to get something done on a national level, it is dictated from the top.
The same applies to other national issues such as elections. Having 50 separate "national" elections just doesn't make sense when a President is being chosen to represent the entire country. Have one national election and that is it.
Many times I do not agree with Trump but I think States have too much power in the national scenario and constitutionally should be limited. Let the States dictate local issues, not national ones. Trump said, "I'm the President" and that he has to right to overrule the Governors (which technically he cannot do constitutionally but should be able to do).
Rub a Dub
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
I used to listen to Rush Limbaugh way back in the day ... But in those days he was more of a general reporter and commentator on the news.
Juan ...
I could not agree more. I used to listen to him on and off "back in the day" and found him somewhat entertaining. He was at times funny, played some parodies, etc.
I remember sitting in a parking lot at a client's location, having a late lunch in the car, when he reported that he was checking into therapy for his Opioid addiction. I can tell you, after he returned, he came back angry and it has only gotten worse ever since. I am not sure what he is angry at, maybe himself, but he has definitely become an angry, miserable person.
I may tune in for an hour or so once a week, but that's about it. Just like Hannity, angry men, no longer entertaining. Why even listen when it is just anger and you know what they are going to say. No real analysis, perspective, or a novel point of view, just anger.
But some people continue to like it.
Rub a Dub
well as usual, the watchtower wants to make sure the rank & file keep the money coming in.
even if the jw's have nothing to eat.. 2020-04-10--congregation donations by electronic funds transfer.
Then your Doomed! Remember, the "stash" is "Confidential" and there for "medical" purposes.
Atlantis ...
You got it! If I ever got questioned, I would tell them that if I was in a situation of needing a unit of blood, they can just substitute a unit of Johnny Walker instead. Blood is forbidden, but the Apostle Walker is a conscience matter.
Also, thanks for the latest files.
Rub a Dub
well as usual, the watchtower wants to make sure the rank & file keep the money coming in.
even if the jw's have nothing to eat.. 2020-04-10--congregation donations by electronic funds transfer.
If I dare tell them how much liquor I have "in reserve" they will probably want me to send most of it Walkill as a loving provision in caring for those taking the lead among us.
Rub a Dub
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
After all the goofy and just plain wrong things he's said about the Covid-19 .... you would think he would be embarrassed and perhaps stick to topics he understands.
TD ...
I agree. But I think he could still squeeze a couple weeks worth of shows out of Hillary's email server and bleaching the hard drives. Then add a could weeks of Hunter Biden and he's got a month's worth of stuff to regurgitate.
Rub a Dub
i listen to rush most days for entertainment.
i agree with him on some issues and disagree on others.
but today he said something i believe is an out and out lie.
He also said in years past that the SG saying smoking is dangerous was over blown and now he has stage 4 lung cancer.
At least he is not gloating anymore about how large the cigars he smokes are.
Rub a Dub
i wish i had taped the snl show since it was the first one "live" since the contravirus thing began but i am sure they will play it again in a month or two.
i know a lot of people were anticipating how they could pull it off but they did, imo, a great job.
it was a real learning experience also for the entire production staff on how to pull this off with most people working from their homes and no live audience.
Over all I didn't think it was very good, in light of the circumstances maybe not surprising.
Finkelstein ...
Well, my comment was based on the "circumstances", you are correct. There is no way you can have vibe and interaction with the cast and audience when you are looking into penny-sized camera alone in a room. But again, for what they were trying to accomplish with what they had, I think they did a great job.
I also really liked one of the jokes on Weekend Update --- Michael Che --- about the Professor at some State University this week using the "N" word about some of his students in class. Che is the only one (a black guy) who could get away with it when he said, "In defense of the professor, those guys were pretty lazy."
I laughed.
Rub a Dub
it was amusing the other evening on the local news to see the increase of drinking due likely to people having to basically stay at home.. the news crew went out on recycle day in a couple of areas during the week.
they showed the general neighborhoods (but not the specific houses).
the reporter walked down the street and looked into the recycle bins.
NZ is different again. Most bottle stores selling spirits are closed
Black Sheep ...
Yes, I am sure NZ is far more civilized than here in the US.
Here, it would not be a matter of "if" they would empty your store overnight, but "when" and which method they would use (break in through a window, hijack a car and smash through the front of the building, take a pickup truck, smash the front of the building and while they're at it, take the ATM machine, whatever).
We find ways to be creative here.
Rub a Dub