That's an idiotic notion - are people really meant to emigrate if unfair rules are imposed on them?
In a pure democracy, yes. The majority rule, they dictate what the rules are. Who decides what is unfair?
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.1 beta)
some towns in massachusetts are fining people 1000 dollars for not wearing a mask 😷 outdoors.
starting wednesday, the governor mandates everyone from 2 years of age up, must wear a mask or get a 300 dollar fine!.
of course some governors are recommending that you rat out anyone that doesn’t follow their orders.. i don’t like it!👎🏿.
That's an idiotic notion - are people really meant to emigrate if unfair rules are imposed on them?
In a pure democracy, yes. The majority rule, they dictate what the rules are. Who decides what is unfair?
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.1 beta)
some towns in massachusetts are fining people 1000 dollars for not wearing a mask 😷 outdoors.
starting wednesday, the governor mandates everyone from 2 years of age up, must wear a mask or get a 300 dollar fine!.
of course some governors are recommending that you rat out anyone that doesn’t follow their orders.. i don’t like it!👎🏿.
when the powers-that-be were telling people a month earlier that masks did nothing, shouldn't be worn and shouldn't be purchased ... fuck them and their stupid laws ....They have no right to make such rules or to take people's money in such an economically uncertain time.
Simon ....
C'mon man.
I don't understand when you say, and I quote, " They have no right to make such rules" ... YES THEY DO.
People choose to live in a place, vote (possibly) and put a government into place. Every year, millions of people move to other countries. I could have moved to Canada or Brazil many years ago in my job, but chose to stay here in the US. I weighed all the options and stayed here.
Do I like everything, absolutely not. But if I choose to live in this country, I can't really say that they don't have the right to make decisions. It is a choice people make. If people don't like choices, then a move to North Korea or other totalitarian regimes may be an option. If people don't like where they live, then I say "don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out." People should find somewhere better. I personally think about someday retiring in Costa Rica. Seems like a very nice place for us. I don't know.
But saying the government doesn't have the right to do what it wants to do when people vote to have representatives in authority to make these decisions makes no sense to me.
You ask for it, you got it. Vote, don't vote, whatever. There are many countries that would welcome our USD/CND money.
Rub a Dub (ver 2.1 beta)
video conferencing systems are being installed in kingdumb halls.
this is being charged to the congregations.. the ability to video conference, zoom, directly from the halls will now be the thing.. i believe that the current situation has given the wts an idea.. if there are two kingdom halls in an area, then one can be sold.. congregations will split the use, half using the hall one week and zooming the next and visa versa..
If the video conference thing works well, then the mid-week meetings at KH's could be done away with. With the closing of many KH's and people having to drive extended distances, a once a week Sunday/Saturday at the KH is all that would be needed.
Rub a Dub
some towns in massachusetts are fining people 1000 dollars for not wearing a mask 😷 outdoors.
starting wednesday, the governor mandates everyone from 2 years of age up, must wear a mask or get a 300 dollar fine!.
of course some governors are recommending that you rat out anyone that doesn’t follow their orders.. i don’t like it!👎🏿.
We should not be critical of the outward appearance of others. We are created in God's image.
But due to our inherent imperfections, it may be well to wear a mask so as not to offend or stumble others.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.0)
20/20 (this year's) hindsights, reading between the lines:.
par 7-10. hanna's infertility: problem?
go to the organisation for help; the center of worship, shilo, to eli and his sons.
We have our weekend show late on Saturday afternoon. I was happified by the week's content.
Rub a Dub
video conferencing systems are being installed in kingdumb halls.
this is being charged to the congregations.. the ability to video conference, zoom, directly from the halls will now be the thing.. i believe that the current situation has given the wts an idea.. if there are two kingdom halls in an area, then one can be sold.. congregations will split the use, half using the hall one week and zooming the next and visa versa..
lastman ...
I'm not sure what installing video conferencing systems means or could mean.
A cheap laptop now has video conferencing (camera, microphone) installed on it. So does the cheapest phone.
A nice corporate conference room has as interactive system with a camera and a unidirectional microphone pointed at each seat.
Just saying, a wide range of possibilities there.
Rub a Dub (ver 2.0)
good day believing brothers and sisters, .
i have to inform about latest information concerning the set up of a global authority.
we have waited un to be empowered.
These are interesting thoughts on a controversial matter.
Thank you.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.0)
good day believing brothers and sisters, .
i have to inform about latest information concerning the set up of a global authority.
we have waited un to be empowered.
This is the new Rub, (Version 2.0), to not offend anyone or be controversial.
But the earlier versions of Rub would have had a field day this this guy/topic.
So goes progress.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.0)
i think it’s time for business to reopen and let’s get the economy going again!
what say you??
I think things should reopen.
Rub a Dub (ver. 2.0)
miss piggy was thrown out of the zoom meeting because she was showing to much cleavage.. her way out she grabbed the co's briefcase and gave him the finger. miss piggy jumped into her hot rod and is delivering all the co's secret documents to the neighborhood. you are on the email list, these documents are already in your email.
so just keep eating your buttered popcorn.2020-04-27--broadcasting meetings2020- information notice of broadcasting congregation meetings2020-notice of broadcasting2020-information on broadcasting congregation meetingspetra!.
Please include me on email list.
Many, many thanks.
Rub a Dub