I have stuff back to the 50's (and some stuff in the 40's); bound volumes, books, etc.
When you have had a lot of old relatives in the Trooft, you end up with piles of stuff. I have at least five large boxes of stuff. At some point in time, if I ever move again, it will go on ebay for the cost of shipping if anyone really gives a crap about old stuff.
I can't tell you how many of those "pieces" of the NWT I have thrown away when they were publishing parts of the Bible a piece at a time. I remember my parents had a complete copy of the bible they had taped together. It was like 5 or 6 parts until it was finally put all together and on better paper in the "Green Bible", the one with the dinosaur in the front cover (the one that all of us kids colored all of the parts in).
How many copies of Let God Be True, Everlasting Life, Equipped for Every Good Work and other stuff do you need after awhile?
Rub a Dub