The fat people get fatter and the thin ones get thinner. I also noticed the people who are most out of shape are never in a gym
LongHairGal ...
what do you think about this?.
The fat people get fatter and the thin ones get thinner. I also noticed the people who are most out of shape are never in a gym
LongHairGal ...
what do you think about this?.
gyms (which will reduce the number of morbidly obese people that are morbidly susceptible to coronavirus at its worst)
WTWizard ...
Your premise is correct but in reality, when wife and I go to the gym, there are very few morbidly obese people that I ever see. In an odd way, most people l see at the gym really don't need to be there. It's the ones that aren't there that should be there.
Does that make sense?
he reinterated the end time events.
destruction of babylon the great, proclamation of peace and security, then our hailstorm message and finally armageddon.
we all can go into detail what a load of 💩 this is but here is the kicker.
Yes folks ... to those who have responded.
Babylon "fell" in some year around 1918 (please don't make me look up the date, which makes no sense anyway).
Then, the League of Nations (image of the wild beast) would be "was, but is not, but was" and then emerge as the United Nations or whatever the verse says.
So the UN has to destroy all "false" religion then the UN/Nations will attack "God's People" ... or something to that effect. That brings on the Great Tribulation. Somehow Gog of Magog factors in somehow but I was never sure if Gog and Company were a separate force or mercenaries or something working with the UN. Maybe I missed that part of the Babylon book we studied so many times. I was but a child at the time.
Personally, I think those who attack Islam will have their hanging down parts handed back to them in a jar and told to go home.
in his interview with charlamagne tha god , he said just that.
you cannot make this stuff up..
I agree.
in his interview with charlamagne tha god , he said just that.
you cannot make this stuff up..
Not to be political, but I see little for Biden to gain at this point coming out of his bunker. Going head to head with any incumbent is tough, especially under these unique circumstances.
I think there will be a Biden barrage of campaigning in Sept and Oct on all types of media. You have a lot more to shoot at in missteps made by anybody with more time behind you.
besides growing up in the religion, why do you think people turn to jehovah’s witnesses?
what made you become a witness?
I'm a 4th gen born in, but I think many become JW's since they are in a very difficult time in their lives.
They pray and pray and pray, and then someone knocks on the door.
It may be a JW at the door ... a person from the post office delivering a package ... someone offering to put a new roof on their house ... whatever.
That's just how it is rationalized that God sent the person in the darkest time of need.
In a few weeks, the person will be at the KH, delivering packages, or putting new shingles on someone's roof.
f. w. franz "times in which we are particularly interested" may 11, 1975. ;introduced by kenneth a. little, a much younger man than now for sure.. the clip is 8 minutes.. unfortunately, some idiot recorded over part of this day many years ago.
i am hoping to find another copy in the box..
Fred Franz argued for 1974 inside the GB, and he wanted to publish a revised chronology ... they were tired of his tinkering ... enough fallout from 1975 already, without adding more fuel to the fire.
slimboyfat ...
Yes, from what I can remember, they went into "damage control" in the early 1970's. The "just in case" thing came out, as I can remember, around 1972/1973 or so when the new "extension" of time in which you had to add the time that Eve was created to the original 6,000 years or something like that.
f. w. franz "times in which we are particularly interested" may 11, 1975. ;introduced by kenneth a. little, a much younger man than now for sure.. the clip is 8 minutes.. unfortunately, some idiot recorded over part of this day many years ago.
i am hoping to find another copy in the box..
I'm still under the radar for some family issues and still connected to some "lifers" in the Borg / Bethel.
I remember when Freddie F was at our house once for lunch or dinner or something when he gave a talk in our congregation when they did the Saturday night / Sunday talk thing.
I was probably about 10 or 12 at the time. He pulled me aside and said (not an exact quote, but very close) ... "Rub a Dub, don't think about 1975 ... it's really 1974 ... there are likely some miscalculations in the actual number of months."
I will never forget that. He was so sincere. An odd little man, but sincere. You could see it in his eyes.
He really liked roasted lamb and red wine. I remember when he asked for refills of red wine, he referred to it as "coffee" ... lol.
he reinterated the end time events.
destruction of babylon the great, proclamation of peace and security, then our hailstorm message and finally armageddon.
we all can go into detail what a load of 💩 this is but here is the kicker.
He said we need to be totally engaged in the ministry now if not how are we going to muster of the strength to deliver the hailstorm message
nowwhat ...
It is just a matter of finding a good hailstorm link and pasting it into an email when doing e-witnessing.
I'm sure there are some good hailstorm, fire and sulfur, and natural disaster stuff links out there to "prove" that the end is so close.
hi guys,.
it's been a while since i posted here, but i feel like posting again.. it's hard sometimes to find the energy to post here after i expend all my time working a full time job and pretending i care about the wt$ at the same time.. i've been trying to slowly wake my girlfriend up ever since i first posted here, and i must say it is a long waiting game that i am playing right now.
almost all my efforts are dismissed and i've been slowly losing hope.. anyways, what i meant to really post here today is about old publications.. honestly anything that has to do with the watchtower and jdubs, as of recently makes me feel like vomiting.
I have stuff back to the 50's (and some stuff in the 40's); bound volumes, books, etc.
When you have had a lot of old relatives in the Trooft, you end up with piles of stuff. I have at least five large boxes of stuff. At some point in time, if I ever move again, it will go on ebay for the cost of shipping if anyone really gives a crap about old stuff.
I can't tell you how many of those "pieces" of the NWT I have thrown away when they were publishing parts of the Bible a piece at a time. I remember my parents had a complete copy of the bible they had taped together. It was like 5 or 6 parts until it was finally put all together and on better paper in the "Green Bible", the one with the dinosaur in the front cover (the one that all of us kids colored all of the parts in).
How many copies of Let God Be True, Everlasting Life, Equipped for Every Good Work and other stuff do you need after awhile?
Rub a Dub